Lugesime lapsele unejutuks paari lehekülje kaupa. Kohati annab tunda, et tegu on juba paarkümmend aastat tagasi kirjutatud teosega, kuid õnneks pooletLugesime lapsele unejutuks paari lehekülje kaupa. Kohati annab tunda, et tegu on juba paarkümmend aastat tagasi kirjutatud teosega, kuid õnneks pooleteiseaastast eriti see jutu sisu vist nii palju ei huvitagi kui see osa, et tegu on rutiinse tegevusega. Mati ja Maili tegutsemised koos Une-Matiga olid lihtsad, igapäevased, kuigi jah, tänapäeva lapse jaoks ehk pisut keeruliselt mõistetavad, sest kes see siis ikka enam postkontoris oma kirjadel järel käib? Kirjad potsatavad ju kõlksatusega telefoni :)...more
Very educational and I wish this book had been around 15 years ago or so. Yes, some of the text is dry and a bit boring, BUT I don't think you can actVery educational and I wish this book had been around 15 years ago or so. Yes, some of the text is dry and a bit boring, BUT I don't think you can actually make STDs into very interesting reading material....more
Vaimustavad illustratsioonid fantaasialennuka jutu kõrvale. Meie pooleteiseaastase unejutu jaoks täpselt sobiva pikkusega peatükid ka - keskmiselt kulVaimustavad illustratsioonid fantaasialennuka jutu kõrvale. Meie pooleteiseaastase unejutu jaoks täpselt sobiva pikkusega peatükid ka - keskmiselt kulub ühe peatüki jaoks umbes 10 minutit....more
Üldiselt ei ole ma eriline praktilise kirjanduse austaja, eelistades sellele pigem ilukirjandusse kadumist, kuid seekord sattus kätte "Turvaline InterÜldiselt ei ole ma eriline praktilise kirjanduse austaja, eelistades sellele pigem ilukirjandusse kadumist, kuid seekord sattus kätte "Turvaline Internet: Digimaailma Teejuht" ning ma pean nentima, et olin väga positiivselt üllatunud. Teost oli kerge lugeda ning mõista, noorte teismeliste (või ka pisut nooremate) laste vanematel on siit kindlasti üht-teist kõrva taha panna, sest autor jagas nii mitmeidki kasulikke nippe, kuidas näiteks enda Interneti-mina nii piisavalt privaatse kui ka avalikuna hoida. Ehk oleks kasu ka pisut vanematel Interneti-kasutajatel, kes ehk kohati isegi halvemini Internetti nt piltide üleslaadimist mõistavad.
Võib-olla on seda teost kergem lugeda jupiti, mitte nii, nagu mina seda tegin. Mina nimelt lugesin esimese peatüki eraldi, aga järgnev osa läks minu jaoks kõik ühes jutis ja nii hakkas mind pisut häirima see, et osa juttu osaliselt kordus. Kordamine on muidugi tarkuse ema, aga lihtsalt järjest lugedes jäi kuidagi silma riivama...
Kas ka teistele soovitaksin? Jah, julgelt.
NB! Sain teose enda riiulile tasuta, vastutasuks küsiti vaid ausat arvamust. ...more
My first Nancy Drew book and I must say that I'm not all that impressed since the story seemed simplified and just plain silly to me.
I wonder if I hadMy first Nancy Drew book and I must say that I'm not all that impressed since the story seemed simplified and just plain silly to me.
I wonder if I had liked the book more if I had started with the Nancy Drew series a bit earlier - both age-wise, for instance, had I been 10 years old, I would've probably liked it better, and also had I started with the 14th book in the series instead of the 104th, the characters would've maybe made more sense to me and maybe I could've gotten the humour behind it all too. The way it was now, the story just felt too simple and simplified for my likes. I didn't understand all that well who all those side characters were and to be honest, I may or may not have mixed a few of them up a couple of times.
But would I recommend the book? Maybe to people who like their mystery stories short and really simple, otherwise stick to the classics such as Agatha Christie....more
Honestly? Was not a fan of the writing style nor the story itself either. Reading this book was a chore, and not a very enjoyable chore. I kept pushinHonestly? Was not a fan of the writing style nor the story itself either. Reading this book was a chore, and not a very enjoyable chore. I kept pushing and pushing, hoping for it to get better. Hoping for the story get more engaging for me, but I fear that the opposite happened. The more I read, the less interested I was.
Maybe I'm not intelligent enough for this award-winning debut novel full to the brim of metaphors as I felt a lot of the context went over my head.
Like a lot of other readers, I found the mother's story a bit more engaging than the son's. I could understand the mother's storyline, but the son's with all the metaphors drove me insane. As far as I could understand that the cat Bekim was in a relationship with was a racist, violent homophobe. But hey, maybe I'm just simply plain wrong.
What an odd book. Super weird plot whereas I mostly failed at seeing the funny side of things and just kept wondering what theActual rating 1.5 stars.
What an odd book. Super weird plot whereas I mostly failed at seeing the funny side of things and just kept wondering what the hell was going on and why on Earth this book is praised so much.
The idea behind it seems likeable enough, but the execution did nothing for me. It made me want to skip quite a few chapters, maybe even DNF at times - in the end I only skipped a couple of pages where I simply felt like skipping a bit. I wish I had DNF-ed instead.
Anders himself seems like a simplistic man who's easy to use - just like Per and Johanna did. By the way, those two made no sense whatsoever. They seemed loony enough to come up with these crazy ideas, but I didn't really see what made them tick.
Yes, the story is absurd and no-one is supposed to think of it as a serious work, but if the story is meant to be absurd, I'd like to laugh. Just a little. Some parts made me chuckle slightly - and those parts made me stick with it till the end - but mostly the absurdity of it all did not work for me.
I honestly didn't expect to love this book as much as I did. At first glance it shouldn't be my kind of a book with its kind of odd writing style (eveI honestly didn't expect to love this book as much as I did. At first glance it shouldn't be my kind of a book with its kind of odd writing style (everything is in verse), but somehow this well-researched story grabbed my attention, stole my heart and even managed to make me tear up a bit at the end! I know! It's nigh impossible to make me tear up, but this book managed it. This story is so beautiful, so sad, so well-researched and I can truly understand why it said on the back cover that there isn't a person out there who's not going to tear up after reading this book.
I admit, my knowledge of Siamese twins was pretty basic so far, but this book managed to give me a slightly different perspective on things. I used to think that if I were a Siamese twin, I'd want to get separated,but One managed to make me realize that separation is not the only option because maybe these conjoined twins don't want to be separated. It isn't just about fear of dying, it's also about the want to be together with your soul mate - even if it is your twin.
Maybe I've been wrong about free verse not being my cup of tea, because this story telling way worked beautifully for me. It made me cheer for Grace and Tippi, it made me feel things I hadn't thought possible and it just worked. Wonderfully. And if it made a coldhearted reader such as myself tear up a bit, just imagine what it might do to more crying prone readers!
Yawn-worthy and capable of producing quite a few eyerolls because who on Earth has heard that some people demand a man marry their daughter for busineYawn-worthy and capable of producing quite a few eyerolls because who on Earth has heard that some people demand a man marry their daughter for business reasons in the 21st century?
I may occasionally like heroes who are aloof and a tiny bit bossy, but I didn't like Nathan. He felt too pushy and unlikeable for my preferences. Some readers may enjoy reading about men who push women against doors and then start nibbling on their earlobes against their will or something like that, but I don't like that. If the woman says no, then the man should back off and stop pushing the woman for sexual favours.
Didn't really care for the heroine either. She says that she matured a lot and understood the value of money better than she did before, but I felt that she really didn't and she kept saying it mainly for show.
My first time reading The Phantom of the Opera despite the fact that I have seen the movie adaptation quite a few times (and some snippets from a playMy first time reading The Phantom of the Opera despite the fact that I have seen the movie adaptation quite a few times (and some snippets from a play they did here in Estonia). I kept hearing the soundtrack from the movie in my head while I was reading the book and while I have to admit that the book opened my eyes to some aspects of the story I was not all that familiar with before, it was also a rather long and tedious read where the writing style didn't appeal to me all that much. Don't rightly know whether it was due to the translation or the Leroux's writing style simply isn't my cup of tea.
I will definitely keep watching the movie adaptation, but I have doubts about ever reading the book again ...
I am actually somewhat surprised as to how much I liked this book because my initial impression was that I'm most probably going to dislike this book.I am actually somewhat surprised as to how much I liked this book because my initial impression was that I'm most probably going to dislike this book. Parts of it dragged and dragged, but there were also some parts that made me chuckle and honestly, those ironic chuckle-worthy parts raised the rating somewhat.
I also liked that Schreiter gave the novel a somewhat original ending where the protagonist of the novel does not actually get what he has been aiming to achieve. It was kind of refreshing.
It's a pity that it's an unfinished work, because the two chapters found in this instalment are very intriguing and definitely make me intrigued aboutIt's a pity that it's an unfinished work, because the two chapters found in this instalment are very intriguing and definitely make me intrigued about the Watsons' family. The beginning is promising and had Austen had the will and/or time for this novel, it would have definitely become a masterpiece.
The only comment I have is that there had to have been more names than Jane, Emma, Margaret, and Elizabeth in Austen's day. After all, all of these names are already well-known for all Jane Austen fans.