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Milkyway Messiahs

Divane Dynamite: Only truth in the cosmos is love

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Thus speaks the Divane Dynamite.

“I only know of one divinity - kindness. Save kindness all else is fiction - from the fundamental facts of physics to the direst doctrines of scripture.

Every construct of society must prove its worth in relation to kindness, in relation to uplift. If they can't, they require correction. And despite countless corrections if a construct fails to uphold the uplift of human condition before all else, it is the duty of the civilized beings to leave such construct behind as an appendage of human evolution.”

200 pages, Paperback

Published September 28, 2022

About the author

Abhijit Naskar

144 books215 followers
Abhijit Naskar (born October 9, 1991) is a celebrated Neuroscientist, Bestselling Author of 100+ books, World's Beloved Poet of 2000+ sonnets, and an untiring advocate of mental health and global harmony. As an expert on human behavior his contributions in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience have helped the world tackle the issues of mental illness, prejudice, hate, intolerance, discrimination and systemic racism more effectively.

He was born in Calcutta, India. He quit his computer engineering studies and embarked on an expedition of scientific research. Today, the works of this self-educated scientist have made it possible for us to be acquainted with various aspects of our emotions, thoughts and behaviors and their implications in the society. His rejuvenating scientific philosophy of the mind has been lavishing human life and society with the colors and sweetness of awareness and acceptance since its advent with his very first book “The Art of Neuroscience in Everything, 2015”.

His popular publications on the existential nature of the mind include "What is Mind?", "A Push in Perception", “Love, God & Neurons” and many others. Some of his early literary wonders into the neuropsychology of religious sentiments include “Autobiography of God: Biopsy of A Cognitive Reality“, “Biopsy of Religions: Neuroanalysis towards Universal Tolerance” and “In Search of Divinity: Journey to The Kingdom of Conscience”, which have contributed greatly in the elimination of religious conflicts from society, along with his countless later works. Other works like “We Are All Black: A Treatise on Racism” and “Either Civilized or Phobic: A Treatise on Homosexuality” tackle the issues of racism and phobia from a medical standpoint. Also, Naskar’s 2018 masterpiece of medical ethics, entitled “Time to Save Medicine” has empowered countless students and practitioners of medicine to be better doctors.

By the year 2019, Naskar’s works acquired a much grander landscape. In 2018 the humanitarian scientist released his first geopolitical marvel of peace, entitled “Fabric of Humanity”, which was also the book in which the world received the first Abhijit Naskar Sonnet, called “Sonnet of Human”. Thereafter, sonnets became a fundamental part of Naskarean Science and Philosophy. Today, Naskar is planet earth’s pinnacle of sonnets, as well as the living embodiment of multiculturalism.

“Fabric of Humanity”, "Citizens of Peace", “The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth“, along with all his later works, such as "Boldly Comes Justice", “Hometown Human”, “Mücadele Muhabbet: Gospel of An Unarmed Soldier”, "Handcrafted Humanity: 100 Sonnets For A Blunderful World", "Either Reformist or Terrorist" and many more, take us into the investigation of the mental underpinnings of the geopolitical and domestic issues of society, while charting the course for an inclusive and humane future.

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