Brenda Wynne

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Kate McGahan
“It's not the way they taught us. They didn't know the formula for love. One plus one actually equals one. 1+1=1.”
Kate McGahan, One Heart's Journey: Lyrics of an Imperfect Life

Kate McGahan
“Form follows thought.
Your intentions have wings
Which carry your life
To the very same things
That fill up your head.
You think you’ve no choice
Like you’ve been taken captive,
You obey the voice
Which over and over says things to you
It relentlessly chatters
Sometimes it will spew!
It’s goal to disarm you of thoughts
Pure and true.
It makes you a victim
You get stuck in it’s glue!
And it's all in your mind.”
Kate McGahan

Kate McGahan
“Last night I sat at dinner
And observed my family
Playing Hide and Seek all evening.
Today I woke and thought of you
About how real you’ve made my life…
The only condition? Love itself.
Tonight I weep
And think of how
I love and want and need you.
But I don't tell you. No.
I am too busy playing Hide and Seek
To let you know.”
Kate McGahan

Kate McGahan
“You don’t have to create a big heroic story for everything. You are already my hero.”
Kate McGahan

Kate McGahan
“I hope one day you learn
To love yourself
So that when someone says to you
The things you've said to me,
That you will be strong enough
In who you are
That it doesn't destroy you.”
Kate McGahan

year in books
Sunny Winn
0 books | 7 friends

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