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Integral Yoga: Teaching and Method of Practice

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One of the foremost Indian philosophers of the twentieth century, Sri Aurobindo was also a political activist, a mystic and a spiritual leader. Between 1927 and 1950, Sri Aurobindo remained in seclusion while perfecting a new kind of spiritual practice he called the Integral Yoga. During this period he gave detailed guidance to disciples and seekers, responding to thousands of inquiries. This correspondence constitutes a major body of work on the practice of yoga-sadhana. The present volume brings together a comprehensive selection of Sri Aurobindos letters, organized by area of interest. An ideal introduction to his work and vision, it will also serve as an invaluable daily handbook for seekers of all paths - beginners and experienced practitioners alike.

416 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1990

About the author

Sri Aurobindo

1,063 books401 followers
Sri Aurobindo (Bengali: শ্রী অরবিন্দ Sri Ôrobindo) was an Indian nationalist and freedom fighter, major Indian English poet, philosopher, and yogi. He joined the movement for India's freedom from British rule and for a duration (1905–10), became one of its most important leaders, before turning to developing his own vision and philosophy of human progress and spiritual evolution.

The central theme of Sri Aurobindo's vision is the evolution of life into a "life divine". In his own words: "Man is a transitional being. He is not final. The step from man to superman is the next approaching achievement in the earth evolution. It is inevitable because it is at once the intention of the inner spirit and the logic of Nature's process."

The principal writings of Sri Aurobindo include, in prose, The Life Divine, considered his single great work of metaphysics,The Synthesis of Yoga, Secrets of the Vedas, Essays on the Gita, The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, Renaissance in India and other essays, Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, The Future Poetry, Thoughts and Aphorisms and several volumes of letters. In poetry, his principal work is Savitri: a Legend and a Symbol in blank verse.

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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews
Profile Image for Niamh.
31 reviews30 followers
March 25, 2018
Sri Aurobindo is one of the giants of modern Indian spirituality and for very good reason. His grasp of the subject from an experiential perspective combined with his vast intellect, his devotion and surrender to the Divine along with his poetic nature and political and philosophical perspectives combine to produce one of the most comprehensive teachers and guides to spiritual life India has produced.

This is not for the casual or curious reader. It is an overview of his and Sweet Mother's path of Integral yoga and sketches the foundations of the teaching and the method of practice in the form of a compilation of letters grouped under various headings.

The concept of the evolution of the 'psychic being' or soul is a central part of the teaching, along with a union in all parts of our being with the divine and a consequent transmutation of all the now jarring elements into the harmony of a higher divine consciousness and existence.

This is a refreshing change from the up and out, transcendance model of awakening as it includes the divination of mind, life and body here and now on earth which is seen as none other than Bramhin, and not a mere illusion to be disregarded.

In a way this teaching is the next step after such a transcendant awakening. I know if I had read it a few years ago, I wouldn't have been able for it. As it is, a lot of it is above my level of understanding and beyond my spiritual experience.

In the beautiful synchronous way of these matters though, it has arrived in my life at the exact right time for such profound and comprehensive teachings. This book is an entry point to a treasure trove of authentic yogic methodology which is truly integral, integrating as it does teachings of vedanta, tantra, the sciene of evolution, the static and immanent Self and the workings of the logical mind.

I can't recommend it highly enough - but only if it is for you at this point in your sadhana. If your life is for the Divine and you are in need of guidance on levels of consciousness, surrender, devotion, aspiration, transformation or any other aspect of the path then go for it.

I'm glad I read 'The Sunlit Path' and 'The Psychic Being' and also Satprem's book 'Sri Aurobindo' before this one I might add... They kind of eased me in gently. I'm now officially ready for 'The Synthesis of Yoga. '!!
22 reviews
November 6, 2013
The language of the book is not easy but the content is worth the effort.
144 reviews3 followers
April 3, 2018
Much of it I don't understand, even intellectually. I do find his Spiritual cosmology very interesting. It's a lot more interesting than a strictly materialistic cosmology. And even the materialistic cosmologists in recent years have realized that what they used to think was EVERYTHING is at best only about 5 percent of the whole picture; you know: dark energy, dark matter, etc. Maybe even a lot less than 5 percent of the whole picture if you consider the possibility of parallel universes. Oh well, I'll probably never be able to verify Aurobindo's ideas in my own experience, but it's fascinating nonetheless.
Profile Image for Jean.
41 reviews4 followers
January 6, 2009
Profile Image for Devadeep Gupta.
Author 15 books21 followers
April 3, 2024
I often go back to this book every now and again. A wide range of daily life topics are covered, apart from those more pertaining to serious seekers and spiritual wanderers. I enjoy how this book is slightly more accessible in terms of language compared to some other works by Sri Aurobindo, and is a practical guide to life.
Profile Image for Gregory Tilden.
24 reviews3 followers
January 4, 2017
Though it took me some time to get interested in Aurobindo's wording and high spiritual ideas, I gradually found my state of consciousness tuned into a a state of greater peace and genuine interest & reverence for the practical ideas that Aurobindo espoused.
Profile Image for Anuj Dubey.
Author 3 books18 followers
April 6, 2024
"Integral Yoga: Teaching and Method of Practice" by Sri Aurobindo is a comprehensive guide to spiritual transformation and self-realization that offers readers profound insights into the nature of consciousness and the path to inner awakening. Originally published in 1950, this seminal work distills Aurobindo's teachings into a practical and accessible framework that can be applied by seekers of all backgrounds and spiritual traditions.

What sets "Integral Yoga" apart is its holistic approach to spiritual growth, which emphasizes the integration of all aspects of the human being—body, mind, and spirit—towards the realization of our highest potential. Aurobindo presents a synthesis of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, drawing from the wisdom of yoga, Vedanta, and other mystical traditions to create a comprehensive system of practice that addresses the needs of the modern seeker.

Central to Aurobindo's teachings is the concept of the "integral consciousness," which transcends the limitations of the ego and connects us to the divine essence within. Through practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and selfless service, Aurobindo guides readers on a transformative journey of self-discovery and self-transcendence, leading to a profound shift in consciousness and a deepening of our connection to the divine.

Moreover, "Integral Yoga" offers practical guidance on how to apply spiritual principles in everyday life, from cultivating mindfulness and compassion to transforming negative habits and patterns of thought. Aurobindo's emphasis on self-discipline, perseverance, and surrender to the divine will serves as a guiding light for those seeking to navigate the challenges of the spiritual path with grace and integrity.

In addition to its practical wisdom, "Integral Yoga" is also a testament to Aurobindo's visionary insights into the evolution of consciousness and the destiny of humanity. He envisions a future in which humanity collectively awakens to its true nature and collaborates in the creation of a more harmonious and enlightened world—a vision that continues to inspire and motivate spiritual seekers to this day.

Overall, "Integral Yoga: Teaching and Method of Practice" is a profound and illuminating guide to spiritual awakening and self-realization. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a newcomer to the path of yoga, Aurobindo's timeless wisdom offers invaluable guidance and inspiration for those seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves and their place in the cosmos.
Profile Image for Gustavo Krieger.
139 reviews5 followers
March 13, 2018
After reading "Rebirth and Karma" and "Bhagavad Gita and Its Message", I took Aurobindo as a Philosopher. After reading "Integral Yoga", I believe he is just a guru. He has some nice ideas here, but usually you get what you find in any cult leader. Do this, do that, follow me, don´t follow others, must avoid sex, must abandon your family to be a true sadhaka (a practitioner), my ideas are the right ones, everything else is wrong...
21 reviews1 follower
December 31, 2020
well organized and systematic approach to the Integral Yoga as taught by Sri Aurobindo.
Profile Image for Angela.
5 reviews
May 11, 2020
Read morality, idealism, religion, and yoga. The meaning of spirituality - Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
Profile Image for Hope Gwilyams.
Author 2 books1 follower
November 10, 2016
Sri Aurobindo is not a light read, but he is so worth the effort. A great philosopher and saint.
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews

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