Tuva Nyberg

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Holly Black
“Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It's disgusting, and I can't stop.”
― Holly Black, The Cruel Prince”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

“The development of cognition, motivation, and self-regulation does not end with adolescence; indeed, personality traits do not reach their maximum stability until the third or fourth decade of life. This suggests that life history strategies are partially open to revision for a large portion of the life course -possibly depending on factors such as success in mating and reproduction, major environmental fluctuations, or unexpected changes in health, wealth or status.”
Marco del Giudice, Evolutionary Psychopathology: A Unified Approach

Anthony Liccione
“It just takes little contentment to put fuel in a cynical heart.”
Anthony Liccione

“Love has the power to make a dead heart beat again.”
Wrushank Sorte

Gina  Chen
“Sometimes I want to kiss him and sometimes I want to ruin him, but most of the time, I want those actions to be one and the same.”
Gina Chen, Violet Made of Thorns

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