Goodreads Reviewers' Group discussion

Author Chat > Book Swap For Review

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message 1: by Lee (last edited Dec 23, 2024 05:30AM) (new)

Lee Cushing | 22 comments I have over 70 book (most without reviews)

I am prepared to exchange review for review on any of my books.

Click on the link for a full list.
Thank you.

message 2: by Gina (new)

Gina LoBiondo (ginalob) | 6 comments Hi, Chip, wow! over 70 books! That's impressive? 😊👍🏻 Not sure if you're aware but book swaps are not allowed on Amazon, in case you were wanting to post on there. It's one of their rules and pretty asinine if you ask me. I have 2 reviewer friends who lost all the reviews they'd written because the algorithm decided they were friends with all the authors they reviewed! Of course you can do review swaps on Goodreads or any blogs, just not on Amazon.

Oh, and be careful with the trolls on here! The best way to spot them is no profile picture, account set to private and no friends or books listed. Also, any rating is usually 1 star. They will message you asking if you're still interested in a book review but not put the title. Then they'll tell you to email them at some bogus address because they aren't on GR often and can't download from Kindle or some other such nonsense!

Anyway, good luck with all your books and have a lovely holiday season! 😊

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