Francis Schaffer is such a precious find this year, though I have held on to a copy of "The God who is There" for a couple of decades and am ashamed tFrancis Schaffer is such a precious find this year, though I have held on to a copy of "The God who is There" for a couple of decades and am ashamed to say I had never been able to work through that.
One of the most helpful books on the true nature of the Christian life that I have read. Even though I'm already convinced of the importance of understanding the gospel aright, and of keeping it at the center of my life and ministry, this book nevertheless helps one by filling up what had been lacking for me in many of the books from the neo-calvinism teachers and authors of the past decade. I deeply resonated with the way Schaeffer explained why and how a true follower of Christ can get up with gospel-grounded motivation to act on small duties and big undertakings in becoming a reflection of the true light of Christ in the world. It felt like it all finally clicks!
For someone who would appreciate thinking through the most important truths from first principles, to assimilate and love again the simple yet profoundly-beautiful gospel revealed in the life of Jesus Christ, I believe this book will help them very much as it did for me. I know I will be recommending this book again and again to many more people in the years ahead.
Additionally (and I really feel the serendipity of the timing of the discoveries of these important works), I learned that the 1976 Japanese translation by Mamoru Nakajima had just received an update in 2022, with minor textual revisions and updated explanations in addition to using the New Revised 2o17 Japanese translation of the Bible. I'm excited to attempt reading it even though I am not confident of my current ability in the language. But I hope to articulate to many more Japanese friends the brilliant ways Francis Schaeffer has made these truths click for me.
「フランシス・シェーファーは、今年の貴重な発見であり、私は「The God who is There」を20年以上持っていましたが、それを読み通すことができなかったことを恥じています。私が読んだ中で最も役に立った真のキリスト教生活の重要性についての本です。私は既に福音を正しく理解することの重要性と、自分自身と自分自身の生活とミニストリーを中心に置くことの重要性を確信していますが、この本は過去10年間の新カルヴァン主義教師や著者から欠けていたものを埋めることで助けてくれました。シェーファーが真のキリスト教徒が小さな義務や大きな企画に取り組むために福音に根ざした動機づけで起き上がることができる方法を説明する方法に深く共感しました。それはすべて最終的にクリストスの真の光を反映するようになることです。私は、最初の原理から最も重要な真実を考えることを好む人々にとって、イエス・キリストの生涯で明らかにされた単純でありながら深遠な美しさを再び吸収して愛することができるように、この本が役立つと信じています。私は今後も多くの人々にこの本を推薦するつもりです。」...more