Inequality Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inequality" Showing 151-180 of 741
Monica Wood
“Perhaps it's an oddity of human nature to judge women more harshly, or maybe we expect so little of men their transgressions don't register the same.”
Monica Wood, How to Read a Book

Elizabeth Macneal
“You have everything you want! You cleave to your principles, and you are a man with the advantage of station! This - this interaction with me - it doesn't degrade you. In the eyes of the world, it makes you a rake, but it makes me a whore.' He flinches, and she says it again, louder. 'Yes, a whore! And what of my principles? What of the way I'm looked at, sneered at even by your charwoman? Your mere mistress - and if you discarded me I'd have nothing.”
Elizabeth Macneal, The Doll Factory

“They laugh at feminism from the comfort of privilege, blind to the chains it seeks to break.”
Anubha Saxena

Thomas Piketty
“The whole history of inequality regimes shows that what makes historical change possible is above all the existence of social and political mobilizations for change and concrete experimentation with alternative arrangements.”
Thomas Piketty, Capital and Ideology

Thomas Piketty
“A just society is one that allows all of its members access to the widest possible range of fundamental goods. Fundamental goods include education, health, the right to vote, and more generally to participate as fully as possible in the various forms of social, cultural, economic, civic, and political life. A just society organizes socioeconomic relations, property rights, and the distribution of income and wealth in such a way as to allow its least advantaged members to enjoy the highest possible life conditions. A just society in no way requires absolute uniformity or equality. To the extent that income and wealth inequalities are the result of different aspirations and distinct life choices or permit improvement of the standard of living and expansion of the opportunities available to the disadvantaged, they may be considered just. But this must be demonstrated, not assumed, and this argument cannot be invoked to justify any degree of inequality whatsoever, as it too often is.”
Thomas Piketty, Capital and Ideology

Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
“You have to grab for happiness in places like this because there isn't enough to go around for everybody.”
Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, Friday Black

“She did not want to be a cliché or hackneyed example of an inner-city girl. She wanted to battle against the forces of poverty, low social status and the expectations of those who had passed the law that achievement for her kind was not attainable.”
Colleen Smith-Dennis, Inner City Girl

Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
“The people here had grown emaciated with hunger and toil, and the walls of their houses sighed with grief and sorrow. All the lovely flowers of this land had been transplanted to the palace to delight the eyes of the sovereign's consort, while the plump boars had been taken and served to please her sophisticated tastes. And so, the tranquil spring sun shone in vain on the grey, deserted streets of the city. And, perched atop a hill in the centre, the palace, shining with the five colours of the rainbow, towered over the corpse of the capital like a beast of prey.”
Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, The Siren’s Lament: Essential Stories

Abhijit Naskar
“To replace the sky god with a computer god isn't advancement. Real advancement is when nobody suffers from scarcity of sustenance.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

“In the conservative ideologies of the rich and powerful, the principle of control is much more comfortable than is trust and support for self-organization. An ideology of control justifies intervention by those forces of containment, such as military and police, to maintain order and protect the structures of power and wealth. On the contrary, allowing an increase in the self-organization of processes might bring about more beneficial solutions for the whole, but could endanger the position of those now in control.”
Jürgen Kriz, Self-Actualization

Alexis de Tocqueville
“There is in fact a manly and legitimate passion for equality that incites men to want to be strong and esteemed. This passion tends to elevate the small to the rank of the great. But in the human heart a depraved taste for equality is also found that leads the weak to want to bring the strong down to their level and that reduces men to preferring equality in servitude to inequality in liberty.”
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America - Volume 1: The Original 1835 Edition Text

“Nothing says 'advanced society' like basing rights and opportunities on chromosomes.”
Anubha Saxena

Mikaela Loach
“The sickness that is white supremacy is killing us all, some more quickly than others.”
Mikaela Loach, It's Not That Radical: Climate Action to Transform Our World

Mikaela Loach
“... oppression is in the foundations of many of the systems that exist today and therefore simply changing who is at the top does not fix the fact that the system itself requires there to be people at the bottom.”
Mikaela Loach, It's Not That Radical: Climate Action to Transform Our World

Mikaela Loach
“A new world is utterly reliant on us being able to see the humanity in all people, even if those people can't see our humanity. It's a hard pill to swallow.”
Mikaela Loach, It's Not That Radical: Climate Action to Transform Our World

Mikaela Loach
“Capitalism requires there to be someone at the bottom to exploit from. It requires inequality. We can never have collective liberation under a system like this.”
Mikaela Loach, It's Not That Radical: Climate Action to Transform Our World

“It is interesting how the advocates of social inequality think that the wealthy respond to quite different incentives from the poor. If the rich are to be persuaded to work, they require the stimulus of still greater wealth: hence the paramount importance of reducing taxes on high incomes. When dealing with the poor, in contrast, it is held that there is nothing like the prospect of still greater poverty as a work incentive: hence the paramount importance of strictly limiting the benefits to which they are entitled.”
Paul Cockshott, Towards a New Socialism

Octavia E. Butler
“I hated the fact that I had to live with this fear, the fear of being helpless. [page 178]”
Octavia E. Butler, Kindred

Octavia E. Butler
“I don't think I can do this anymore, do this facade of caring p.122”
Octavia E. Butler, Kindred

Octavia E. Butler
“It just wasn't fair. All the things I had seen here, I would never forget. I just want to go home. Page 196”
Octavia E. Butler, Kindred

Octavia E. Butler
“For the first time in a long time, I was free. Dirty, scarred, and hurt, but finally free.”
Octavia E. Butler, Kindred

Octavia E. Butler
“No no no, he can't do this, he was my protector, not this.”
Octavia E. Butler, Kindred

“Men globally need urgent lesson in basic mathematics regarding representation of women.
Any mention of equality of women inevitably give rise to questions of morality of women. There is a dire need to realize that there is no morality in inequality.”

“El seu destí estava marcat des del seu naixament, no només per la seva sang, sinó pel seu sexe. Estava lligada a un marit per sobreviure, per a seguir avançant, i sense ell, no tindria cap valia.”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“The world is upside down, and therefore the first are last and the last are first.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning by Morning: Daily Devotional Readings

Reem Gaafar
“She had never spoken that way with her cousin before, or with any other male member of her family or community. This wasn’t the kind of village where girls spoke freely in the presence of men. It wasn’t even the kind of village where girls and women walked in public with men; the small back alleys and streets that lined the houses were how they got about, staying out of the men’s way as much as possible.”
Reem Gaafar, A Mouth Full of Salt

“When I was a teenager I started to think about how dedicated Dad was to the struggle for working-class rights. He had devoted his life to the Labour cause fighting inequality and that’s fucking great. I was proud of him. But what about women? He was out fighting the cause, and my mother was at home running the house. Where do women stand in the revolution? I’d seen Paine’s Rights of Man on his bookshelf. I wondered to myself, what about the rights of women?”
Bobby Gillespie, Tenement Kid

N.K. Jemisin
“People in this land come from many others, and it shows in sheen of skin and kink of hair and plumpness of lip and hip. If one wanders the streets where the workers and artisans do their work, there are slightly more people with dark skin; if one strolls the corridors of the executive tower, there are a few extra done in pale. There is history rather than malice in this, and it is still being actively, intentionally corrected—because the people of Um-Helat are not naive believers in good intentions as the solution to all ills. No, there are no worshippers of mere tolerance here, nor desperate grovelers for that grudging pittance of respect which is diversity. Um-Helatians are learned enough to understand what must be done to make the world better, and pragmatic enough to actually enact it.

Does that seem wrong to you? It should not. The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by those concealing ill intent, of insisting that people already suffering should be afflicted with further, unnecessary pain. This is the paradox of tolerance, the treason of free speech: We hesitate to admit that some people are just fucking evil and need to be stopped.

This is Um-Helat, after all, and not that barbaric America.”
N.K. Jemisin, How Long 'til Black Future Month?

N.K. Jemisin
“They begin to perceive that ours is a world where the notion that some people are less important than others has been allowed to take root, and grow until it buckles and cracks the foundations of our humanity. “How could they?” the gleaners exclaim, of us. “Why would they do such things? How can they just leave those people to starve? Why do they not listen when that one complains of disrespect? What does it mean that these ones have been assaulted and no one, no one, cares? Who treats other people like that?”
N.K. Jemisin, How Long 'til Black Future Month?