MM Suarez's Reviews > Amity and Prosperity: One Family and the Fracturing of America
Amity and Prosperity: One Family and the Fracturing of America
Audio book narrated by Tavia Gilbert 10 hrs 34 mins
This is primarily the story of how fracking destroyed the lives of a family in a rural Pennsylvania town and how gas and oil corporations with their crooked and/or careless energy politics, sell us their poisons and destruction under the guise of "the greater good".
Its amazing how many people will accept it all as long as they are paid well and the resulting unintended casualties are not their own.
This book was well researched, easy to follow and beautifully narrated. I recommend it to those that like me knew very little about fracking and the destruction it brings to rural towns struggling to survive.
This is primarily the story of how fracking destroyed the lives of a family in a rural Pennsylvania town and how gas and oil corporations with their crooked and/or careless energy politics, sell us their poisons and destruction under the guise of "the greater good".
Its amazing how many people will accept it all as long as they are paid well and the resulting unintended casualties are not their own.
This book was well researched, easy to follow and beautifully narrated. I recommend it to those that like me knew very little about fracking and the destruction it brings to rural towns struggling to survive.
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