Review of Lloyd

Lloyd (2001)
I can't believe it is not more popular
11 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First, the plot: Lloyd (Todd Bosley) is a lonely boy who is bullied and gets called ugly. His one and only friend is Troy (Brendon Ryan Barrett) and he is madly in love with Tracey (Kristen Parker), a girl in his class. Lloyd tries everything to get to her to like him, including writing a note to her and trying to impress her with dance moves outside her house, or should i say, someone else's house.

I really don't understand understand why this is so under rated. It is definitely one of the most under rated comedies i have seen. It is filled with scenes that have you in stitches. The plot is very simple but it does not stop it from being entertaining. Lloyd is a bitter sweet family comedy about friendship and growing up.

People need to give this film a chance. If you have not seen it, give it a watch.
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