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Fugitives Of Destiny: A Mystic Brats Novel

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The Mystic Brats are back! After the demonic deity Osiris possessed one of their own, Kirk Louis has brought Jason, Julie, and Nara to the other reality of Aria to protect them from being murdered by the very government that trained them. With all three of their souls bound to each other because of the mysterious Lunar Necklace, these teenagers must put their faith in each other now more than ever. But secrets surround every inch of their lives. Julie and Nara have switched bodies and are stuck assuming each other's duties. For Julie, that means dealing with Nara's deranged and abusive mother — the Queen of Aria! While Nara must confront painful inner demons from both her and Julie's past. And Jason is suffering from horrible visions of Osiris destroying the earth. Though, the only way to put an end to these threats is if the Mystic Brats make the ultimate sacrifice. But no matter what they do a new enemy from the depths of time and reality will rise.

204 pages, Paperback

Published December 5, 2019

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Profile Image for Susan May.
695 reviews15 followers
February 10, 2023
I was a little lost with this one at first due to it being book2 but as I read on, it grew on me. The Mystic brats fought many enemies and experienced great loss as well. They fought to save Aria & each other. Great characters and plenty going on to keep pages turning.
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