The actors parents must have written the other reviews
15 June 2020
I am usually one to enjoy a bad horror movie, but this film has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Doleac strolls around with an East London/South African accent that waivers in and out, making him one of the most annoying characters within the piece.

The rest are insipid and tiresome, and frankly it's more of a sweet relief when they start getting picked off.

It was nice to see that they didn't waste budget on high tech filming, or high end music, favouring perhaps one of the actor's children who is currently studying film and learning how to play a synthesiser.

This "borrows" plot lines at will, and clumsily clumps them together, in a fairly poor and semi cohesive manner.

At some points, the film tries to be edgy, but again, fails miserably, leaving the audience wishing that they had never started watching.

So... all in all, even if you like bad horror movies this is one to avoid.
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