Jennifer's Reviews > In Every Life

In Every Life by Marla Frazee
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it was amazing

Poignant. I lived the simple, yet deeply meaningful text with gentle illustrations. An example: "In every sadness, blessed is the comfort," illustrated with multiple examples of sadness, such as a girl curled up on a cushion, a man walking alone, a woman comforting a person with cancer, a kid helping someone who got hurt falling off his scooter, a family grieving over a dog that has died, a girl curled in tears with her soccer ball. . . The emotions are deeply felt through the illustrations. Following each spread on snapshots of sadness is a two page spread of a full picture of the last part of the sentence before. In this instance, "comfort" was represented by an adult snuggling with a child, looking out across a lake and a bleak, gray sky, wrapped in a warm blanket. I felt deeply emotional as I experienced this book.
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November 13, 2023 – Started Reading
November 13, 2023 – Shelved
November 13, 2023 – Finished Reading

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