Theism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "theism" Showing 61-90 of 166
Alan Lightman
“Over many centuries science has weakened the hold of religion, not by disproving the existence of God, but by invalidating arguments for God based on what we observe in the natural world.

The multiverse idea offers an explanation of why we find ourselves in a universe favorable to life that does not rely on the benevolence of a creator, and so if correct will leave still less support for religion.”
Alan Lightman, The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew

Richard C. Carrier
“...the naive forms of Christian moral motivation - bare threats of hell and the bribery of heaven - stunt moral growth by ensuring believers remain emotional children, never achieving the cognitive moral development of adults. Psychologists have established that mature adults are moral not because of bare threats and bribes (that stage of moral development typifies children, not adults), but because they care about the effects their behavior has on themselves and others.”
Richard C. Carrier

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
“From the most ancient civilizations to the most primitive of modern societies, religions with God at their centre have formed the foundation of human culture. In fact, the denial of God’s existence (atheism) throughout history was limited to a few individuals until the rise of communism in the 20th century...”
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, Did God Become Man?

Graham Greene
“If God had been like a toad, you could have rid the globe of toads, but when God was like yourself, it was no good being content with stone figures — you had to kill yourself among the graves.”
Graham Greene, The Power and the Glory

William Barrett
“Heidegger’s philosophy is neither atheism nor theism, but a description of the world from which God is absent.”
William Barrett, Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy

J. Krishnamurti
“One society will condemn those who believe in God, and another society will condemn those who do not. They are both the same.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Ludwig Feuerbach
“[T]he present age, which prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original[.]”
Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity

Joseph Rain
“An omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent being has no need for creation, for it already encompasses everything.”
Joseph Rain, The Unfinished Book About Who We Are

Rian Nejar
“Atheists are often asked to prove the nonexistence of a nonexistent thing, but religious hierarchies do far better: they abuse you with impunity, and profit from selling you many imaginary benefits of a panoply of nonexistent things.”
Rian Nejar

Alan Lightman
“Most religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism, subscribe to an interventionist view of God.

...all of these religions, at least in their orthodox expressions, are incompatible with science. This is as far as one gets with a purely logical analysis.

Except for a God who sits down after the universe begins, all other Gods conflict with the assumptions of science.”
Alan Lightman, The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew

J.S.B. Morse
“Nothing is more dangerous than an atheist playing God.”
J.S.B. Morse, Gods of Ruin

Thor Benson
“I can't think of anything more arrogant than believing your god is real but the thousands of gods humanity has invented over the course of history are ridiculous fantasies.”
Thor Benson

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“My friend (s), I'm not an atheist like you. In fact, I'm a theist. Meaning, I do believe in One Living God!”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Jean-Paul Sartre
“In 1787, at an inn near Moulins, an old man was dying, a friend of Diderot, trained by the philosophers. The priests of the neighbourhood were nonplussed: they had tried everything in vain; the good man would have no last rites, he was a pantheist. M. de Rollebon, who was passing by and who believed in nothing, bet the Cure of Moulins that he would need less than two hours to bring the sick man back to Christian sentiments. The Cure took the bet and lost: Rollebon began at three in the morning, the sick man confessed at five and died at seven. “Are you so forceful in argument?” asked the Cure, “You outdo even us.” “I did not argue,” answered M. de Rollebon, “I made him fear Hell.”
Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea

G.K. Chesterton
“The philosophical case against theism is rather easily dealt with. There is no philosophical case against theism.”
G.K. Chesterton

“He who orders his slave to do things that he knows him to be incapable of doing, then punishes him, is a fool.”
Abu Isa al-Warraq

Ludwig Feuerbach
“[T]hese days illusion only is scared, truth profane. … [S]acredness is held to be enhanced in proportion as truth decreases and illusion increases, so that the highest degree of illusion comes to highest degree of sacredness. Religion has disappeared, … for it has been substituted … the appearance of religion[.]”
Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity

Criss Jami
“Even the devils are theists. I am of all people one of the least qualified to judge, but I do believe that some atheists are closer to God than are some theists. With Him, it is better to be distant in the mind but near in the heart than it is to be distant in the heart but near in the mind.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Criss Jami
“Our big mistake in modern intellectualism is first and foremost its lack of nuance. We have made science synonymous with atheism - a presupposed conception and yet, another means to non sequiturs - and therefore, to a number of enthusiasts determined to go the further, anti-theism. Hereby let us observe that science has long served best and should be, if none other, the one discipline, if at all possible, free of potential ideology, pro-religious or anti-religious, and/or biased presupposition in order to maintain the true authenticity and the full reliability of its nature.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Athanasius of Alexandria
“But if they are shown to be, and are the works not of men but of God, why are the unbelievers so irreligious as not to recognize the Master Who did them?”
Athanasius of Alexandria, On the Incarnation

Abhijit Naskar
“Theism is a conclusion, so is atheism - none of these two conclusions is the product of serious investigation - one is born from the human's primitive urge to believe, and the other is born from the human's comparatively modern arrogance of radical reasoning. Neither of them truly wants to understand - rather both of them want to conclude on a matter that requires infinite patience, perseverance and naivety.”
Abhijit Naskar, A Push in Perception

Joseph Rain
“An aware theist understands that believing in God does not equal the fact of knowing that God exists.”
Joseph Rain, The Unfinished Book About Who We Are

Joseph Rain
“Any individual, group, institution or authority claiming to “know” the mind of God is an insult to the spirit of divine being-ness.”
Joseph Rain, The Unfinished Book About Who We Are

Pema Chödrön
“Theism is a deep-seated conviction that there’s some hand to hold: if we just do the right things, someone will appreciate us and take care of us. It means thinking there’s always going to be a babysitter available when we need one. We all are inclined to abdicate our responsibilities and delegate our authority to something outside ourselves. Nontheism is relaxing with the ambiguity and uncertainty of the present moment without reaching for anything to protect ourselves.”
Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

“স্রষ্টার উপস্থিতি উপলব্ধি করার বিষয়। এটা বীজগণিতের কোনও সুত্র নয় যে অংক করতে বসলাম আর প্রমাণ করে ফেললাম! মানুষ, জীবজন্তু, প্রকৃতি ইত্যাদির প্রতি গভীর পর্যবেক্ষণ থাকলে অবশ্যই স্রষ্টার অস্তিত্ব অনুভব করা যায়। যেমন, আমার এক ফেইসবুক পোস্টে আমি উল্লেখ করেছিলাম যে মানুষের হাতের ৪টি আঙুল পাশাপাশি অবস্থান করছে ঠিকই কিন্তু একটি আঙুল মানে বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুল ঐ ৪টি আঙুল থেকে অনেকটা দূরে, আকৃতিগতভাবে ছোট এবং অন্য আঙুলগুলোর চেয়ে অনেকটাই আলাদা। এখন এটা বলা নির্বুদ্ধিতাই হবে যে বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুলের অবস্থান কাকতালীয়ভাবেই এমন। সৃষ্টিকর্তা ভালো করেই জানেন এবং বোঝেন যে হাতের সব আঙুল একই আকৃতির ও গঠনের হলে আমাদের কোনও কিছু ধরতে বা কোনও কাজ করতে অনেক কঠিন বা রীতিমত অসম্ভব হবে! তাই তিনি আমাদের হাতের বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুলটিকে অন্য ৪টি আঙুল থেকে একটু দূরে রেখেছেন! একটু অন্যভাবে ব্যাখ্যা দিলে বিষয়টি আরও পরিস্কার হবে। শিশুর জন্মের পর পিতামাতা যেমন তার সুস্থতার প্রতি ভীষণভাবে মনোযোগী হন, সে যাতে তার খাওয়া-দাওয়া, হাঁটাচলা, কথা বলা ইত্যাদি কোনোরকম ঝামেলা ছাড়াই স্বতঃস্ফূর্তভাবে করতে পারে সে ব্যাপারে সচেষ্ট হন, স্রষ্টাও তেমনি মানুষ তথা সমগ্র প্রাণীকুলের সার্বিক সুস্থতা, সুবিধা এবং স্বাভাবিকতার কথা ভেবেই তাদেরকে নির্দিষ্ট আকার, আকৃতি ও গঠন প্রদান করেছেন!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

“কবি চণ্ডীদাসের 'সবার উপরে মানুষ সত্য তাহার উপরে নাই' বাণীটি ত্রুটিপূর্ণ। এক অর্থে এটি মানবতার কথা বলে, অন্য অর্থে নাস্তিকতাও বোঝায়! 'মানুষের উপরে কিছু নাই' বললে স্রষ্টাকে অগ্রাহ্য ও অপমানিত করা হয়!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

Michael G. Strauss
“Based on the evidence from both observations and theoretical calculations, the scientific community eventually, and maybe reluctantly, has accepted the idea that the universe appear to have begun about fourteen billion years ago--because there is no other explanation that fits the evidence.”
Michael G. Strauss

“I'll never understand the arrogance of some atheists. It doesn't seem outlandish to me for a creation to believe he or she has a creator.”
Daniel V Chappell

Russell M. Nelson
“For this reason, a policy to separate church and state completely could become completely counterproductive. The effect of erasing a theistic culture would allow atheistic forces to flourish unopposed in the public square. If that happens, the theistic and noble concept of “freedom of religion” could be twisted and turned to become an atheistic “freedom from religion.” Such an unbalanced policy could sweep out the theistic forces that have been responsible for our society’s success and leave the field wide open to atheistic ideology, secularism, and huge losses for each of us.”
Russell M. Nelson, Accomplishing the Impossible: What God Does, What We Can Do

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Healthy longtime atheists are proof that believing in God is not a biological need.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana