There are 2 kinds of opponents of the gay marriage (and by extension LGBT equality) movement. The 1st kind is the likes of Bryan J. Fischer of the AmerThere are 2 kinds of opponents of the gay marriage (and by extension LGBT equality) movement. The 1st kind is the likes of Bryan J. Fischer of the Amer Family Association and Todd Starnes of Fox News,these ghouls would scare the bejesus out of U with their anti LGBT bigotry and the 2nd kind is younger 'cool dudes' who give exactly the same bigoted homophobic msg in a civil and polite language,Ryan T.Anderson belongs to this category!He poses as the 'intellectual face' of the conservative movement in media,online and in debates,essentially giving exactly the same homophobic assertions in a palatable language.. If you follow him on twitter (I do) you'd see a slew of anti #LoveWins tweets and articles,many of them denying equal rights to LGBT,esp very harsh on transgender people seeking corrective surgeries as their 'gawd ' messed up and gave them a horribly wrong body!While ogre like Starnes and Fischer indulge in crass crude homophobic language and memes and thus open themselves up to mockery by every1 w 2 brain cells and above,Ryan and people like him spread the same msg without much scrutiny!But the essential bigotry remains the same! No arguments against marriage equality hold up,just because your gawd spewed nonsense on LGBT,the world doesnt need to ostracize them and deny them basic rights!Reproduction is ONE component out of many in marriage,LGBT couples make better parents than heterosexual couples!World won't end if LGBT couples get to marry and adopt children!Marriage equality doesn't impact you more than it does to your dog and cat,unless you belong to the LGBT community,in which case we won!Yay :-) Ryan's 'book' repeats same all diatribe of how marriage is bwn 1 man,1 woman for millennia,how xtians are the persecuted minority due to their anti LGBT bigotry (Massive eyeroll!) and how mean gays are elitist and enjoy persecuting 'pious people of faith(BS)' its the same old tripe,recycled hatred packed in acceptable language!
So I am done reading the book,it took me just like 6 hours to go thru the book coz the actual book isn't 256 pages long,main part ends at 76% mark so its actually less than 200 pages long! And boy,this 'book' aside from being terrible,is actually a very dull reading!Typical incessant whining and 'Christian Persecution' nonsense,however the most appalling aspect of the 'book' is Ryan's shameless self promotion and narcissism.. He claims to have rcvd 1000s of notes telling him that after watching his debates on the issue,many have turned pro-'traditional marriage' even at the liberal kingdoms of Harvard and Yale he found tremendous success in converting the fence sitters etc. But the shameless part is how he promotes his personal teachers (3 of them separately over 3 pages of the book!) as the voices conservatives should listen to!He also promotes Heritage foundation and basically everyone that is related to him professionally!This smacks of opportunism and ridiculous self promotion! There are many bizarre pearls in this tome,he has very peculiar ideas about a dad's role in children's lives and in particular in a girl's life!For example: At 12% mark of the book,Anderson claims that "BIOLOGICAL fathers produce pheromones-chemicals secreted by men and women that actually slows down the rate of sexual maturity in a young girl!!" DID YOUR JAW Drop down?His ideas about fathers and daughters would appeal to the Duggar Family and that family in the 1972 movie Deliverance!Or those 'dads' who parade around their virgin daughters in purity balls for sure!But any1 normal would feel sick in their stomach upon reading Anderson's 'Science'. Also at the same mark (12%) he says Dads tend to be bigger and have deeper voices compared to moms,so that they are better suited to scare away boys who want to have sex with girls! I mean sure,all cavemen would agree!His 'views' are so out of date,it makes me laugh why is this guy being tauted as the 'voice of reason' in marriage debate!Esp on conservative side lol, the side that endorses creationism but conveniently cites DNA to claim that Trans-people can not change their biological gender and biological reality remains the same no matter how one tries to surgically alter her gender!Ryan does it too!His anti Transgender arguments are as heartless as those ugly ogres like Bryan Fischer,just in 'acceptable language' his ideas are just as sinister and heartless ,when it comes to Transgender part and on gender identity, Anderson is as transphobic as Fischer or Barber or anyone who writes for WND! Typical straw-man arguments about how women freak out when they see a trans woman using ladies' rooms and how men might misuse the SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) LAWS to use ladies' bathrooms are used multiple time in the book!How many trans identifying persons have raped or harassed women in real life?Can Anderson name ANY?He can't!Trans-women genuinely ARE women and when they use ladies bathrooms they intend to do the same stuff cisgender women want to do!But Anderson whips up transphobia by dedicating a significant part promoting sentiments against an unfortunate minority with 41% suicide rates!To the extent that he dedicates almost ONE chapter out of 9 opposing LAWS dedicated to minimize gender id based or sexual orientation based anti discrimination laws!(That would be the chapter dedicated to opposing SOGI Laws) What kind of sick person writes a book to deny acceptance to one of the most suicide prone and vulnerable minority?Where does this irrational contempt and hatred comes from?Of course it is religion based!Christianity remains the biggest scourge haunting LGBT people worldwide today,although Jewish texts might echo these idiotic Anti LGBT concepts and ideology,Jews have been very accepting of LGBT esp in last 20 years!Christians like Anderson remain money,muscle and brains behind festering hatred that has very real life consequences,thats why countering these monsters here in America matters!If America changes,world moves in the right directions too!For example,America based Christian orgs remain the driving force behind African Homophobia,making Uganda so toxic for LGBT people! And when America moves the right way,world does too,for example India seems to follow the lead and is thinking about anti LGBT laws that ar on paper(Law 377) but never applied!So its significant that anti LGBT voices are marginalized and shunned in America so that this world becomes a better and more accepting place for the LGBT people!
Coming back to the book,main part ends at 76% mark!It has 9 chapters in which Anderson makes his case on why Gay marriages should not be legal,he tries to 1-Put Straight one man one woman marriages on a pedestal by lionizing its role in the society 2-Demonizing gay/lesbian relationships as adult lust or a glorified friendship!He sincerely believes that!I saw the same on his controversial iview with Piers Morgan too! 3-Making a case on keeping marriages 'traditional' The problem is, If you accept the greatness of marriage and is role in the society,how can you deny the same to gay couples?You have to harbor such prejudice to promote this denial of true happiness to the others!Thats the problem with Christian right,these are haters,some are crude like westboro Baptist Church,some are belligerent and psychotic like Bryan Fischer,others are sophisticated and although at heart similarly hateful to the homogheys,they use polished language to express the same resentment against LGBT equality!Why do these creatures oppose laws dedicated to stop harassment and discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation or gender identity?Only a person who feels a need to actually discriminate would promote that idea! How would a gay person getting married affect a straight marriage?Their arguments about gay marriages causing collapse of marriage is ridiculous and so is the idea that xtians are being persecuted in America! Hey bigots,wanna know how the real persecution feels like?Lets take a look at these numbers- 1-32 states allow bosses and corporations to fire employees if they are gay or transgender! 2-of all homeless youth,70% of them are LGBT,Christian parents are the ones who kick them out of home coz Jebus!This is astonishing!Same #TCOT parents go to pro life rallies and when they realize that the 'life' they created is Homosexual or transgender they kick them out of home! 3-41% is the suicide rate in transgender community vs 1.6% overall! That is persecution and it is because of the nonsense that 'GHOWD created a man and a woman' The fact is,if gawd exists at all: 1-He created LGBT people just the way he created xtian bigots and as a merciful creator he would be fine with LGBT ppl as much as he is with others! 2-He created them and hated the creation the way xtian right does,in which case gawd seems egoistic and pathetic!If we all are his creation and are loved by him,why not he LGBT people too?What kind of parent hates her own creation? All of this hatred emanates from ego of the christian right,who think very negatively of the LGBT people and hate the so much that they cant even fathom that god created them too!
In the 1st chapter Anderson bored the daylights out of me!He goes into the philosophy and explained why marriage is important but in an astonishingly boring prose!1st 10% in the book is very boring,but at 12% he says fathers produce chemicals that slow down rate of sexual maturity in young women almost by a year and it gave me hope that I will be able to laugh my way thru this supposedly 'intellectual' case for marriage bwn men and women (and not those damn gheys!) In the 1st chapter he also makes a marriage all about kids!How gays cant make babies and how gay parents will never be equal to straight parents etc These arguments are well debunked already!Gay households make more money in the US compared to straight couples and the desire to have kids which is something denied to them by biology only makes gay parents even better!There are studies showing this for a fact and consensus is on our side on the issue! Think of it: Not ALL of the kids who are in the American orphanage systems find parents,bigots would rather them live in infamy not allowing gay parents to adopt children!This hardly would be considered having an orphan's interests at heart!The case by bigots like Anderson against adopting gay parents in nothing but pure prejudice! Having parents would make a big difference in an orphan's life,education,expenses and other needs esp emotional needs etc,gay parents are as fine and even better in cases of 2 lesbian parents (even he admits this in the book) so you have to have a massive prejudice against them to go at THIS length to deny them happiness! He basically doesn't understand gay/lesbian relationships!Which tend to be as romantic and intense as straight relationships,even more at times!He may suggest otherwise but its a ploy!He's good at spinning words,for example in Piers Morgan interview,he likened a lesbian relationship to a relationship bwn 2 sisters who grew up old in a same household!He calls gay relationships 'very good friendships' and claims that by elevating gay relationships the governments are denigrating 'friendships'!! HUH? How out of touch is this guy?Why do cons call him the voice of reason or doctor or scholar?Wtf is wrong with these people? Its so dehumanizing,this notion that gay relationships are very good friendships but not equivalent to marriages! This is precisely why the gay movement focused on marriage equality and guess what?We won,bigots!And we must be relentless in our attempts to further the cause of equality as for the 1st time in 2000 years christian right and religious bigots are on the back-foot!They'll cry foul,persecution but its a habit and basically a fetish of the church!Christianity has always been and still remains that one force that permeates prejudice and homophobia that leads to ACTUAL persecution of the LGBT youth,for example,90% of Hispanic transgender youth is UNEMPLOYED!How is THAT not persecution?There's absolutely nothing wrong in legislatively forcing religious institutions in accepting marriage equality!And revoking their tax exempt statuses if they failed to comply!After the #SCOTUSMarriage decision and #LoveWIns reality,SSM are the law of the land,and if any1 refuses to treat them as such due to whatever christ-y reason is breaking the law!He or she is a felon and should be ostracized as a felon!Its that simple!Go home bigots! Consider this: in the 4th Chapter titled 'Bake us the damn cake,bigots' Anderson covers the 'plight' of 4 Catholic adoption agencies as they had to hold their noses and allow those yucky gheys to adopt orphans under their care,he builds up their cases as how special and better these agencies are and how they work with compassion for kids with top-notch orphanages yada yada.. The problem with the xtian right is,they are so transparent!If Catholic adoption agencies are sooo compassionate and indeed work for the kids and their future,if they indeed put orphans above all,they'd be happy to help ANY couple qualified to adopt the orphans,Gays or straight!Thats how anybody who TRULY works fr the future or orphans do,no?But These bigoted agencies instead chose to shut down rather than allowing gay couples to adopt cause they had 'sincerely held religious beliefs' (aka yucky homos) Lets go back in time,the same book (Bible/Qur'an/Other 'holy' screeds but the BIBLE esp in our case for America and this book) and same 'sincerely held religious beliefs' are used to defend slavery,Antisemitism,misogyny and segregation not too long ago!If allowed as exemptions,these 'pious people of faith' (ewww) would have continued holding those same sinister 'beliefs' even today!But we don't allow THAT!Why should one allow homophobia?Homophobia is not some abstract fancy word or concept!It has very real life consequences often fatal to LGBT identifying individuals! Thats the thing with the religious right,they are so out of touch,its funny but with terrible consequences,lets take Ryan's 'views' as a 'doctor' and a 'scholar' on marriage (aka a soft spoken anti gay troll in other words!) he repeatedly claims that straights are the ones primarily responsible for the demise of marriage with the concept of permanency being lost in the early 60s as the US allowed no fault divorces,so in his ideal vision he would want to take us back in the 60s..A marriage culture of barefoot pregnant women in the kitchens and when interracial marriages weren't allowed by a holy f-ck racist law!If you take off the sophisticated mask from his face,you see a person whose ideal worldview is so backward(not the racist part of course but the overall time-frame and the era he advocates for marriage!) !Thats the tragedy of the conservatives!They are awfully out of touch in culture wars and they keep losing on a horde of issues clutching their pearls in upcoming end of the world! Look at the major Christian denominations at the forefront of anti LGBT equality movement,Mormons funded Prop8 in California,they allowed Black people into their congregations in 1976!!Southern Baptists are probably the most coarse and horribly homophobic people as a group based on their words and actions,who themselves admitted on being the wrong side of history on racism!Catholics who are most famous for their pedophilia scandals and complacency in the Holocaust are the major anti LGBT marriage trolls even today!Why should normal people listen to ideologies like this from these same people when they're proven wrong time and time again over and over on a litany of social issues?These are the sinister groups (groups,not individuals,as there are many LGBT friendly nice people in all of the 3 major denominations as we see by opinion polls and support for LGBT in America) they are slow to pick up on issues and they should therefore be disregarded in policy matters! In the 4th chapter he describes a few cases where individuals and groups were ordered by the courts to pay fine and mend their ways for their refusal to serve gay weddings,all of which are so funny and so much talked about,you already know,that bigoted memories Pizza of Indiana,Colorado and Oregon cake bakes,Sweet Cakes by Melissa,florist old lady who was ordered to pay fine etc.. in chapter 5 'religious freedom' (To refuse services to gay couples and bathrooms to transgenders) its the same old cries of 'xtian persecution' and how mean homogheys won't let pious people of faith (massive eyeroll w a cringe) get them away with it!And how Jesus wrote the constitution with a pen Moses gave him so as to allow such 'religious liberty' in the 1st place,he actively suggests 'the right to refuse services' as the most important right(I'm not kidding,these are his words!) That's the thing!Conservatives and other religious or not so religious 'champions' of traditions fail to see the human sides of these seemingly abstract concepts!They hold their cultural norms and traditions to be god given and eternal,but almost ALL social evils ranging from Casteism of Hindu India,Slavery in Christianity and Islam,racism and misogyny canonized by all holy texts,if those traditions were still treated as supreme and eternal all of these were still in practice today,but they are not because we have evolved (that's another one of those,I mean these creationist weirdos refuse to evolve coz they reject evolution in favor of creationism lol) some other examples being voting rights for women and ability of a woman to choose what to do with her body!Both of these issues and the misogyny associate with it was justified by 'proud and god given' traditions!Hindus used to burn widows alive when their husbands died in the name of the perhaps most terrorist-y 'tradition' called 'Sati Pratha' ,honor killings,FGM and Burqa all misogynistic customs are justified w 'traditions' fueled by religious entities! But we aren't the same as we were in 1662,1919 or 1960!We have collectively evolved on issues,outlawed racism -slavery,gave rights to women to decide what to do w their bodies and voting rights,Indians stopped burning women alive when their husbands died!A combination of a pro-active govt,courts and most importantly public opinions played parts in this evolution,same sinister forces have opposed EACH AND EVERYONE of these evolutions on issues!Thats why they need to be shown their place aggressively by laws and actions by pro LGBT people!This is not the time to stop pursuing the pro LGBT activism!Its the time to double down on it! Thats where the courts come in,in the book Ryan argues that courts and govt have no business redefining marriages to accommodate gay couples,but courts need to settle these issues coz spoiled religious brats like him would continue to deny equality to world's most persecuted minority aka LGBT otherwise!His argument to leave the issue on people also misses the point of how almost a generation would be deprived of their right to happiness by this seemingly tempting option of democratically settling this issue,by votes! He's good at word play,many things he says in this book are opinions of others,fake biased religion fueled researchers and 'studies' court decisions etc,so he can shrug his shoulders and say I dont say this,I'm just citing others,but the book is written in such a way that he openly endorses what he cites in the book! So to sum it all up,he builds up the case for marriage-why its important as an institution,how gays will spoil things if included and how we should continue to deny them marriage equality! Problem is,there's no valid excuse to deny these rights to gays unless U feel them to be inadequate to have these rights!If U feel marriage is so divine and good for the society,U should be happy that many more couples will get this happiness too!Feeling otherwise purely shows animus in ur heart vs them!
A totally trashy racist polemic!! I got this 'book' from Audible for free (As a signup credit) and after listening to it,my head feels like spinning! IfA totally trashy racist polemic!! I got this 'book' from Audible for free (As a signup credit) and after listening to it,my head feels like spinning! If I had to sum the whole 'book' up in a few words,I'd say: Mexicans/Latinos/Browns=Ewww Thats what the book says! I have yet to read any other such book which disregards Immigration's human side in such a Black and White Manner!And she has written 10 bestseller books like this one before,but in her earlier works,she was smart,witty (of course very caustic at the same time) but not openly Racist!! She has crossed the Rubicon finally in this hateful polemic! Everything in the shade of Brown is horrible,diseased,violent,unintelligent and anti American in Ann's 'opinion' All legal Brown immigrants are Tsarnev brothers (fucking terrorists who bombed the Boston Marathon in 2013) ,Asian Muslims who want to blow up America.There are no good Browns out there,they are all Tsarnevs and Nidal Hassans (Pakistan origin Muslim terrorist who killed 13 Iraq bound US Soldiers in Ft.Worth Texas) !All Mexicans are lawn mowing illegal immigrants who want to take Texas and California back for Mexico!All Chinese women are pregnant illegals who rush to the US to give birth to 'anchor babies' who would claim their citizenship. She calls immigrants 'turds' and cancerous (actual words from the 'book') But if you are a Latina/o and bummed out that Ms.KKKoulter is after you only,you may cheer up now,she hates (surprise,surprise) Chinese too (who apparently honor-kill and commit suicides,like all the time as per the author) Obviously Muslims of all colors take the cake here though!They are called cancerous turds and terrorists multiple times in the book.Somalis are the most loathed people in the book with their FGMs and honor killings,child rapes,molestations etc.. Only Black and White people are real Americans as per ms.Coulter,this might make you feel a lil better,oh she's not a racist!See,she said AAs are Americans too! Wait a minute,Ms.Coulter in her pursuit of creating a book of the month for the KKK won't let your white supremacist self down,you bet! Of course she decries all 'black things' too!! In short,this book would make any KKK member and all #WHITEGENOCIDE assholes (see this trend on twitter) feel right,who believe that if he/she (most likely a he) sees a Chinese guy at their local petrol pumps or an Indian kid in school and feels Whites are being 'genocided' (I know the wrong spelling,this is what I saw on twitter!) Ms.KKKoulter touches all the paranoid bases of the American straight white RWNJ Christian world,she manipulates and panders to the worst stereotypes of various immigrant groups,esp of Mexicans and Muslims the most but Indians,Chinese and even Japanese ffs many times! In 2004,22% was the figure that comprised of the 'value voters' these VVs are right wing fanatics who read Glenn Beck's The Blaze and vote for Santorums and Huckabees,believe that all Muslims are terrorists and global warming is a liberal commie conspiracy to take over America.That Gays are causing droughts and floods in multiple areas of the world,abortion brings g-d's wrath on nations etc This is the block ms.KKKoulter appeals to,these are the people writing favorable reviews @ this book before they leave for their next klan meetings! Brazenly Racist White trash Book! 0 Stars....more
Bizarre Homophobic rants and ramblings! This author thinks that all Feminists are purple haired ugly dyke Butch Lesbians and cites fringe extremists ofBizarre Homophobic rants and ramblings! This author thinks that all Feminists are purple haired ugly dyke Butch Lesbians and cites fringe extremists of the Feminist movt to 'prove' his line of thinking!(Ever saw Jessica Valenti?She's a damn straight girl and good looking face of modern Feminism!So are countless others!If you need examples from the past,how about Phyllis Chesler who looked extremely pretty in the 1970s and is a straight woman.) TBH Feminism needs re-direction,real feminist quests should be to combat rapes and gender based abortions in India/China (where they abort female fetuses or FGM in Africa,this fixation with abortion in American feminism and alliance with Islamists is just bizarre!) but this narrow minded stereotyping of feminists as angry bald/purple haired dykes is ridiculous! Citing a bunch of fringe elements and taking them out of context to degrade the whole movement that gained women rights to vote and basically be considered for jobs other than making sammies for the husband is idiotic and so is this whole 'book'. To make sure,American Feminism needs to get rid of Lana Dunhams and Sandra Flukes IMO or it will become irrelevant to those who are not believers in Feminism,focus on misogyny in India,China and African countries is the need of the hour for the movt as a whole-at the world level and NOT Ms.Fluke's birth control money!But this movement has come a long way and without real substance THAT wouldn't have been accomplished!!Today if you take a casual stroll in NYC you'll see many more women in positions of power in schools,offices and corporations compared to men and that's the triumph of Feminism!Women are better than Men and Feminism as a movement is really successful in America! This book is like a real bad joke book,you can read it as a bathroom book to have a few laughs! If 1000 apes are given laptops and asked to form a coherent argument based book,you might 'get' ---> 'Sex Trouble.' Lol #Fail 0 stars and get a fucking life weirdo! ...more
It's a hate manual.After reading this book,I smell Nazism and I hate that smell! Hindutva is a maligned version of Hinduism!And this book in particularIt's a hate manual.After reading this book,I smell Nazism and I hate that smell! Hindutva is a maligned version of Hinduism!And this book in particular reeks of Xenophobia!Muslims and Xtians should not be considered as equal to Hindus as they have their holylands elsewhere??Welp,that makes NO sense and I hope BJP doesn't follow this line in the future in India's national policy! Hinduism is a much benign religion and confined to Indian subcontinent where 94% of Hindus live,there's no prosetylzation in Hinduism,no 'Holybook' inspired idiotic homophobia,no scorn for humanists/atheist etc and that makes it unique!Unfortunately this distortion of Hinduism leads to same dreadful extremism of Islamist Jihad and Christian crusades and it's really unfortunate! In the end,any1 who agrees with 'Aryans' and Nazism doesnt have my sympathies!So 0 stars!...more