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Rainer Maria Rilke
“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”
Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

Edna St. Vincent Millay
“Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.”
Edna St. Vincent Millay

Maya Angelou
“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”
Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou
“When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.”
Maya Angelou

Zelda Fitzgerald
“Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.”
Zelda Fitzgerald

year in books
11,500 books | 1,057 friends

13 books | 32 friends

Todd Smith
68 books | 90 friends

42 books | 158 friends

31 books | 43 friends

Helton ...
1 book | 25 friends

Norton ...
1 book | 12 friends

1 book | 11 friends

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