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Splintered Magic #1

Splintered Magic

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Brigid Donovan is down on her luck. Her husband dumped her for the biggest stereotype around, his secretary, and her family mansion is a decaying wreck. All she wants is to get it restored, enjoy the peace and quiet of living in eight hundred acres of primordial forest, and rebuild her life.

Fate seems to be against her. First, her cat starts to speak to her. And what does he say? He's not what he seems to be—seriously? Like a talking cat is normal. He does tell her that she's the great-granddaughter of a fae lord, and very powerful. Only, that doesn't seem right. Where's her magic? Why didn't her family tell her?

Things aren't as picture perfect as they seem in her hometown of Kilchis, Oregon. In fact, they haven't been for a long time. For one thing, her restoration team is a pack of werewolves, and her new bestie is a witch. What's going on? Brigid has to find out fast or she could lose it all—her mind, her magic, and her life.

170 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 14, 2023

About the author

Jilleen Dolbeare

33 books127 followers
Jilleen Dolbeare is the author of the Shadow Winged Chronicles, an urban fantasy series about a shape-shifting bush pilot in Alaska.

She loves riding horses, warm ocean beaches, and long walks in the mountains, none of which she can do in the Arctic, so she writes.

Her activities are riding her four-wheeler on cold ocean beaches (often frozen or covered with ice), and long walks to and from work when it’s 40 below—in the dark. She does keep her stakes sharp for those vamps that show up during the 67 days of night.

Jilleen lives with her husband and two hungry cats in Barrow, Alaska where she also discovered her love and admiration of the Inupiaq people and their folklore.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 184 reviews
Profile Image for John Mauro.
Author 7 books850 followers
August 8, 2024
My SPFBOX review of Splintered Magic is published at Before We Go Blog.

“Please, no more cat food. He tilted his lovely face and blue eyes at me. I prefer premium cuts of chicken, fish, and beef. Oh, and make sure you get some cream, the cat said.”

Splintered Magic is Jilleen Dolbeare’s contemporary low fantasy starring Brigid Donovan and her magical talking cat, the illustrious Mr. Mittens.

Brigid is recently divorced, forty-two years old, and seeking to begin a new chapter of her life at her recently inherited family estate. The building itself resembles a haunted house more than a quaint country home, and Brigid intends to give it some much-needed tender loving care.

In a move that would make Haruki Murakami proud, Brigid also inherits the home’s hyperintelligent talking cat, Mr. Mittens. Brigid quickly forms a friendship with her new feline companion. The banter between Brigid and Mr. Mittens becomes one of the most entertaining aspects of the novel.

There is a strong HGTV quality to Splintered Magic. The author devotes significant page time to Brigid’s home repair adventures and the personal relationships that develop with her contractors.
There is plenty of magic hiding beneath the surface of her hometown. Brigid also discovers magical powers of her own as she pieces together the secrets of her family history. The action in Splintered Magic is fairly low stakes for most of the book, but it builds up to an intense climax that kept me flipping the pages.

While all the characters in Splintered Magic are fully-grown adults with plenty of life experience, the book is written in a rather young adult style. Jilleen Dolbeare’s prose is very easy to read, but I felt a major disconnect between her writing style and the maturity of the characters involved.

Splintered Magic is not a complicated book: it’s fun summer reading for fantasy fans who also enjoy watching the occasional HGTV. Brigid is a relatable, easy-to-root-for protagonist, and Mr. Mittens is an absolute delight. However, I felt that the writing style fell short of expectations, which warrants a cut from the SPFBOX competition.
Profile Image for CassDamm.
641 reviews95 followers
June 7, 2023
3 ⭐️

Honestly, it was very strange.

The characters were written like they were stupid basically. It’s hard to explain unless you read it but they genuinely just seemed very unintelligent. In addition to that some stuff just made no sense.

I had high hopes bc there was a lot of potential at the start but it really just went downhill with how questionable the character’s personalities were.
Profile Image for Traslan.
1,022 reviews6 followers
February 14, 2024
Dnf 20%

That's my limit on stupid from this book.

I have to admit I started skimming at the end to avoid it, but then the 'cat' finds tracks of a witch in the woods around the house and says it's suspicious. Then the fmc explains it away with 'Maybe a witch was hiking.'


No, just no.

I like the 'cat', but the fmc is brain dead.

Do not recommend.
1,313 reviews68 followers
September 21, 2024
Now this was a fabulous read! Having read the prequel, which I enjoyed immensely, I knew I was in for a joyous ride. When you have a downtrodden divorcee trying to put her life back together by purchasing her childhood home, one would expect a pretty predictable read highlighting her disappointment, her sorrow and her anger at her situation. Yeah, well, nope... what we get instead instead is a strong woman, a woman who refused to be intimidated any longer, a woman who is too trusting and a woman who discovers she's....ummmm.... magical! I love how the author captures her so realistically that immediately one feels sympathy for her and how the story is wound up is deceivingly simple, from an insignificant (or so she was lead to believe), run of the mill 40 something woman, to a woman with such power she has no idea what to do with yet alone use it or control it! What I really like is how the author draws one in, step by step and before I know it, I'm panting as if I had run a marathon! The drama and action almost felt like it snuck up on me, that's how wonderful the pacing is.

Brigid had no idea what was in store for her when she set out to renovate her childhood home, suddenly she's thrown into a world she couldn't possibly have believed to be true, heck, she questions her sanity, which I would probably too if I were in her shoes! How can one not instantly fall in love with Mr Mittens? He is the most obnoxiously wonderful creature, protective, well that's his task, but his snark, his demeanor, his attitude are equally hilarious and touching. He exposes Brigid to a world that boggles her mind. I love how she traverses the unimaginable, how she embraces who and what she is. I love how she hunts to reignite her magic, to find the missing pieces, to make her whole. Even without her magic complete, she's still powerful, thanks to her unusual heritage. Which opens up a whole new spectrum for further books in this series!

A few key characters emerge, notably Gabe, her childhood sweetheart, who's not who she thought he was, yet feels drawn to him as she once did. He's a honey, a gentleman and a true friend, a friend she can depend on and the fact that they rekindle their attraction adds to the beauty of the tale. Not so great, although I did feel a twinge of sympathy for him, is Scott, he's being used by Sophia in an awful manner, who's the real villain in this tale. But unfortunately, Brigid is too trusting, and when those Brigid thought she could trust betray her in the most dreadful manner, she vows to retaliate. And she does, by getting the aid of a few friends, she tackles them head on, but the outcome is not what she expected. Now she has yet another problem to solve, a very dire situation, in need of all her magical faculties.

I loved the mystery of whodunit, the why and the how, all the while spinning a very tidy coil, nice and snug, until the final product is a piece of art. All the loose ends collected and fitted together for a superb read and the in the final chapter a new coil is started, one I will delight in adding to the already completed perfect coil.
Profile Image for TJ.
3,098 reviews218 followers
August 10, 2024
A decent, if somewhat generic yet enjoyable story. The writing is basic with very simple sentences, thoughts and set-up. No depth or nuance at all, just a basic story someone might tell if making it up for entertainment’s sake before bedtime.

Given that, character’s actions make no sense at times, and the villains are so glaringly obvious, the author could have just said, “.. and the villain now walks into the room” the first time they are introduced.

So… not sure I’ll continue even though there is a huge cliffhanger at the end that requires reading the next book. It’s just a bit too simplistically written for my personal taste.
Profile Image for Nancy Tice.
37 reviews12 followers
July 6, 2023
Pretty much everyone in this book was one-dimensional, stupid, and generic. It felt like someone had sat down with a deadline of two hours to write a book. To say it was also a cliff-hanger would be wrong. That presupposes that it ends at a logical place with threads that need to be resolved. This just abruptly stopped with no rational reason, as though someone had just sliced the rest of the book off and threw it away. I would be willing to bet all in this series are like this, so I won’t even bother to read any more.
Profile Image for Jai M {Cat Crazy Dragon }.
798 reviews43 followers
March 10, 2023
Sweetness, followed by suspense and action.

This was so much fun.
A little sweeter and nicer than I expected, but also with a more realistic feel.
It comes across as PWF, but with a more detailed, grounded feel.

Dialogue was believable, natural, and flowed well.
The pace, stumbled in places slightly (too much random detail), but otherwise very engaging. I never felt the need to skip, skim, or speed read. Was engaged the whole time.

While I loved the fact the FMC was paranoid, or one those who complains and criticises everybody and everything.. She was at times TOO blasé and unobservant. Not tstl, but definitely too naïve, that was frustrating, especially when certain parts were obvious, including her lack of respect for Mr Mittens.

That aside, I did really like her.
Would have loved more detail on the griffin!

Last complaint: the cliffhanger, extremely abrupt, smack inside of the story … confess, not a fan of that, but that’s a personal preference.
Normally, I would put off until the series was done.

But I’am glad I read this, did truly enjoy it, and will definitely read the next.
Profile Image for Kassandra.
249 reviews6 followers
November 15, 2023
“ Your great-grandfather is a Fae lord. Your great-grandmother was a witch.”

42 year old divorced Brigid has just drove into her new home. Her former childhood home in her hometown. Reeling from her divorce from her shitty husband she focuses on remodeling her dilapidated childhood home. Soon she finds out she is a magical being. Who tells her?? Her cat of course 😹

The scenes with the cat—(who’s name I will leave out because you *will* get a kick out of it and the cats description) are some of my favorite! The cat is an integral part of this story and I am HERE for it.

We join Brigid as she discovers that the world around her has never been as it seems. Even as a little girl she had no clue as to what kind of family she was really from. Within a few days she’s dealing with absolute mayhem as she tries to stop evil onto her AND discover her magic through her grandmother’s old journals.

I enjoyed reading this quick and captivating read. The only thing that gets me is how I’m not too sure if the naiveness of the MC is due to her past with her ex or if that’s just how she was written.
She was warned by several other more knowledgeable beings on what to do and she chose to ignore them. I suppose if she had listened the book would have ended there, but I’m excited to see where this goes because I want to continue this fun series. That’s the only reason I gave it four stars. If there is major character development I will definitely note that throughout 😎

Overall the book gave off plenty of paranormal and fantasy vibes for me to not be overwhelmed by it like some other books and it has me drawn. Dolbeare did a great job on this book and I’m looking forward to “Splintered Veil.”
Profile Image for L.A. McBride.
Author 12 books128 followers
September 5, 2023
Great setup for the series!

After leaving a bad marriage, Brigid Donovan has big plans for a fresh start. First up is buying back the old crumbling mansion that once belonged to her family and restoring it to its former glory. But the house comes with surprises of its own—hidden magic waiting for her to claim it and a not-so-ordinary house cat that turns into a ferocious battle cat. When enemies start popping up, Brigid has to figure out her magic fast while gathering new and old friends. I loved getting lost in this midlife magical makeover story and can't wait for the next installment!
77 reviews
April 25, 2023
Dragged out

Dragged out to a Cliffhanger
Abrupt unfinished ending
Beginning was OK
Then threw in everything & the kitchen sink
To just stop
Profile Image for Agnieszka.
230 reviews4 followers
June 1, 2023
All of the plot is moving forward because characters are too stupid to live. I just can't 😑
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
3,071 reviews269 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
July 24, 2023
DNF at 28%. I can't explain it but the writing is a bit jerky. Some editing is needed to smooth out the plot.
Profile Image for Maria Trying to write my book  Park.
828 reviews41 followers
February 27, 2023
Ragdolls, Griffins and Werewolves

Brigid Donovan has driven a long time in really rotten weather to reach her childhood home. She has managed to purchase back the lovely old Victorian house with 600 acres of forest as well as an additional 200 acres of an old dairy farm.

While Brigid was arranging to move to Oregon, she engaged the services of a local restoration company, Whelan Restoration, and they have fixed most of the exterior and a bedroom and bathroom and the kitchen so she could live there while the project was completed.

Brigid comes up the driveway anticipating the beautiful old house she grew up in and is horrified to see the dark, rotting siding. Too tired to deal with it, Brigid unloads her trailer and sees her fabulous new kitchen and bed/bathroom. Dropping her clothes on the floor, she takes a long bath and falls asleep on her own bed.

Suddenly, a knock is heard downstairs, and Brigid realizes she is alone in the woods without a weapon and can't figure out who would be knocking on her door. She carefully answers and finds an older couple who introduce themselves as Craig and Anna Whelan, who are spearheading the house's renovation.

Brigid's experiences get stranger and stranger as she meets a cat, who the Whalen's say just wandered in. But when she is drawn to the attic, she finds a silver charm bracelet that, as she puts it on, flashes and disappears into her skin. And her cat can suddenly talk to her.

Brigid becomes aware of magic underneath the surface everywhere. Witch magic and Fae, Werewolves and a plethora of magical creatures. And some of them want her magic badly enough to kill for it.

Read on to find out how Brigid finds her own magic; how her enemies plot against her; and whether she wins or loses the battle for her independence and her land. Great story, I'm off to read the next one.
Profile Image for Jennifer Soppe.
2,251 reviews13 followers
February 19, 2023
An exciting midlife magical adventure read

Brigid, a divorcee, has returned to the town she spent most of her childhood in after buying back her family home. As the story progresses old acquaintances appear, she sees things that cause fear, and the answer to part of the problem could be near Splintered Magic is an exciting midlife magical adventure read. This book has a little of everything a romantic mystery needs. The romance and mystery slowly unfold as Brigid tries to settle back into life in her ancestral home. But I have to say, I really want a Mr. Mittens of my own in all his cat glory to brighten my life.

I received a free copy of the book from the author. I had the opportunity to review or not.
Profile Image for Tijana.
11 reviews
February 19, 2023
Jilleen has created a wonderful world and introduced us to intriguing characters in such a short story.
I adored both Brigid and the cat. I'm looking forward to reading more about their upcoming adventures.
Living a normal life, Brigid knew nothing about magic or the supernatural. After going through some tough times she starts rebuilding her life, but not in the way she expected it. With the help of her cat, she needs to uncover the secret of her family and the magic she possesses.
I enjoyed every bit of the struggles as much as the weird/crazy bits and sassiness.
Profile Image for Debbie Eyre.
5,361 reviews106 followers
February 16, 2023
This was fantastic! Dumped and divorced, Brigid Donovan is on her way home, back to her hometown of Kilchis, Oregon where her family mansion lies in ruins. So she buys it and starts to renovate it and along the way finds things are not all as they seem! First the cat that’s hanging around can talk! Then Brigid finds out she is actually part fae and werewolves exist, say what!! It’s a fast paced, well written magical story that has you pulled into this incredible world of fae, witches, shifters and talking cats and you will not want to leave.
Profile Image for Georgia Tumbleweed McNabb.
495 reviews4 followers
February 19, 2023
Really Enjoying this

I am enjoying this book, but I am having some trouble understanding how Brigid is so Naive after an abuseive Ex.
Love Mr. Mittens and Bright Feather characters. Looking forward to book 2
February 2, 2024
Amazing read!

I was hooked by the 3rd chapter. Amazing story and so so easy to read. The storyline flowed seamlessly. I couldn't put it down.
Profile Image for Z. Jeffries.
Author 6 books19 followers
February 6, 2024
Fun, easy read. Interesting magic. Compelling MC. Woulda been 5 stars, but the cliffhanger
Profile Image for Manda .
806 reviews8 followers
February 15, 2023
Brigid's new start isn't going quite as she had planned. Firstly, Mr Mittens, the cat she inherited with her family's house starts talking to her. Then, it turns out that the contractors she hired to renovate her house are all werewolves, her new friend is a witch and her old college sweetheart is a healer. And from there things just get weirder.

A story of depth and charm. The first of another fantastic series from Jilleen.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
250 reviews1 follower
February 19, 2023
5 stars!

I loved it! Amazing characters, good plot, plenty of action, magic, crazy situations and a bit of romance. I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Laurel Heebsh.
82 reviews1 follower
February 9, 2023
I can tell this is the start of a great series! The main character returns to her hometown to rebuild her family home and her life. She learns about the magical world and starts to discover her place in it. Plus, what’s not to love about a protector who’s also a 25 lb talking Ragdoll cat?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
10 reviews2 followers
February 8, 2023
Splintered Magic is the start of a great new series! I love the new cryptid, splintercat, something I’ve never come across before. And he is both lovable AND fearsome! Brigid moves to the Oregon coast after a painful divorce, buys and starts renovating the family mansion she grew up in, and adopts the beautiful cat that hangs around her house. Through a series of events she starts to learn that 1) magic is real; 2) her family was magic; and 3) she, herself, is magic and very powerful, if she can only find the trinkets that contain her magic which has been kept hidden from her. There is romance, both real and false, shifters, witches, and black magic. Brigid is attacked by people who want to find and take her power from her, and her almost-boyfriend, a magic healer, is kidnapped by an evil witch cult. This is a fast, fascinating story, and I can’t wait to see where it goes. My only complaint with the book is that is ended way too soon!! Just a warning, though – it does end on a cliff hanger, which I normally hate, but in this case the next book is coming out in just a month, so I don’t mind the wait!
99 reviews
February 18, 2023
raves for splintered magic

Thoroughly good read. Great storyline, interesting characters and a lovely setting. Looking forward to reading book 2 and the rest of the series.
14 reviews
February 14, 2023
I am a great fan of this authors Shadow Winged series, and was excited to see a new series, but a little worried as well. Being a lady of a certain age I really want to like the PNF genre, but I usually find the heroines too doormat, too scatterbrained and the nearly inevitable hot sheriff too trite.

What a treat! Brigid was no doormat, no sherrif in sight! I enjoyed the book immensely especially Mr. Mittens. I'm looking forward to the next one!

If you do read, note that the prequel novella Splinter Cat is a fabulous intro and worth taking the time to find and start the series with.
Profile Image for StormEnchantra.
137 reviews5 followers
February 14, 2023
Perfect for Rebuilding Life
Brigid is strong and strong willed. She's starting life over. Well, then Mr. Mittens starts talking to her and life definitely changes! So much to love in this book. There's laughter and suspense and 2 hot guys as well as who done it. Definitely don't pass this book by.
Profile Image for Erika Oney.
220 reviews5 followers
February 11, 2023
Love the cat the most ❤️ How she found out about magic and using it..the witches in this story needs a good lesson taught to them. Gabe sounds gorgeous. Scott sounds gorgeous too..too bad he seems weak.
This is a great read from beginning to end. I want the second one so can find out what happens 😩
16 reviews
January 25, 2024
Good book

I liked this book. There were not chapters and chapters of smut, which gets so old. The one thing I didn't care for is the cliffhanger ending.
Profile Image for queen beauty.
24 reviews
January 28, 2024
I enjoyed this book it started a bit slow but it was enjoyable the characters are easy to connect with and easy to follow and the main attraction Mr mittens
5,806 reviews31 followers
January 11, 2024
This is a very good book although it also gets very dark.

Brigid moves into her parents former home and finds it's not in great shape so she gets the necessary people in to start fixing the place up and restoring it to the really neat building it once was.

What she did not expect, though, was a cat that seemed to be able to communicate with her with regular words. She also didn't count on certain pieces of jewelry that belonged to her grandmother somehow infusing themselves into her body.

She finds out she is not an actual witch as such but she still has various abilities that others want to take from her. She finds out some terrible things witches there did to her relatives, she gets to meet some strange creatures and she finds out some people are not at all what they seem to be.

The story moves on with a large amount of violence and an ending that will lead into the second volume in the series.

The basic story is somewhat different from so many similar-themed books, the main character and the cat are done quite well and main battle is more graphic than in similar books which, in this particular case, makes sense.

I've already gotten the second book and will be moving on to that one soon.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 184 reviews

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