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by Rebecca Jenshak (Goodreads Author)
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But He's My Roommate
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by Annah Conwell (Goodreads Author)
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Tarah DeWitt
“I believe that jumping in puddles is better than any fancy party, and I believe that I’ll fight for your love, for the honor of loving you, every day, for the rest of our lives. Let me do that, Farley Jones, and I promise to make you the happiest woman for as long as you’ll have me.”
Tarah Dewitt, Funny Feelings

Leah Brunner
“That’s the thing about trauma; once you feel like you’re safely back on land after treading water and managing not to drown, you get pulled right back out into the rough waters to do it all over again.”
Leah Brunner, House Mate

Mallory Marlowe
“Fine’ means spending three years alone, trying to heal without burdening anyone or forcing someone else to hold him up when he can’t stand on his own. ‘Fine’ feels so desperately lonely when he says it like that.”
Mallory Marlowe, Love and Other Conspiracies

Tarah DeWitt
“I don’t know what I believe in as far as a higher power, Fee, but I know that I now believe that rainstorms always precede something amazing because you came into our lives on the tail end of one.”
Tarah Dewitt, Funny Feelings

Tarah DeWitt
“Well, how interesting. Men are afraid of women being funnier than them, and women are afraid of, oh, I don’t know, being oppressed, beaten, raped, or killed by men. But look out! Funny chick here might follow you down an alley and make you chuckle without consent!”
Tarah Dewitt, Funny Feelings

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