TJ *Book Twins Reviews*'s Reviews > The Villain

The Villain by L.J. Shen
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's review

it was amazing

This is exactly what 2020 needed to end on an up note. A beautifully written romance with amazing characters and a story that will stay with me forever! L.J. Shen once again left me speechless! Every inch of my heart belongs to this hero and this couple is one of my forever favorites.

Here's what I loved:
The characters! More to come...

The story is, as always with an LJ Shen novel, expressive, evocative, and well structured. The story flows well as the reader is scooped up into the action unfolding on the page. Adulting while reading was definitely a problem for me. I did not want to put it down!!

This book is stunningly perfect! I hope your hearts and minds are ready for this epicness!! I highly recommend you one click and read this baby as soon as you can!

Full review to come....

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Reading Progress

June 15, 2019 – Shelved
June 15, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
November 27, 2020 – Started Reading
November 27, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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Chelsea Humphrey YES QUEEN

Bibliophile_J I want this book so badly <3

Nikita Navalkar Me want book 😍

Vanessa (When Vane Reads) yas babe!! love this!

SHANNA K NELSON Looking forward to this book!!

message 7: by Sandi (new) - added it

Sandi Thompson Woah! Just enough to get you hooked! 💗

Nyja Is this book about Cillian and Belle? I hope the next one is about Sam and Persephone.

Marta Bo so excited!!! cannot wait to read it!

Marta Bo so excited!!! cannot wait to read it!

Phoenixsneha Can I read this book as stand alone without going through book one?

Maria Passia Amazing book, started reading today

message 13: by Victoria (new) - added it

Victoria Weston Awesome review 🖤

message 14: by Miss (new) - added it

Miss Bluejeanlottie PERFECT REVIEW!!📚📚

message 15: by Veronica (new) - added it

Veronica Garcia Awesome review!

message 16: by Nicole (new) - added it

Nicole Ortiz Awesome Review!

message 17: by Cat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Cat Amazing review xx

message 18: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Love your review!

message 19: by Lorena (new)

Lorena Great review. This book reminds me of the song Chapel - Nicole Dollanganger.

message 20: by Jade (new) - rated it 1 star

Jade Violet Lucrecia wrote: "What a bunch of liars lmao. I'm disgusted really by how you bully other authors like this and have no problem hyping up L.J. Shen that plagiarises half of the books she writes."

Lucrecia - don't forget the copied book covers - those aren't stock photos! And the countless and growing by the day screen grabs.. I don't think there's anything Regina George wouldn't do to be on top and trash talk any competition. BTW, one of her models confirmed she shafted him. But I'm sure Tijuana knows all about that. She's always been so active in the group.

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