Talking Quotes
Quotes tagged as "talking"
Showing 151-180 of 466
“People can tell you to shut up, but they can't keep you from having an opinion.”
― The Diary of a Young Girl
― The Diary of a Young Girl
“Ducks communicate by quacking. Though it sounds like they are endlessly repeating themselves, what if their language functions at such a high cognitive level that it's so efficient that it reduces all thoughts down to one word, without the possibility of being misunderstood?”
― Duck Quotes For The Ages. Specifically ages 18-81.
― Duck Quotes For The Ages. Specifically ages 18-81.
“A man of genius can hardly be sociable, for what dialogues could indeed be so intelligent and entertaining as his own monologues?”
“I like dancing for dancing's sake. It's a break from having to participate in verbal communication, which always seems to be about explaining shit, and proving shit, and clarifying shit, and arguing about shit, and criticizing shit, and showing off about shit, and avoiding shit, and dramatizing shit, and cracking jokes about shit, and brushing shit off, and defending shit, and attacking shit, and lying about shit, and insisting that shit will be "ok," when truly empathizing and connecting with people involves feeling everything, and saying nothing.”
― A Room Called Earth
― A Room Called Earth
“People will always have something to say about you because they’re perpetually preoccupied with avoiding what they would say about themselves.”
“Talking about doing great things and not actually doing them makes a mockery of great things and a fool of the person who’s doing all the talking.”
“Like a shark who must keep swimming to live, a politician—which was what the General had become—had to keep his lips constantly moving.”
― The Sympathizer
― The Sympathizer
“Language offers us a surprising, savage terrain full of pockets and peaks. Shakespeare invented words like crazy. Mark Twain wrote in dialect. Muhammad Ali rapped in rhythmic sentences. Junot Diaz mixes Spanish into his sentences like rum into fruit juice. Nicki Minaj spices her lyrics with slang.”
― Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wickedly Effective Prose
― Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wickedly Effective Prose
“Although a drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts, both the words and thoughts are usually muddled and destructive, as is generally the case with drinkers and talkers.”
― Pittown
― Pittown
“Silence cannot be mispronounced, Silence cannot be misinterpreted, silence cannot be misquoted.”
― Wealth of Words
― Wealth of Words
“Imagine that your tears can talk. What would they say? Listen to them. They are trying to tell you something important.”
― Waldmeer
― Waldmeer
“...the most powerful person in any room is the one with the clearest thoughts and the fewest words.”
― The Talk: Conversations about Race, Love & Truth
― The Talk: Conversations about Race, Love & Truth
“He ran his mind over the things they had said, the random, unnecessary things which had eddied round and round and used up all the time, and drawn them so close together and flung them so far apart and left him in the end unsatisfied, ignorant still of what she felt and of what she was like. What was the use of talking, talking, merely talking?”
― The Voyage Out
― The Voyage Out
“I know how it is. Saying too much. Saying too little. Who says enough? Just enough?
My closest conversations are bad translations.
That's not what I meant--not what I meant at all.”
― Frankissstein: A Love Story
My closest conversations are bad translations.
That's not what I meant--not what I meant at all.”
― Frankissstein: A Love Story
“Spoken words may be forgiven, they may eventually be forgotten, but they could never ever be taken back.”
― A Secret of the Soul
― A Secret of the Soul
“Love comes first, life second, followed by inspiration and humor. Pick your subject of conversation accordingly.”
“Betty from down the street was one of those creatures who seemed to be operating under the notion that if she ever stopped talking, even for a second, she'd die.”
― Residue
― Residue
“Someone may have used an ingenious array of flavorful and rich words to explain something. However, that does not necessarily mean that they said anything.”
“Work for peace. Think before you say something. Are you making things better or just taking out your trash.
The point is growth. Constant process of reclamation. Clearing out the deadwood and making room for things to grow.”
The point is growth. Constant process of reclamation. Clearing out the deadwood and making room for things to grow.”
“If all that you’re doing is going off at the mouth, a pound of words won’t make an ounce of sense.”
“I can't imagine telling all my thoughts to someone else, speaking them into the atmosphere like flint sparks in a cloud of gasoline fumes. I think the world might explode.”
― And It All Came Tumbling Down
― And It All Came Tumbling Down
“If you keep your mouth closed more than you keep it open, there’s a whole lot less opportunity to put your foot in it.”
“De mens is het enige wezen dat kan praten. Hoe minder je praat, hoe minder mens je wordt.
Niet willen praten is te kennen geven dat je de taal van de dieren wil spreken, de taal van de vuist.”
― Eeuwige roem
Niet willen praten is te kennen geven dat je de taal van de dieren wil spreken, de taal van de vuist.”
― Eeuwige roem
“There were times, she thought, when 'ah' said everything that needed to be said”
― The Joy and Light Bus Company
― The Joy and Light Bus Company
“So much of what people say is not what they really think. Lack of authentic communication mostly comes from fear. We must learn how to communicate honestly, and with love. We must also learn how to listen to the constant stream of silent words which ever move between and around us.”
― Touched by Love
― Touched by Love
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