Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)'s Reviews > The Book Thief

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
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bookshelves: audiobooks

Generous 3 star.

I feel like I should have liked this but I didn't.

I like that death was the narrator, that the main character liked books and the relationship between her and her Papa.

I was indifferent about the rest. I always feel heartless when I don't care about a WW2 book but... here I am.
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Reading Progress

July 29, 2016 – Shelved
July 17, 2020 – Started Reading
July 25, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Liam (new)

Liam Ward A WW2 book (especially fiction) and WW2 aren't the same thing at all. You've no reason to feel bad.

Marinela You shouldn't feel heartless if a book didn't live up to what you expected.

Jude I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way! I gave it 2 stars but always feel really guilty when I see other people giving it 4 or 5 stars. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me!

Kelvin Ace Please post your review in your yt account. I'm dying to see your contents ❤️❤️

message 5: by Irina (new) - added it

Irina I wasn’t a fan either. It’s tough when you’re in the minority.

message 6: by María (new)

María I feel like these ww2 novels are kinda manipulative (?) like they kinda relay on the trauma and the suffering to get people emotional and get good ratings and I feel like that's what they do, monetize people's suffering. And by that I don't mean testimonies by the survivors or history books. I just don't like historical fiction set in that period because that emotional manipulation (as I perceive it) makes me feel uncomfortable.

message 7: by Ana (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ana Slavković I liked the movie better. You should watch it, it's beautifully done with great actors.

Courtney I had to read for a child's lit class in college and barely got through it. I thought it was too long and while I liked the relationship between the narrator and Papa as well, I also just couldn't find a reason to care. I would definitely agree with those that said to watch the movie. I think there are much better WW2 books out there to read!

message 9: by Jin (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jin I had exactly the same thoughts when I read this, haha. I really really tried to love it because everyone praised it but well...

Frank Doris Read this twice and I agree. I tried loving it but it just wasn’t doing it for me.

Michelle Mullins I finished this recently and felt the same way.

Solace I was excited to read this because Death is the narrator. But I felt he added nothing to the story. Literally anyone else could've been the narrator and it would've stayed the same. The only thing I liked in this book was Max, his relationship with Liesel, and their relationship. Didn't care about Rudy or the "romance". Liesel and her relationship with Papa was also sweet.

Solace Oops I meant Max's drawings sorry

message 14: by Kate (new) - rated it 1 star

Kate Exactly! I don't know why people hyped this book soooo much!

message 15: by Shiny (new)

Shiny Can u pls accept my frnd request cuz ur a great reader

message 16: by Shiny (new)

Shiny And don't worry it's fine

message 17: by Shiny (new)

Shiny Just don't expect yourself to be heartless

message 18: by Blue (new) - rated it 3 stars

Blue I haven't finished reading yet, but so far, I kind of feel like you. I liked the book but not as much as I expected. Normally, it would take less than a week for me to finish a book, but this one is being a slow read.

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