Not doing Christianity any favors
18 June 2015
Yeah, it's a bad movie, but I was expecting something entertaining. Not like, "pretentious" bad. There's not really any message within "God's Not Dead", just an assortment of validated stereotypes. And even though the film seemingly debates the existence of an all-powerful being, it's really more concerned with extraneous side characters and the shoehorning of reality stars and a rock band. Kevin Sorbo's playing a personified strawman (before going full-on bad guy), which should give you an idea just how seriously this movie treats the philosophical subject matter. What made it hard to stomach was the syrupy tone; it felt a lot like "Crash", and that's the last thing I need with a movie about God.

But its real crime is the horrible pacing; an interminable two hours. This thing's a trainwreck.

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