Life is the biggest match we will ever play, and only we can win or lose depending on the quality of our game. If you are reading these lines, you, too, are experiencing the burning desire and curiosity to discover your inner Self. It’s the same force that drove me to collect inspiring historical leaders’ wisdom throughout the years, in various disciplines. If you’re open to new perspectives and trying to realize your “inner prophecy”, you are ready for the journey. It’s a journey that starts in the objective reality of a frenetic society lost in the ego race. Through the escape from our mental cages, it takes us to deeper parts of ourselves, driven to manifest a desirable future for ourselves and others. We’ll learn to develop strategy, tactics and a life plan, testing ourselves with practical, introspective exercises. We’ll become creators of a better community by taking personal responsibility and recognizing our unique “superpowers”, making the impossible possible. Now is the moment to start the journey, and it is an honour to accompany you in the discovery of your “IO” and subjective reality, the door beyond which your desired future awaits.
An Italian enamoured with the Paris of the East, Budapest, where he lives.
During his first 50 years, he expressed his creative and entrepreneurial abilities both nationally and internationally, in different areas: mentoring and personal growth, event management, political strategy and communication, online trend and community development, graphics, photography and marketing.
It is a fantastic book! Many answers to the important questions of the life. It helps in life, it helps to understand how life and ourselves work, it helps us to play and enjoy life.