... Food. labeling. regulations. and. food. safety. Food packaging and labeling comes under regional legislation with the main aim to pro- mote food safety and fend off false advertisements. A food label is an informative mark/tag or brand,�...
... food safety prac- tices and to offer assistance to industry and consumers on practices that pro- mote food safety . The U.S. recognizes the regulated industry as a stakeholder and as the party principally responsible for food safety�...
... food and nutrition. In a legal sense the right to food can be used by one branch of a country's government to compel other branches to pro- mote food and nutrition security, as happened in India in 2003 (see Box 36.1) or it can be used�...
... mote food security . ( 2 ) COORDINATION WITH INTERNATIONAL GOALS . In accordance with applicable law , the Secretary of State shall ensure that the comprehensive strategy described in para- graph ( 1 ) contributes to achieving the Mil�...
... Food and Fitness – Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Children and Young People in Wales ' [ 9 ] ... mote food safety , launched a campaign titled ' Stop the Spread ' in an attempt to address the obesity epi- demic in�...
... mote food to children. The guidelines provide criteria for marketing food to children in a manner that does not undermine children's diets or harm their health. We hope the guidelines will be helpful to parents, school officials�...
... mote food intake and reduce systemic energy expenditure . On the other hand , the neuronal pathways which co - express cocaine- and amphetamine - regulated transcript ( CART ) and pro - opiomelanocortin ( POMC ) neurons suppress�...
... mote food security for water-scarce countries, such as Saudi Arabia. This water budget showed that it is far more practical and economi- cal not to transport water to the interior of the country to grow food locally, but rather to transport�...
... food stimuli in recovered women, compared to both controls and ill patients, and increased dorsal ACC activation ... mote food intake (e.g., ghrelin and neuropeptide-Y) in patients with AN, compared to controls (Favaro, Monteleone�...
... food processors and trading stamp companies are substantial suppliers of these pieces . Types of Promotion The ... mote food products . Non foods are featured in about 14 percent of all pieces displayed in the store , but more than�...