Novels By Lee Child, including: Jack Reacher, Killing Floor (novel), Die Trying (novel), Running Blind (lee Child Novel), Echo Burning, Without Fail, Persuader (novel), The Enemy (novel), One Shot (novel), The Hard Way (novel), Bad Luck And Trouble
This topic is about Novels By Lee Child, including
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Archives - Fun Stuff > Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher?

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message 1: by Carol (new)

Carol | 27 comments I've been wondering if other fans of Lee Child's Jack Reacher are disappointed that Tom Cruise was chosen to play him in the new movie. I haven't seen the movie, and doubt that I will.

message 2: by Lesley (last edited Dec 16, 2012 12:46AM) (new)

Lesley Ann | 7 comments Here's a review from The Guardian's film critic that just about says it all.

I particularly like the line 'didn't he do well for a little fella.'

message 3: by Carol (new)

Carol | 27 comments Lesley Ann wrote: "Here's a review from The Guardian's film critic that just about says it all.

I particularly like the line 'didn't he do w..."

Excellent! I noted the line "Cruise produces as well as stars." I thought he might have bought his way into the project.

message 4: by Holly (new)

Holly Bush | 14 comments I have not seen the movie yet and haven't decided if I will. Cruise is a terrible choice for this role. I've wondered how all the internal thought in Reacher's head will be translated to the viewer unless they have Reacher telling the story as it happens. When I heard Cruise was the star, my mental love affair with Jack 'None' Reacher was effectively ended.

message 5: by Carol (new)

Carol | 27 comments My limited appreciation of Cruise dive-bombed when I saw him jumping on the couch of a talk show host. I know the actor's behavior should not affect my estimation of his work. But I've never been impressed by his "work" - he seems to be all image, so he should take care of it. It won't be restored by Jack Reacher - the character will suffer, I'm afraid. I wonder what Lee Child thinks?

message 6: by Anne (new)

Anne (spartandax) | 104 comments I could not see girly Cruise as Jack Reacher at all. They needed someone with grit and tough. Hollyweird just seems to ruin so many good books.

message 7: by Jane (new)

Jane | 121 comments I have just read my very first Jack Reacher (and the first one in the series). Tom Cruise does not fit my idea of Reacher. From the previews he appears to be recycling his Mission Impossible persona yet again.

message 8: by Holly (new)

Holly Bush | 14 comments Jane wrote: "I have just read my very first Jack Reacher (and the first one in the series). Tom Cruise does not fit my idea of Reacher. From the previews he appears to be recycling his Mission Impossible perso..."

I'm completely addicted to the books and more than a little in lust for Reacher. Don't tell my husband. Child writes some great, convoluted stories, part mystery, part spy, part military. I'm a little jealous you're just beginning your Reacher journey. :)

message 9: by Mary X (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) Casting Cruise as Reacher has just ruined the book series for me. I could get over them not casting a blond. But so much of the Reacher character is his height and bulk and Tom Cruise is this little shrimp. He's also too old to start the series. I think Reacher is only mid 30's when the books start and there's so many.

Plus I find Cruise to be one of the most annoying celebrities on the planet. And now I really hate him because I pictured him when listening to Echo Burning recently.

message 10: by Sharon (new)

Sharon (fiona64) | 168 comments Now you all know how I felt when Tom Hanks was cast as Robert Logan ...

message 11: by Holly (new)

Holly Bush | 14 comments Sharon wrote: "Now you all know how I felt when Tom Hanks was cast as Robert Logan ..."

I didn't read that book. Was the casting that bad?

message 12: by Lesley (new)

Lesley Ann | 7 comments Agree with Sharon about the Dan Brown character. Same thing with Bonfire of The Vanities and to add insult to injury, Bruce Willis cast as an English journalist. Yikes!

message 13: by Carol (new)

Carol | 27 comments When the starring actors are too big or too pretty, I suspect the story isn't good enough to hold my interest. But a popular series like the Reacher novels could have brought forward a totally new actor--one that fits the part. Boo.

message 14: by Lesley (last edited Dec 17, 2012 03:54AM) (new)

Lesley Ann | 7 comments And the authors just take the money and run. As would we all.
PS. Anyone out there looking to make an adventure movie, I just happen to have a book out called 'The Seventh Magpie' that would make a fantastic film. And I don't care who you cast. :)

message 15: by Mary X (last edited Dec 17, 2012 06:10AM) (new)

Mary X (marymaryalwayscontrary) Carol I totally agree. It should have been a tall actor that was fairly unknown. Also young enough to make a bunch of them if it's a hit. There's like 20 books. If they make more of these movies and say do one every 2 years-are we goign to see a 60 year old Tom Cruise playing a 40ish Jack Reacher?

(while Liam Neeson is tall and blonde, he's too old for this character as well).

message 16: by Lesley (new)

Lesley Ann | 7 comments Yeah. I thought those days were over, when we saw doddery old actors playing action heroes. It happened all the time in war movies such as The Guns of Navarone and what was risible then would be utterly ludicrous now. Is there no end to male vanity?

message 17: by Sharon (new)

Sharon (fiona64) | 168 comments Holly wrote: "I didn't read that book. Was the casting that bad? "


message 18: by Carol (new)

Carol | 27 comments In the same vein, what about the crime novels where the old PI always attracts a hot-looking girl? Wishful thinking on the author's part, I always think.

message 19: by KOMET (last edited Dec 17, 2012 07:11AM) (new)

KOMET | 853 comments Maybe Tom Cruise will amaze the critics (and moviegoers) with his performance as "Jack Reacher" in much the same way he did 20 years ago in "INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE." (Hope springs eternal.)

message 20: by Anne (new)

Anne (spartandax) | 104 comments Strange, with all the Reacher novels i have read, I did not realize he was a blonde. perhaps I read it, but I hate blonde hair(please don't get mad at me if you are a true blonde) and changed it to my favorite type of hero, black haired-LOL.

message 21: by Linton (new)

Linton Robinson | 3 comments I only read one Reacher book, not terribly impressed. Standard stuff, like many other such books.

But even I was shocked at this casting. Reacher is obviously a tall (Cruise is 5ft 7in), rangy, craggy kind of guy, not some pretty boy.
Scott Caan, Christian Bale, Max Martini, Mark Valley... hell even David Craig or Jason Stratham if they want a name.

Actually who comes to my mind is Rutget Hauer (picture Roy the replicant in Blade Runner)

BUT... gotta say, when Ian Fleming first heard Sean Connery would portray James Bond he was horrified. He saw Bond as a sleek, faceless bureacrat looking guy, not, as he put it, "This craggy Scot". But that worked out all right.

message 22: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Davie (kathydavie) | 45 comments Agree with Sharon about the Dan Brown character.
Yeah, I like Tom Hanks, but it just didn't work for me in this story.

As for Tom Cruise as Reacher...hyuck, hyuk, hyk, omigod. Ya'd think that with the popularity of the Reacher series that they could have pulled in a new, more realistic-appearing!! actor for this as Linton says...!

message 23: by L. Allen (new)

L. Allen Stovey (lallenstovey) | 33 comments Tom Cruise will be nothing like Jack Reacher in size or stature. However, the movie makers are going for the non-reader audience, and Tom Cruise will appeal to them.

message 24: by Jane (new)

Jane | 121 comments Washington Post movie review is tepid at best.

message 25: by Sharon (new)

Sharon (fiona64) | 168 comments Linton wrote: "BUT... gotta say, when Ian Fleming first heard Sean Connery would portray James Bond he was horrified. He saw Bond as a sleek, faceless bureacrat looking guy, not, as he put it, "This craggy Scot". But that worked out all right. "

Actually, he described Bond as looking more like band leader Hoagy Carmichael.

message 26: by L. Allen (new)

L. Allen Stovey (lallenstovey) | 33 comments Tom Cruise has a huge fan base.

message 27: by Trent (new)

Trent | 4 comments I personally was excited for a Jack Reacher movie until I saw it was Tom Cruise.

message 28: by Carol (new)

Carol | 27 comments L. Allen wrote: "Tom Cruise has a huge fan base."

I think L. Allen is right - this will be a movie (or series) for people who are Cruise fans, not fans of the character.

Rick-Founder JM CM BOOK CLUB  | 7280 comments Mod
Linton wrote: "I only read one Reacher book, not terribly impressed. Standard stuff, like many other such books.

But even I was shocked at this casting. Reacher is obviously a tall (Cruise is 5ft 7in), rangy, c..."

you know Ian Fleming's personal choice to play Bond was James Mason..they even made an unaired TV show in late 1950's with Mason as Bond.

Rick-Founder JM CM BOOK CLUB  | 7280 comments Mod
Kathy wrote: "Agree with Sharon about the Dan Brown character.
Yeah, I like Tom Hanks, but it just didn't work for me in this story.

As for Tom Cruise as Reacher...hyuck, hyuk, hyk, omigod. Ya'd think that with..."

I really can't blame Tom Cruise- who I actually like in action films..what about Lee Child? and his lack of dedication to his large readership? Both Robert Crais (Elvis Cole) and Sue Grafton (Kinsey Milhorne) have stated that they would never EVER allow their books to be filmed, as it would ruin the character for the reader, each of whom has their own vision of the characters...Grafton actually has it in her will!! that her children can never option her books for the I ask again...what about Lee Child and his apparent lack of concern/respect for those who got him where he is..the many many readers who made Jack Reacher a standout character - famous enough to be filmed? I see him tweeting about how amazing the film is!! so the argument that he had no control over casting is very dubious

message 31: by Rick-Founder JM CM BOOK CLUB (last edited Dec 22, 2012 08:00AM) (new)

Rick-Founder JM CM BOOK CLUB  | 7280 comments Mod
Mary wrote: "Carol I totally agree. It should have been a tall actor that was fairly unknown. Also young enough to make a bunch of them if it's a hit. There's like 20 books. If they make more of these movie..."

same with the Bourne series- utterly miscast...I can only imagine what Robert Ludlum would think if he came back to life and saw what his heirs allowed to happen to his character....good action films..but Jason Bourne was a Bond-like character in book..and a pretty-boy actor on screen

Rick-Founder JM CM BOOK CLUB  | 7280 comments Mod
curious if anyone saw film? as someone who is not particularly a fan of the Lee Child series- I would simply watch it as an action flick...which I enjoy- I can see where it would be far more difficult for devoted Jack Reacher fans

message 33: by L. Allen (new)

L. Allen Stovey (lallenstovey) | 33 comments I agree with Jack Reacher, in the books fans. Tom Cruise just doesn't cut it. That said, the movie will probably make millions of dollars.

message 34: by Virginia (new)

Virginia Llorca | 51 comments My daughter refuses to see it for this reason. But if you saw the trailer, zooming into the Tom Cruise figure from above, it emphasizes that he is less tall than the others in the scene. Since he produced and probably directed, I am sure he did this deliberately to show he can own the role anyway. I liked the Mission Impossible movies and others of his. Rom-coms, not so much. The trailer indicates it will be a good action flick.

message 35: by Virginia (new)

Virginia Llorca | 51 comments Perhaps Lee Child is happy with the way the movie turned out. I am sure he was as skeptical as you all seem to be.

Rick-Founder JM CM BOOK CLUB  | 7280 comments Mod
Virginia wrote: "Perhaps Lee Child is happy with the way the movie turned out. I am sure he was as skeptical as you all seem to be."

Virginia wrote: "My daughter refuses to see it for this reason. But if you saw the trailer, zooming into the Tom Cruise figure from above, it emphasizes that he is less tall than the others in the scene. Since he ..."

That's how I look at it..just a good action flick with a lead character who happens to share the name of a famous book character!

message 37: by Steve (new)

Steve Vernon (stevevernon) I really am serious-majorly-drastically-totally under-impressed with Tom Cruise.

Come on. Hasn't he been doing this with Mission Impossible?

Didn't he already RUIN War of the Worlds?

I liked him in Jerry Mcguire. That's honestly the only movie I can think of where he actually seemed to work.

Rick-Founder JM CM BOOK CLUB  | 7280 comments Mod
Keep hearing it's a good thriller..but from folks who never read any Reacher book

message 39: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Davie (kathydavie) | 45 comments Well, now I won't worry about going to see it. I had my doubts, and it sounds as though they're valid.

message 40: by Deb (new)

Deb (soulhaven) | 9 comments I haven't read the books, though I hear they're good and plan to get to them (so many good book sout there! I wish I could live forever just to read them all!), and I am not a Tom Cruise fan. I will probably see the movie so I can get a taste for the books, but I won't judge them poorly based on the movie.

But, as soon as I heard Tom Cruise was set to play a character described as over 6 foot tall (6'4", is it?) all I could think was: "No, no, no, no..."

message 41: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Culyer (andrew_culyer) | 9 comments You don't see many actors that are really tall.

Jack Reacher is 6'5 and from what I remember has a strange accent.

I am 6'7 and have (to others) a strange (Geordie) accent, and would have had a decent stab at it, apart from not being an actor, though I don't think Tom Cruise is a good actor either, more just a movie star.

Would have been a great part for somebody really tall to play, but would that fit 'demographics'?

message 42: by Lisa (new)

Lisa James (sthwnd) Ok, I have never read any of the books, & we took our 12 & 14 year old sons to see it. I laughed all the way THROUGH it. The sarcastic humor was well written, especially when Cruise's character delivered them deadpan, & the older actor, Robert Duvall I think? who played the gun range owner is awesome :) Sometimes you need to just go see a movie & enjoy it for what it IS :)

message 43: by Robert (new)

Robert Michael (robertamichael) | 16 comments I am currently reading DIE TRYING. Reacher is supposed to be 6'5" and 250 lbs. Big guy. Everybody, including military personnel and FBI agents refer to him as large and memorable.

I agree with the Ludlum comments before, although, Matt Damon played the part well from a physicality standpoint. Bond has been cast well recently, more iconic, more centered around a serious persona.

As far as the casting for Reacher, I think Gerard Butler would have made the best Reacher. Voice sounds "foreign" enough (Reacher was born overseas to a military family and he didn't spend time in the US until he went to West Point), his size is sufficient, and his physicality is right. As far as delivery of snarky one-liners, I think Gerard has proven that he can pull that off as well.

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) | 10 comments Not happy about the casting. I might watch it on satellite. I won't be going to see it at the movies.

message 45: by Jane (new)

Jane | 121 comments Robert wrote: "I am currently reading DIE TRYING. Reacher is supposed to be 6'5" and 250 lbs. Big guy. Everybody, including military personnel and FBI agents refer to him as large and memorable.

I agree wit..."

I think you are absolutely right on with Gerard Butler. He would have been an excellant choice.

message 46: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (MargaretBlake) | 8 comments Carol wrote: "I've been wondering if other fans of Lee Child's Jack Reacher are disappointed that Tom Cruise was chosen to play him in the new movie. I haven't seen the movie, and doubt that I will."

I have read most of the Reacher books, can't bring myself to see the movie not with Cruise in it. He is completely wrong.

message 47: by Anne (new)

Anne (spartandax) | 104 comments Jane wrote: "Robert wrote: "I am currently reading DIE TRYING. Reacher is supposed to be 6'5" and 250 lbs. Big guy. Everybody, including military personnel and FBI agents refer to him as large and memorable...."

I third Gerard Butler. Would have been a better choice than some of the tripe he has done lately.

message 48: by Carol (new)

Carol | 27 comments Lisa wrote: "Ok, I have never read any of the books, & we took our 12 & 14 year old sons to see it. I laughed all the way THROUGH it. The sarcastic humor was well written, especially when Cruise's character d..."

So maybe I'll see it after all--not as the "true" Reacher movie, but maybe a good show!

message 49: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Davie (kathydavie) | 45 comments I'll fourth Gerard Butler...

message 50: by John (new)

John Brewer (johncbrewer) | 1 comments Tom Cruise would make a really great corpse. Can't stand him in anything he's ever been in with the exception of "Tropic Thunder" in which he was playing himself.

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