Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)'s Reviews > The Book Thief
The Book Thief
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The Book Thief.
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July 29, 2016
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July 17, 2020
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July 25, 2020
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message 1:
Aug 04, 2020 08:57AM
A WW2 book (especially fiction) and WW2 aren't the same thing at all. You've no reason to feel bad.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way! I gave it 2 stars but always feel really guilty when I see other people giving it 4 or 5 stars. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me!
I feel like these ww2 novels are kinda manipulative (?) like they kinda relay on the trauma and the suffering to get people emotional and get good ratings and I feel like that's what they do, monetize people's suffering. And by that I don't mean testimonies by the survivors or history books. I just don't like historical fiction set in that period because that emotional manipulation (as I perceive it) makes me feel uncomfortable.
I had to read for a child's lit class in college and barely got through it. I thought it was too long and while I liked the relationship between the narrator and Papa as well, I also just couldn't find a reason to care. I would definitely agree with those that said to watch the movie. I think there are much better WW2 books out there to read!
I had exactly the same thoughts when I read this, haha. I really really tried to love it because everyone praised it but well...
I was excited to read this because Death is the narrator. But I felt he added nothing to the story. Literally anyone else could've been the narrator and it would've stayed the same. The only thing I liked in this book was Max, his relationship with Liesel, and their relationship. Didn't care about Rudy or the "romance". Liesel and her relationship with Papa was also sweet.