(3,4 of 5 for decent but not really interesting Punisher's pre-origin) I like Punisher for his grim dedication to be some kind of Judge Dredd and creat(3,4 of 5 for decent but not really interesting Punisher's pre-origin) I like Punisher for his grim dedication to be some kind of Judge Dredd and create hell to make the Earth less like one. On his own terms, of course. This is some kind of pre-origin, the times which led to his "known" origin. I like the Vietnam conflict. It's a very interesting war/politic/technologic history topic. This "Punisher before Punisher" in Valley Forge has some of it nicely included. Of course, it's Ennis, but luckily Vietnam conflict is still in his range of decent content, even if as usual crating his story "justifies" meddling with the content a bit. I can't be more careful with him, some of his stuff is fine (Sara) and some of it is just shit (from recent reads, for example, Thor: Vikings). Born is somewhere in the middle. It's a decent story from Vietnam with no added value. The art is OK, I guess Ennis like Dillon style types and Darick Robertson fits that nicely, with decent art and similar-looking faces. Born is yes for fans of Punisher, other than that - proceed with caution....more
(3,9 of 5 for US Marines veterans struggling with PTSD and poverty in Ktokyo-ish city.) Guillaume Singelin made a mix of veterans and their traumas ins(3,9 of 5 for US Marines veterans struggling with PTSD and poverty in Ktokyo-ish city.) Guillaume Singelin made a mix of veterans and their traumas inspired in Vietnam conflict and middle east conflicts movies and set it into the city which "combines old shops with skyscrapers as Tokyo do". This mix feels weird because the homeless veterans are based on US Marines grunts (they even use "Siempre fi" phrase), chewed and spat out on the street by war machinery. And that's an issue in the USA. But they live Asian-styled life American styled hobos in surroundings evoking Tokyo or similar city. The result works, both as the story and the setting. But as take on PTSD/real war veterans or any related issues, it is too cut off from any reality. So you need to take it as complete fiction to enjoy it. The only thing it tackles is PTSD in general. How hard is to deal with city life, unprepared after horrors of armed conflicts. The story is simple, girl, the former marine sniper, leave the army with one eye, traumas and homeless. She is shut down, closed, and tries to live off the street. But she met kind people and even if she struggles, she will eventually try to turn better for her and everybody else. But it's a complicated and dangerous way. I liked that story, it feels lively and organic, and the artworks too. The style is cartoonish, bit Asian influence but it's mostly the Europe school. And the result is cute and colourful. I especially like the depiction of the city, small alleyways, living streets parks, temples, skyscrapers, desolated areas. It all fits together and it creates an idea of a whole existing and living city, not only several sets and fog between (as Lemire's stuff usually feel to me). The overall result is great, over two hundred pages of street life and action, which is captured very well. I really liked this graphic novel....more
V deluxce od Comics Centra se nám chronologicky schází The Cape spolu s prequelem The Cape 1969, kde v džungli hemžící se vojáky NVA vznikne za velmi V deluxce od Comics Centra se nám chronologicky schází The Cape spolu s prequelem The Cape 1969, kde v džungli hemžící se vojáky NVA vznikne za velmi pochmurných okolností onen Plášť a dá vzniknout prvnímu hrdinovi, kde s velkou mocí přichází... no velká moc. Plášť je super. Přinejmenším vizuálně a dramaticky. Scenérie i akce vypadají skvěle a výborně se čtou, takže pro mě nebyl problém celou knížku stáhnout na tři posezení a dost jsem si to užil. Jen mi vrtá hlavou, zda jsem díky Zámku & Klíči si Plášť užil více, či méně. Hill má jeden typický styl vytváření strachu/děsu/napětí/šoku/pocitu zoufalství (který mě tam s každým dalším opakováním čím dál více štval), který zde samozřejmě používá (i když ne tak intenzivně, díky trochu jinému ražení příběhu a ruce scénaristy) a já si nejsem jistý, zda "trénink" z Locke & Key mě už trochu otupil, takže mi nevadilo to, co by mi vadit mohlo a naopak, zda díky tomu, že jsem lépe odhadoval kurz příběhu jsem se nepřipravil o "šok a překvapení". Ve výsledku jsem ale spokojený, originální povídku jsem přeskočil (přeci jen ji do komiksu pro mě stravitelně převedl Jason Ciaramella a nevím, zda by mi Hillův koncentrát zážitek trochu nezakalil) a užil si soubor obálek, což vždy jako bonus vítám. ...more
Jason Aaron is the master of depicturing social injustice, horrors of life, war and the desperation of people living in places we wouldn't like to livJason Aaron is the master of depicturing social injustice, horrors of life, war and the desperation of people living in places we wouldn't like to live. It could be trashy Native American reservation or tunnels under Vietnam jungle and trenches of Khe Sahn base. Aaron does his homework, reaches for inspiration, study the stories. And you can see that in The Other Side. Beautiful two main stories, each one with its own hero - US Marines grunt and NVA conscript, both 19 years old boys from the lower class of their countries. We can see their struggles, their mindset side to side until they eventually came together to the great finale. I really like the topic of the Vietnam conflict, and this fits all I know very well. From both the historical point and the atmosphere of that time and place. Bot characters are different but similar - Binh Dai motivated by duty to his country, to the land of his ancestors and safety of his family going for months based just by direction and few guides here and there to join the fighting. He writes his diary and put his imagination in some mythic story. On the other side, you got young Everett nicknamed "Alabama". Drafted to US Marines Corps, motivated by nothing and haunted by the visions of the dead, avoiding conflict and being reckless and scared. I felt sorry for the Binh Dai, fighting his just cause, and I felt desperation for Everett and his will to live and go home, especially in trenches sieged Khe Sahn which are very similar to the Word War ones. The story is great, I must give that to Aaron. His writing is just by my taste. The end is a bit sudden, not very satisfying, but in this case, it somehow fits the Vietnam conflict theme. The art is amazing. Work with panels is great, panels both work well with each other and inside itself (for example working with background and foreground) and this is just a beautiful piece of a comics book. I can't give a full star rating, and I would love to give 4 and a half stars here because even The Other Side is awesome, the five-star feeling is not there yet. I hate 5-star rating just for this reason....more
The story about a boy who becomes a werewolf in the dark deadly jungle during the Vietnam conflict. It's the mini-series, which is fine by me, so it'sThe story about a boy who becomes a werewolf in the dark deadly jungle during the Vietnam conflict. It's the mini-series, which is fine by me, so it's pretty quick reading. For me, the art evokes the Archie style (it's the nose of the main protagonist?), looks good, colourful but dar and sometimes, in action scenes, could be bit chaotic. The story is simple, but it is working nicely, but you shouldn't expect some profound twist or message here. It's just werewolf fighting for US military. It's simple as that. It's fun, it looks nice, but it is not competing for comics of the year. I liked it, but I like the Vietnam conflict theme, but honestly, its "I liked it - 3 stars"....more
I do not particularly like Venom, but I like the premise about strong, evil-ish alien "symbiont". But I like the "'Nam theme". So I tried this one. WeI do not particularly like Venom, but I like the premise about strong, evil-ish alien "symbiont". But I like the "'Nam theme". So I tried this one. Well, the story is cool, reminding me of the first Predator movie, starting with a horror feel. To this point, it's jolly good. Then it takes Fury and Wolverine and transforms into pure action. And that's just... the usual stuff. Well written usual stuff. (I would add an extra star for Vietnam War theme, but there is not much to it). ...more
Some stories that Will Eisner lived trough collected in comics. Real life can be interesting, but not so fascinating, so all stories came bit blend, bSome stories that Will Eisner lived trough collected in comics. Real life can be interesting, but not so fascinating, so all stories came bit blend, but there is message in every one of them. I'm not very excited about this book, but it has Will's storytelling qualities and could be interesting if you're into war subjects....more