Trevor Niles

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Cal Newport
“The key is to obtain a proportional balance. Hard leads to fun. The more hardness you face, the more fun you will enjoy soon after.”
Cal Newport, Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout

Scott Young
“It’s more effortful to actively practice than to passively watch a video, so it’s easy to lean toward consumption rather than action.”
Scott Young, Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery

“You can also compare thinking to quicksand. The more that we fight our thinking, the more it amplifies the negative emotions and the worse it gets.”
Joseph Nguyen, Don't Believe Everything You Think

“The happiest people in life operate out of their imaginations and dreams, and not their histories.”
Ed Mylett, The Power of One More: The Ultimate Guide to Happiness and Success

Jon Tyson
“These rules are: Life is hard. You are not important. Your life is not about you. You are not in control. You are going to die.1 Sounds like wonderful news, right? Stick with me. These rules are all true, no matter how hard they might sound, and almost all cultures have had ways of helping men understand these rules—except modern culture. What does our culture tell us? Life should be easy, you’re important, your life is about you, you should try to control everything, and you can live forever. And as a result, all of that emphasis on the self and self-fulfillment produces an extended adolescence, where men never grow up or reach their full redemptive potential.”
Jon Tyson, The Intentional Father: A Practical Guide to Raise Sons of Courage and Character

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