L's Reviews > Spare

Spare by Prince Harry
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it was amazing
bookshelves: mainstream-lit-etc, memoir, social-issue-relevant

I don't know how to review this really. I can't even say why I read it. I don't follow the Royals and don't really care all the much, other than to be glad we don't live under a monarchy in the U.S. And yet, I couldn't resist this book. In fairness to myself, I do like the occasional memoir. So what did I like and dislike? Let me acknowledge that I've been told he had a ghost-writer or at least some sort of help. Given how poorly he did in school, according to him, I wouldn't be surprised and don't "take off points" for getting needed help. The book is quite well written.

The book is filled with descriptions of what it is like to be hounded by the paps. Hell, his life, to date, has been filled with such hounding, so any remotely honest memoir would have to include this. More than including it, however, the book gives readers a visceral sense of what it is to live this reality. How the rest of his family can shrug it off is beyond me. Oh, wait, we learn that they have "people" who (officially or otherwise) deal with the press, to the point of planting stories. This family is VERY manipulative and will not tolerate being upstaged. All of this was heart-wrenching, especially the attacks on Meghan, to point of pushing her to the brink of suicide.

You should know that I'm a staunchly anti-war pacifist, so dreaded reading about Harry's war experiences. That said, this part of the book actually was enlightening, to be able to read about these experiences from the point of view of a veteran. Here in the US veterans often do not discuss this at all with those of us who are not veterans. From my experience, this is even true of vets in the peace movement (though some of these will talk about their PTSD to civilian activists). Of interest were: Harry's love of finally being good at something, of being able to be a leader; his love of flying his plane; his frustration with the military bureaucracy, which got in the way of being able to do the job he was there to do; his bonds with veterans; and, finally, of Harry's long-term inability to see, much less seek help for, his own PTSD, even while working with veterans' groups, working to help veterans. All of this, mind you, while being stalked and chased by paps.

The Royal Family members, except for his grandmother, were vicious toward Harry and Meghan, with a large dollop of racism in the mix. What horrible human beings!

This is a sad story, filled with the destruction of family relationships by both the paps and the unquestioned stance of putting the monarchy above all else.

One criticism is that Harry really doesn't see to fully grasp his privilege. Despite the hardships that he experienced, beginning with his mother's death, he had quite a cushion and a lot that very few will ever experience. Can't speak for you, but going to Botswana for a school break and frequently after that was never in my cards. Not that he has written a "poor little rich boy" sort of book. Far from it. He just seems to be very attuned to some issues, but not all.

To end on a happy note, let me tell you that Harry and Meghan's love story--and this truly is a love story--is beautiful, despite all they went through. Wow!

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Reading Progress

January 11, 2023 – Started Reading
January 11, 2023 – Shelved
January 20, 2023 – Shelved as: mainstream-lit-etc
January 20, 2023 – Shelved as: memoir
January 20, 2023 – Shelved as: social-issue-relevant
January 20, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by James (new)

James Thane Very nice review.

Bernadette A fair review that avoids all the hype. Thank you.

message 3: by L (new) - rated it 5 stars

L James wrote: "Very nice review."

Thank you, James. You know I value your input.

message 4: by L (new) - rated it 5 stars

L Bernadette wrote: "A fair review that avoids all the hype. Thank you."

Thank you, Bernadette. I can't really take credit for avoiding the hype, since I was fairly oblivious to much of it. A friend who is more into such things told me about the ghost-writer/helper (which I still think is a good idea for authors who can't write their way out of a paper bag; I learned much from co-authors over my academic career!)

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