The Next Best Book Club discussion

TNBBC's Lists > Top 10 Titles (Not Books)

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message 1: by Joel (new)

Joel Dennstedt (joeldennstedtymailcom) What are your 10 favorite titles for books?
Understanding that some come from Shakespeare or the Bible, my favorite titles are:

1. The Winter of Our Discontent
2. Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander
3. A Chorus of Stones
4. Celebration of Discipline
5. Stranger in a Strange Land
6. The Waste Land
7. The English Patient
8. The Quiet American
9. Darkness Visible
10. Earth Abides

It's okay to post fewer.

message 2: by Kandice (new)

Kandice 1. The Joy Luck Club
2. A Winter's Tale
3. The Song of Troy
4. The Walking Dead
5. Pet Semetary
6. The Order of the Phoenix
7. The Virgin's Lover
8. The Wind Through the Keyhole
9. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
10. Little Altars Everywhere

message 3: by Joel (new)

Joel Dennstedt (joeldennstedtymailcom) Kandice wrote: "1. The Joy Luck Club
2. A Winter's Tale
3. The Song of Troy
4. The Walking Dead
5. Pet Semetary
6. The Order of the Phoenix
7. The Virgin's Lover
8. The Wind Through the Keyhole
9. Do Androids Drea..."

Oooh ... A Winter's Tale is great ... and number 9; as a SF Fan, one of the best! Brings back Ray Bradbury's Dandelion Wine (did I spell that right?) Thank you for participating Kandice .. I like your choices!

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

1. Gone With the Wind
2. The Peculiar Sadness of Lemon Cake
3. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
4. The Thirteenth Tale
5. Midnight is a Lonely Place
6. The Goblet of Fire
7. An Echo in the Bone
8. Just So Stories
9. A Game of Thrones
10. The Scorpio Races

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