"Abd ar-Rahman II" -wikipedia from
... Abd ar Rahman II, son of al-Hakam I and a woman named Halaweh (“Sweet”). Abd ar- Rahman II was born in Tulaytulah (Toledo) and was considered a generous and liberal man who was quite fond of poetry and music. He grew to be a cultured�...
"Abd ar-Rahman II" -wikipedia from
... Abd - ar - Rahman II . 196 Abd - ar - Rahman III . 196 Bathurst , earl , 231 Baudin , 245 Beccaria , 71 Bello , abbot de , 171 Chaundeler , Roger , 169 Fairfax , 178 Cheke , sir John , 176 Fatima , 197 Cherbuliez , 76 Febrer , 199�...
"Abd ar-Rahman II" -wikipedia from
... Abd-ar-Rahman II. 822-852 5. Muhammad I. 852-886 6. Al-Mundhir 886-888 7. Abd-Allah 888-912 8. Abd-ar- Rahman III. 912-961 He was one of the greatest of the rulers of Cordova. Under this prince, who at last assumed the title of Khalif�...
"Abd ar-Rahman II" -wikipedia from
... Abd ar - Rahman II brings peace and order to C�rdoba . 832-848 He enlarges the Great Mosque at C�rdoba . Forms close diplomatic ties with the Byzan- tine court . The Emperor sends Byzantine craftsmen to assist in the decoration of the�...
"Abd ar-Rahman II" -wikipedia from
... Abd ar - Rahman II founded Munyat an - Nasr , which later housed the Iraqi singer Ziryāb and subsequently became the favorite country seat of Abd Allah ( fig . 2.42.11 ) .69 And the vizier of. 68 Makki and Corriente 2001 , 184r�...
"Abd ar-Rahman II" -wikipedia from
... Abd - ar - Rahman ( ii ) 1888 1891 2 Years r Age ( Total : 18 ) 3 ( 1891-1902 : Nejd overrun by rival Sultans of Ha'il ; Abd - ar - Rahman and familyin exile in Kuwait until invasion led by his son Abd - al - Aziz . ) Abd - ar - Rahman�...
"Abd ar-Rahman II" -wikipedia from
... Abd ar - Rahman II had the mosque extended to the present - day Capilla de Villaviciosa ( Villaviciosa Chapel ) . In 961 El Hakam II built the mihrab , and in 987 , Al - Mansur added eight aisles ( with red - brick floors ) . Interior�...
"Abd ar-Rahman II" -wikipedia from
... Abd ar - Rahman II , emir of Cor- dova , 93 , 101-2 , 120-21 , 199 Abdallah , envoy of Harun al- Rashid , 87 Abdallah , son of Abd ar - Rahman I , 75 , 190 Abo , count , 93 Abraham , see Ibrahim Abul Aas , see Al - Hakam Abul Abaz�...
"Abd ar-Rahman II" -wikipedia from
... Abd - ar - rahman II . ben Al - Hakam 5. Muhammed ben Abd - ar - rahman 6. Al - Mondzer ben Muhammed 7. Abd - allah ben Muhammed 756 139 الرحمن الدخل 787 171 هشام بن عبد الرحمن 180 الحاكم بن هشام مرند Al - Modhaffer عبد 206 الرحمن بن�...
"Abd ar-Rahman II" -wikipedia from
... Abd - ar - rahman II . ben Al - Hakam Al - Modhaffer عبد 206 الرحمن بن الحاكم المظفر 238 محمد بن عبد الرحمن 273 المنذر بن محمد 276 عبد الله بن محمد عبد الرحمن 300 الناصر لدين الله 5. Muhammed ben Abd - ar - rahman 6. Al - Mondzer ben�...