52 Books in 52 Weeks (2011) discussion

Books Read > Week: 40

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message 1: by Yasmeen (new)

Yasmeen (yassoma) | 123 comments Mod
Book reviews for week 40.
Wow, can you believe there are only 12 more weeks to go?

message 2: by ɑƨħŵɑɡ ♥Team Magnus Damora FOREVER♥ (last edited Oct 19, 2011 12:18PM) (new)

ɑƨħŵɑɡ ♥Team Magnus Damora FOREVER♥ (unheard) | 40 comments I think I already passed my 52 books limit.. but I think I'll keep going till the end..

Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4) by Richelle Mead Blood Promise
Rating: ***/5

It might not be the best in the series but it holds some new insights to the characters.

my full review - CONTAINS SPOILERS

message 3: by Alhanouf (new)

Alhanouf (itshnf) | 54 comments Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Ugly Truth (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #5) by Jeff Kinney

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth by Jeff Kinney


Another funny diary. I liked it better than The Last Straw.

message 4: by Yasmeen (last edited Nov 08, 2011 09:57AM) (new)

Yasmeen (yassoma) | 123 comments Mod
After the Coup
After the Coup by John Scalzi

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Enjoyable little sci-fi story.

View all my reviews

message 5: by - (new)

- | 46 comments w00t only 12 more!! And congrats Ashwaq on completing the 52!

The Great Poets John Keats (Naxos Great Poets) by John Keats
The Great Poets John Keats
John Keats


I think this is the first book of poetry I've ever read in its entirety, Arabic or English (And yes, it's pretty short).

It's been pretty clear to me early in life that poetry is not my thing. I was however intrigued about Keats from the many references of him the in the amazing Hyperion series of scifi novels.

The poetry is beautiful, very beautiful. Sadly I'm not yet well equipped to realize the full extent of its majesty due to my inexperience in the format (and the technical orientation of my brain?). I did enjoy it, however, and I found it very tender. It reminded me of classical, pre-Islamic Arabic love poetry at times.

I listened to it as an audio book performed by Samuel West. He was fantastic.

message 6: by Kristina (last edited Nov 15, 2011 12:14PM) (new)

Kristina (kristinalawhead) The Gorgon in the Gully by Melina Marchetta

The Gorgon in the Gully by Melina Marchetta


I read this for a traveling book challenge that went all over the world. I thought it was a really cute middle grade book, the characters were funny and I could definitely relate to being that age.

message 7: by Raya (new)

Raya Al-Raddadi خلف أسوار الحرملك
عائشة الحشر


الكتاب جيد نوعا ما خاصة اذا علمنا انه من النادر أن يُخصص كتاب كامل عن وضع المرأة السعودية.
لكن لم يكن يناسبني كفتاة أعلم الكثير مما ذكرته وأعي جيداً مقاصد الكاتبة من توعية لبنات جنسها بحقوقهن التي سلبت باسم الأعراف والدين والذي هو حديث بدت أمل من سماعه مؤخراً .

أرى في بعض أمثلتها مبالغات لاتستحق تعميمها لمتوسط المرأة السعودية وبعض تلك الأمثلة قديم نوعاً ما وتم التخلي عنه منذ زمن. أعتقد أن حنقها الشديد على المجتمع وعلى الذكر وعلى رجال الدين كان جلياً في حديثها مما كان سببا في مجانبتها للموضوعية في مواضع عديدة. فقد كانت تسوق بعض الأقوال الشاذة و تعممها ،وفي أحيان أخرى تحاول ان تتمنطق في تفسيرها لبعض الأدلة تحمل سخرية مبطنة.

قد يناسب بعض الفئات التي تحتاج إلى توعية بحقوقها التي ألبست لباس الدين واقتنعت بقانونية أعراف المجتمع..يناسب تلك الفئة التي لاترى ضررا أن تتوقف حياتها على "رجل" قد يؤذيها وقد يسلبها -ببساطة- حياة تتمناها.
يناسب من لم تقرأ كفاية حول أوضاع وتعليم المرأة في القرن الواحد والعشرين!!

message 8: by Shayma (new)

Shayma (almightysush) | 45 comments The Lovely Bones The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

this was a really interesting book and i enjoyed it very much.

and i enjoyed seeing that perspective of the families grief and there morning i never read a book with that showed me that side of a families morning.

View all my reviews

message 9: by Johara (new)

Johara Almogbel | 71 comments Lullaby Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I finally figured out what it is about Chuck Palahniuk's books that bothered me so much. The narration. Most of everything else in the books I've read by him, Survivor, Lullaby, Tell-All, it was the narration that annoyed. More so in Tell-All, and least of all in Survivor, but in every book, no matter how interesting the plot surmise is, the voice telling the story bashed any enjoyment I had in the words. In this case, it was Carl Streator, a man investigating sudden infant deaths, and stumbling on a poem, 'the culling song', that put people to a painless death.

All in all, this wasn't a bad book. But I have yet to be dazzled by Palahniuk. Who knows? Maybe Fight Club will do it for me.

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message 10: by Rakan (new)

Rakan (rakanmsd) | 50 comments When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops? by George Carlin
When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops?
By George Carlin
Rating: 3.5/5

George Carlin will always be my favorite stand up comedian of all time. I laughed my way through every page in the book. Brilliant book.

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