Cherry Doonan

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Malcolm X
“I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”
Malcolm X

Albert Einstein
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friedrich Nietzsche
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Robert Frost
“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
Robert Frost

year in books
Steve S...
79 books | 7 friends

Andrea ...
37 books | 33 friends

2 books | 45 friends

Paul Ma...
5 books | 132 friends

John Br...
0 books | 60 friends

Sabine ...
1 book | 35 friends

Ramona ...
0 books | 18 friends

David J...
0 books | 99 friends

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