One random day. 10 children died. From gunshot wounds. Mr. Younge boldly bears witness to each of these tragedies. He clearly and concisely conveys eacOne random day. 10 children died. From gunshot wounds. Mr. Younge boldly bears witness to each of these tragedies. He clearly and concisely conveys each of these stories that so desperately needed to be told.
This book is not about gun control. Not once, in any of the interviews conducted with victims’ families and friends, does anyone mention the second amendment.
It is about ten tragic deaths and the circumstances that led up to each shooting. And it is vital.
None of the stories are alike. The victims are all male, but that is the essentially the only common denominator. Well, that and they share the death-by-gun date.
There is so much information in this book that I could feel my mind sharpening, yet it is in no way tedious or boring. There’s no hiding this author’s empathy, rage, deep seeded desire to help, or his hope. Those emotions ring loud and clear making this a consuming, compelling read.
*Reminder to 'my' students: This book is in Mrs. Heyssel's classroom library....more
Ms. Yoon has taken the phrase “a lot can happen in one day” to whole new level.
Daniel is the son of Korean immigrants. His parents think he’s not KorMs. Yoon has taken the phrase “a lot can happen in one day” to whole new level.
Daniel is the son of Korean immigrants. His parents think he’s not Korean enough, while everyone else thinks he’s not American enough. He’s in New York for an entry interview for Yale.
Natasha is an illegal immigrant from Jamaica. Her family has been deported---scheduled to leave the U.S. that very night. She’s spending her last day in the United States desperately fighting her family’s deportation.
Natasha catches Daniel’s eye. He inexplicably follows her, almost unconsciously. Their meeting is inevitable, the bond quickly formed illogical, yet undeniable.
But even a fast-paced story with compelling questions such as: “Do I go with the facts or the truth (curiously, these are not always the same)?” And sage advice such as: “It’s not up to you to help other people fit you into a box.” needs more than two characters.
One of the things that I loved most about this book was that Ms. Yoon demonstrated real-life ripples by sharing short stories about the supporting cast. For example, there’s a security check woman who doesn’t even speak to Natasha, despite having screened her several times in the recent past. Choosing this guard's line impacts what happens next with Natasha and later, when Natasha impulsively leaves a message for the security guard, it will change the guard’s life forever.
This is a fast-paced story with highs and lows and so very much to consider. It is about teens, trapped in their families. It’s about figuring out how to be who you are, without insulting who someone else wants you to be. It’s about preparing for the future, but living today....more
Everything about this book transported me right on back to 1988 with hair styles & song titles totally spot-on. It was creepy, somewhat terrifying, anEverything about this book transported me right on back to 1988 with hair styles & song titles totally spot-on. It was creepy, somewhat terrifying, and hopeful. It is an ode to true friendship, and encourages "going with your gut".
If you're in the market for something different that will take your emotions on a roller-coaster ride.....I think this is your book....more