Review of Event Horizon

Event Horizon (1997)
An intelligent scary ride.
16 July 2006
This is actually one of my favorite horror movies. It is smart, scary, and yes, even a little disturbing at times. While some of the ideas behind the science are absurd, that is why it's called science-"fiction".

The cast does a good job in their roles, and the setting for the movie is dark, creepy, and perfectly done.

I have read several bad reviews in these comments, and I have seen basically two categories of such. One is that the science involved is ridiculous. This is a movie. A horror movie. A horror movie on a spaceship in the future. I think it's time to suspend your disbelief and enjoy the movie.

The second complaint I have been reading is even worse. That the movie is too scary and disturbing! I don't think I have EVER sat down to watch a scary movie and been upset that it was...scary. Perhaps the movie was accidentally placed in the children's section.

Regardless, the movie is fun and scary. Exactly what most people look for in a scary movie. I highly suggest renting this gem and enjoying it for what it is: One of the better horror movies of the late 90's.
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