Mʀ. Bʟᴏɴᴅᴇ

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“Satan hates you. But for the most part, he pays you no mind as long as you are entangled in sin and struggling with shame.”
Wendy Speake, The 40-Day Sugar Fast: Where Physical Detox Meets Spiritual Transformation

“One who asks the law to rule, therefore, is held to be asking god and intellect alone to rule, while one who asks man adds the beast. Desire is a thing of this sort; and spiritedness perverts rulers and the best men. Hence law is intellect without appetite.”
Aristotle, Politics

Sukant Ratnakar
“Political leaders are the reflection of our society.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

“Would anyone on earth seriously like to defend Abraham – the would-be child killer, the father who unquestioningly agreed to murder his own son because a voice told him to? How can any person on earth regard this person with anything other than the most extreme revulsion? He is not a “good” man. He is the worst man conceivable.”
Ranty McRanterson, Kill God!: The Hunt for the Cosmic War Criminal

Adam Weishaupt
“The Devil’s greatest trick isn’t getting you to think he doesn’t exist. Quite the reverse. It’s getting you to think he’s God and that you must obey him without question. Devil worshippers aren’t a rare exception in our world – they’re the norm.”
Adam Weishaupt, Abraham: The World's First Psychopath