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"You are the thing that keeps him human. You are what keeps him from madness and darkness. We need you, dearest."

The Order of the Blessed is all I have known. I keep my head down and my hair covered. I don’t speak unless spoken to. I follow the rules—mostly. But the clock is ticking. Soon, Father Joshua will name my husband and there isn’t a man here I want to touch me.

The last thing I expected was for Father Joshua to choose me for his own. I’m special, he said. I’m wicked. And I need a holy man to keep me from my own wickedness.

Now, I must escape. Even though I hardly know what’s beyond these walls. Even if I die out there in the forest.

I didn’t expect someone to catch me when I leapt. Especially four someones.

Rayner. Silvus. Jie. Thom. They’re the most gorgeous men I’ve ever laid eyes on—and they’re also merciless, vicious vampires. They’ve loved me and pursued me for five hundred years, across every life I’ve lived. And they’re ready to possess me, to show me what love is, even as I’m slow to trust. They will do anything to protect me from the Order of the Blessed—but the Order of the Blessed will do anything to protect me from them.

It’s time for me to discover just how special I really am.

TAKE ME SLOWLY is a reverse harem romance with some very possessive, obsessive, slightly twisted vampires who will do anything for the woman they love and a damaged heroine who slowly finds her own strength. Did I mention m/m? Vampires get lonely waiting to find their lady.

300 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 16, 2020

About the author

Lidiya Foxglove

59 books404 followers
Lidiya Foxglove grew up on a steady diet of fairy tales, folklore and fantasy and also reads way too much manga. Fantasy romance is her favorite thing in the world, but she likes it steamy. She also loves cats and tea--it's cliche for a reason!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews
Profile Image for ★Me Myshelf and I★.
292 reviews522 followers
January 20, 2020
DNF @ 32%

I’m beyond disgusted. I’m sorry to the author but this contains everything I think is wrong with this genre.

Damaged female leads raised in isolation
Attempted rape
Possessive males in the worst way possible, controlling and think they “own” her.

The list probably goes on but that’s enough to draw a line for me. Father whatshisface is a real piece of work, he was enough to end it for me but I wanted to get to the vampires because that was the main draw here for me. I carried on thinking when she ran away it would turn into a protective/healing relationship ... nope it was just rapey.

Let me treat you to some of the lovely language used by the Male harem members when they meet Alissa running for her life. If your reaction is not immediate disgust then congratulations this book is for you.

”Ready her for me as I like, Silvus. You can calm her down a bit for me. I’ll have a drink and make up the bedchamber and then I will not wait one moment longer.”

“You won’t fight for long” “You are ours”

“Oh no. No” “Oh yes. There is no escape for you, so you might as well try your best to enjoy it”

Speechless ... right? these are the hero’s...
173 reviews6 followers
January 18, 2020
If you like attempted rape....

I apologize to those who may find this review harsh. I like some of the author's other works but this book just didn't cut it for me. The main female character is almost raped by her harem when she first meets them. Each and every day thereafter she is told how they will have sex with her and she will like it. She has had 6 past lives, 5 really since in one she died before they found her. Each person in her harem calls her by a different name, which ever name that she was known by when they fell in love with her. Even a boys name when she reincarnated as a boy!

I realize the MC was living in a cult and the leader wanted to marry her. She was sheltered and doesn't know much about the world outside of the compound. She shows signs she might have a backbone and then becomes a weak person again and again.

The sex scene with the cult leader was creepy but so were some of the things her guys said to her.

Overall, I was extremely disappointed in the book, especially after having read the blurb and anticipating it for so long.
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,339 reviews323 followers
December 19, 2021
1.45 stars.
No wonder this book was free!

I DNFed, I couldn't. Just couldn't. I actually think it's the only book I've read this year that got a 1-star rating. Usually, I'm more cautious than this and do my research... Oh well.

The characters made no sense, they were flat and I couldn't find even 1 thing to like. The action was boring and long (although that's probably because of the meh writing style, not necessarily the plot).

It does get the 0.45 points for the idea though, it could have been interesting. But oh well, it's not. You win some, you lose some.
Profile Image for Kay.
187 reviews42 followers
January 19, 2020
Stop. Writing. About. Women. Who. Need. To. Be. Controlled. And. Rescued. By. Men.

And then perved on, treated like property, aaaand rapey-vibed on by said men.

(The following rant might contain some possible mild spoilers for the beginning of the book.)

I got to about 25% of this book and then realised it wasn't for me. I'm done reading about girls with basically no power. Or women who need to be empowered by men. And I get that this girl (Alissa) will probably turn into some kick-ass witch, at least hopefully, but I'm not about to invest my time reading about such gross men. And I'm not even talking about the old perv (Father Joshua) who whipped out his junk at every available point and who tried to marry her, but the four men who supposedly rescued her and then continued to try and push themselves on her. Oh, you've met her before in previous lives and she loved you then? Oh, she used to be wild and into sex? Oh, but she also used to not always warm up to you quickly? And oh, you've been through this before with her, trying to convince her that she loves you? Right, so take the goddamned hint and let her get used to you SLOWLY. You're not being alpha, you're just being dumb. These men are hundreds of years old, yet they haven't learned how to treat their one true love yet? Please. Write it better.

Also, this whole thing with Father Joshua (aka the fictional equivalent of Warren Jeffs from the FLDS church)... If he really thought the girl (aka Alissa) was super important and he reaaally needed to keep her around, then why not treat her better? Why not try your best and make her love you, instead of making her puke each time she sees you? Why not do everything in your power to make this obviously free-ish-spirited girl stay, and not give her any ammo or reason for leaving? Write. It. Better.

(For those of you who loved the book: This one just wasn't for me. And this review is just my opinion.)

12 reviews
May 14, 2020
I HATE to start a book and not finish it. I mean I almost NEVER do it. But I got about 48% and just couldn't make myself finish this one. I did like the female charater she had been raised in basically a religious cult where women are property and have to be obedient slaves to their father/husband/priests. So she is very naive and self conscious. They did show a lil back bone here and there. Which lead me to believe her charater could possibly grow and become a strong FMC. However I didn't like any of the men. I personally don't feel like the so called love interests treated her any better than the villain did. She supposedly has spent numerous lifetimes with them. But each time she is reincarnated she doesn't remember them at all. And how do they handle this situation you may ask. Well they exsplain to her that they always hunt her down and unpon finding her they take her and rape her. But she enjoys it because she has loved them in her past lives and because they know how she likes it from being with her before...🤬 Oh and they will not be gentle they will definitely be taking her roughly and numerous times while also feeding from her. Because they are all vampires(which naturally she fears. Especially being raised in a religious cult) And one talks about tying her down for it. They don't ask her anything about her life or try to find out anything about her before they do all this either. Like really, I mean how about at least asking her if she's a virgin.(which she is) But they do somehow catch on to the fact that she has been quite traumatized by the villain of the of the story. Who had planned on forcing her to marry him and plan on having sex with her against her will. So yeah you read that right they basically do the exact same thing to her as the villain!. Only difference was they exsplain to her that she will enjoy it and the bad guy doesn't. But once they decide that she has indeed been traumatized by the villain doing it they decide to give her a reprieve. And tell her they will give her a few days before they force her to have sex with them...WTF! They go on & on about her past lives and basically each just see her as the person she was when they met & fell for her. But at the same time are not even attempting to get to know who she is now. All they want to do is have brutal sex with her and drink her blood while they think about of the version of her they originally loved...smh They go as far as to dress her up in her past selfs clothes...ewww
And don't get me wrong I do not mind sex scenes being a spiced up with roll play or dress up. Or even a lil rough/mild BDSM when it is well writen and is happening with consenting adults who are all in agreement as to what is going on. But I just can't get into a book where you can't tell the good guys from the bad. I downloaded this book because I thought it would be a steamy PRN. But I personally do NOT find complete strangers explaining to a woman how they intend on raping her romantic or sexy! Even if they do claim to be doing it because they love her. Honestly I found it very disturbing and quite repulsive. And I just couldn't continue reading it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emily Kestrel.
1,154 reviews73 followers
February 8, 2021
I was going to rate this two stars because, although I found the romance part really icky, I did like the overall story line. But then the author had to end it with a huge cliffhanger and a shameless plug to get the next book, and these shameless cliffhangers are fast becoming my biggest pet peeve. So one star.

(And the romance part was really squicky. I can handle a little vampire dub con in a story but I draw the line at sharing. Heroine is a brainless terrified virgin and the heroes keep gloating about how they’re all gonna have their turn and they won’t go easy on her but don’t worry, she’ll like it. I am quickly realizing that reverse harem stories just aren’t my thing.)
Profile Image for Natalie .
3,259 reviews30 followers
January 20, 2020

The blurb sounded good but it was pretty clear it was some twisted mind fuck from the get go. Alissa has grown up in a cult run, thoroughly brainwashed with fear and almost raped. It’s sick, it’s vile and I hated the first 30% of this book.

But I hung on because I thought the guys would make everything better...Nope. The guys are idiots and want to continue where they left off, which made them almost as bad as the creepy father.

The guys themselves on their own are okay, I liked the interactions between the four of them and the m/m parts but when it comes to Alissa, they are possessive, controlling and a little manipulative.

The plot itself is interesting and by that I mean the reincarnation not the rapey, sacrificial cult bullshit. But at the same time it was annoying because the guys are in love with ghosts, each one obsessing over one of her previous lives and calling her by that name. Cringy nicknames would’ve been a lot better. I felt sorry for Alissa.

Towards the end things did get better and more interesting, especially when the arrogant vamp discovered the father’s true identity, realised the truth and actually saw Alissa as her current life.

Multiple POVs, a ton of trigger warnings and one traumatised girl living her seventh life. unsure if I’ll read the next one. This was harsh and brutal.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sydney.
466 reviews8 followers
December 26, 2020
This book gripped me from start to finish! The world building is fantastic, we really get to know Alissa in her village, and we get to understand what life is like there, both before Father Joshua, and currently. Alissa is a great main character, her innocence is heartbreaking at times, but she steadily grows in confidence throughout the book.

Her relationships with the vampires is great too. They rush into the story with so much history and experience that it's a little jarring at first, but you warm up to them quickly. Speaking of history, this book has clearly been well-researched. I enjoyed the historical elements of the book and I hope that we see more of it in book 2.

Alissa's relationships grow slowly as she's eased into trusting the vampires, which makes it feel much more natural than other books of a similar genre. Each of the vampires is truly unique (Jie is my favourite, I call dibs!) and it makes for some funny scenes between them.

It's a medium-burn book with the potential to go to fast-burn in book 2, as Alissa becomes more sure if herself and her destiny. I can't wait to read what happens next!
Profile Image for Jessica Traver cashen.
354 reviews16 followers
January 24, 2020
Fantastic read, well written with a great plot and characters. I was absorbed from beginning to end. This book has everything intrigue, drama, suspense, twists and turns. Alissa grows up in the Order and is very sheltered. She escapes only to be grabbed by 4 vampires. They tell her she knows them and have been her lovers in past lives and that she loves them all. But this time is different because they realize she has been brainwashed and they are going to have to take their time and earn her trust before anything goes on. There is so much more to this book.....read to find out. I couldn't put this book down, I absolutely loved it and can't wait to read the next book! I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
448 reviews63 followers
January 23, 2020
Dnf. Too many consent issues. I would have known better than to even try this book if I had read the Witch Among Warlocks (may not be the real title) series first because the squickiness was introduced there, but oh well.
Profile Image for Melissa.
48 reviews
February 23, 2020
So rapey and controlling

So the book was written well and interesting but this book is just not my jam. I have a lot of issues with “forced sex you will like”. I’m all about consent. If you enjoy submission then you may honestly like this book.
Profile Image for Tonya.
21 reviews
January 12, 2020
Where do I start first of all you did it again Lidiya I don't think you know how to write a bad book! This book kept me on my toes, it was a spin off from a "Witch Among Warlocks". Its Rayner, Silvus, Thom and Jie's story they're a clan of vampires who tried to turn Montegue from the Witch among warlocks series, if you haven't read that you definitely need to! I'm not going to give any of this wonderful book away, you need to read it!
Profile Image for Arcanine Patronus.
77 reviews4 followers
May 6, 2023
The blurb looked interesting, but it was the outraged one star reviews that convinced me to give this book a try and I'm glad they did. The series is off to a good start, with some interesting men and a great villain.

It started out strong. I loved how disturbing the village sounded, how much Alissa had to watch out for the thought police her whole life. And the author did a great job with giving the main villain a creepy vibe from the start.

Once Alissa escapes and meets her men though, there's a huge info-dump where the plot slows to a crawl and the book never fully recovers from it. I did enjoy the back and forth between Alissa and her men. They initially come on her way too strongly, until she holds them off. Once they realise they can't push her that fast they change their tactics to teasing her with the promise of what a relationship with them will look like. There's still a very clear dub-con approach, which I love. At the same time they are slowly learning to separate Alissa from the people she used to be, though there's still plenty more room for growth there. It is nice to have a few Dutch main characters, even though there's nothing particularly Dutch about them apart from Rayner's surname. Still, it's not everyday you find Dutch characters in English written romances or fantasy.

I also love RH where all the men are dominant, instead of the usual one dominant, one charmer, one submissive guy, one grumpy one, etc. There is some MM in here as well. It don't mind it, but I know some people hate it in RH books.

The main downside of the book is Alissa. She's way too passive. In the beginning of the book it's understandable; her free will and agency have been suppressed her whole life. But nothing that happens in the whole book is really driven by her. The plot happens to her, rather than her causing the story to move forward. There is progress in her standing up for herself, but this is one point where I definitely hope the second book will improve. The plot was a bit lacklustre.

And it may be because I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and any other portrayal of witches and wizards with wands feels wrong to me, but the magic system seems a bit weak. It always sounds a bit silly to me when in books a single spell requires a witch to recite half a poem. There was an example when one of the characters used a spell to silence another and I just thought how much easier and more sensible this would have been with a quick Silencio.

While there are some flaws with the book, mostly a passive heroine creating a weak plot, I'm definitely interested enough to pick up the second book right after finishing this review. The promise of dominant men, a great villain and hopefully some action from Alissa makes me curious about the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Billie.
5,755 reviews70 followers
January 16, 2020
"You are the thing that keeps him human. You are what keeps him from madness and darkness. We need you, dearest."
The Order of the Blessed is all I have known. I keep my head down and my hair covered. I don’t speak unless spoken to. I follow the rules—mostly. But the clock is ticking. Soon, Father Joshua will name my husband and there isn’t a man here I want to touch me.
The last thing I expected was for Father Joshua to choose me for his own. I’m special, he said. I’m wicked. And I need a holy man to keep me from my own wickedness.
Now, I must escape. Even though I hardly know what’s beyond these walls. Even if I die out there in the forest.
I didn’t expect someone to catch me when I leapt. Especially four someones.
Rayner. Silvus. Jie. Thom. They’re the most gorgeous men I’ve ever laid eyes on—and they’re also merciless, vicious vampires. They’ve loved me and pursued me for five hundred years, across every life I’ve lived. And they’re ready to possess me, to show me what love is, even as I’m slow to trust. They will do anything to protect me from the Order of the Blessed—but the Order of the Blessed will do anything to protect me from them.
It’s time for me to discover just how special I really am.
TAKE ME SLOWLY is a reverse harem romance with some very possessive, obsessive, slightly twisted vampires who will do anything for the woman they love and a damaged heroine who slowly finds her own strength. Did I mention m/m? Vampires get lonely waiting to find their lady.

This is a brilliant read.
Wonderful well written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start.
Love the well fleshed out characters and found them believeable.
Great suspense and action with wonderful world building that adds so much to the story.
Can't wait to read more of these.
Recommend reading.

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.
Profile Image for Kaye.
7,177 reviews67 followers
January 17, 2020
Hell's knocking! Lidiya raises the stakes and lowers the boom with this jaw dropping, chart topping, block busting, page flipping bombshell, throwing this baby into the eye of the storm, blowing it into a tailspin with astonishing results. Ramping up every emotion, racing through you unchecked melding this baby together seamlessly. A multitude of unexpected events and vexing circumstances catapults this little fella to a whole new level. Encountering the drama, intrigue, tension, danger and soaring suspense, keeping you riveted on a razors edge. Add turmoil, distress and perplexing situations along with a boatload of trouble, blazes this baby to life beautifully. Bridging the trials and tribulations, along with a slew of unforseen twists and crushing turns, tempting our characters in ways they could have never anticipated. Illustrating impressive, well rounded scenario's, that punch dead center with such exuberance and style, blasting this little fella into a tizzy, catapulting it to staggering heights. The characters are authentic and realistic with qualities and traits that blend into amazing personalities. The scenes are so colorfully descriptive it paints an elaborate backdrop that makes the storyline pop. Fantastic job Lidiya, thanks for sharing this little fella with us
Profile Image for Krystin Bigley.
66 reviews4 followers
February 1, 2020
Finally found their thrall

Definitely one of my new favorite series from Lidiya! I've read a couple other series from here where they talk about the Vampires and Lisbeth. So I was super excited when she decided to give them their own series! Also that we finally learn more about the people that came up with the cleansing spell. Lisbeth who is now reincarnated into Alissa has grown up in a very strict, cult like warlock dominated group called The Order. She is promised to their "priest" Father Joshua. She can't stand him and he makes her feel unclean and creeped out in general. Especially when he starts giving her special training with the *priestesses" he hand picks out of their group. Then her mother dies and her father helps her flee. As soon as she clears the boarder and the wards she runs into "her" vampire clan. The four vampires have been searching for her for years. Father Joshua won't let her go that easy though. Slowly she starts to remember her past lives. The Order complicated things of course. Some twists and turns. Some heated scenes. Cannot wait for the second book!
Profile Image for Cecilia.
593 reviews
January 18, 2020
I didn't love this book.
But, I have to say it was unique-ish for a RH.
So many RH in the past year have taken place in boarding schools are bully romance types( either they were contemporary or they were fantasies where the girl finds out she has magical powers of some sort and goes to magic school). And, in general, all have the same setup. After a while, they all sound the same so this felt nice to read for a change.

Alissa grows up in a religious witch cult. She is said to get married to one of the old elders so her dad helps her escape. And, then these 4 vamps say she is there long lost love reincarnated and in each one of her new lives they find her.

But, I just think that Alissa was okay and the guys that were her's.
Most of the book( and yes I guess its book 1 so she has to write backstories) was explaining her past lives to her and her history. Which I get it! But, when you overexplain about the past it takes away from the actions moving forward. If that makes sense?

Overall it is not horrible, but as a RH i didn't love it.
Profile Image for Jackles.
831 reviews10 followers
January 5, 2020
Take Me Slowly I such a marvelous book. I loved how time was taken to really paint a picture of what life was like for Alissa in the Order. I remember meeting Reyner, Silvus, Jie & Thom in the A Witch Among Warlocks series and I fell I love with those 4 hilariously odd vampires, so I’m so happy to see that they’ve finally got a book of their own and they’ve found their Lisbeth. I won’t lie though, as much as I love these guys, I want to whack them all upside their heads and tell them they don’t get to treat these reincarnations of Lisbeth the way they’ve been treating them. They really need to learn how to respect the person Lisbeth is NOW, not continually try to bring out who she was and always wanting to live in the past. Today is a gift after all, that’s why they call it the present.

This is not a stand-alone.

Overall, a great story. If you have issues with reverse harems, m/m content, reincarnation, and mention of sexual abuse, you may want to reconsider this book.
Profile Image for Nia.
76 reviews3 followers
January 17, 2021
I read this through to the end in the hope it would redeem itself but no such luck - consent wasn't really a contributing factor in this harem.

The premise is good - the FMC's soul is reborn in each life and she and her harem are reunited. She doesn't remember them at first so they kidnap her and pressure her into having sex with them until finally she gives in. They're just abusive and behave in the vein of 'shut up dear, we know best.' rather than respecting her as a human being, even worse is that they seem to do the same thing in each of her lives and convince themselves that she enjoys it despite running away and fighting back.

There's no actual romance in this book, but an interesting cult based plotline which could have been great if not for the awfulness of the leading men.
Profile Image for Melanie (words.aremagic).
768 reviews27 followers
January 20, 2021
Take Me Slowly is the story of Alissa who grew up in The Order of the Blessed, a religious group that has strict rules on how all of the members should act and who is allowed to do magic. As a woman Alissa knows to keep her head down and do what she is told, but she is 18 now and will soon be married. Father Joshua is their leader who has the power to speak to their gods, but he is also beginning to show a concerning amount of interest in Alissa. When he declares she will be his wife, she knows she has to get away. When she finally leaves she is amazed by what she finds right beyond the wall of her village.

This was an interesting story and I enjoyed the fact that reincarnation was an integral part, but I have no interest in reading the next book in the series. The characters and story overall just weren’t that interesting to me.
560 reviews1 follower
March 15, 2021
This was disgusting. I'm sorry if you liked this book but it feels like a lot of non con which is not ok. The guys try to justify it by telling her that they know the fmc from her past lives and that they were lovers but it still feels icky. I think that because the fmc was so innocent due to being in a cult, it just didn't sit well with me. I've read paranormal books where the fmc was from a cult, but it was completely different than this book (Seven Wishes by Serena Akeryod. The guys didn't almost rape the girl at their first meeting like this book. I just didn't care about the twist with the cult leader. Nothing happened in this book. I'm guessing the author wanted this book to be a getting to know you story with the fmc and the guys. It didn't work. The romance was *barf emoji. I didn't feel the chemistry between anyone. I started skimming at the end because I was so over it. I feel like the premise was good but the execution was done poorly.
Profile Image for Jessica.
772 reviews1 follower
September 15, 2021
So so

I had a hard time getting into this one fully. I liked how mysterious everything was and the reincarnation factor, however I was a little back and forth on the guys. It was hard to handle how they just wanted her to be all of these people from the past and just expected her to be ok with everything. I mean co spidering the amount of time they knew her I can see why they thought this but at the same time she was still a person and should have been able to make some of her own choices. I was also a bit weary of the fmc. Unfortunately it was hard for me to connect because in a lot of ways she was still so innocent and unknowing of some many things. Don't get me wrong I still think this series has a lot of potential and I am excited to see where it goes from here!
Profile Image for Tiffiny.
488 reviews3 followers
May 21, 2020
DNF @80%

Grammar wasn’t bad and the author did a relatively good job writing about a girl from a cult. She’s appropriately traumatized. The story was pretty decent clear up until our FMC met her guys. That’s when it goes from “decent” to “trash” quickly.

Each of these guys fell in love with one of her previous reincarnations and call her those names instead of her own. They try and force themselves on her because she always ends up liking it.....Stockholm syndrome anyone? It’s really cringe. These guys talk about how they know her because of her past selves but not once try to get to know the NEW her and that just straight up makes me not like anything about this book.
Profile Image for Hannah Palmer.
479 reviews
January 16, 2020
I was quite unsure about reading this book as Vampires aren’t my thing but I’m so glad that I did. I had met Rayner and the others in the Boys Over Powers series and liked them, and I like them even more after this. I love that they are so patient and protective over Alissa/Lisbeth and all they want is to protect her at any cost.

The first part of the book was a little slow for me but you need all the information to understand who Alissa is and what she has been through. Also it shows who and what she’s trying to escape.The description and creepiness of Father Joshua comes through really well and it was a shock to find out who he really was.

I really can’t wait to find out what happens next. There is so much more I want to know.
Profile Image for Tab.
203 reviews2 followers
January 28, 2020

It started off pretty good, but when Lissa ran away from the Order, everything slowly took a turn into the realm of "really?" (sarcasm)

I get it. I do, that it is hard to express her meeting the vampires who have loved her and were her family before... but the execution was intense by wording but the feelings were so rushed and didn't come off right. It was fast paced and I felt that the urgency of the situation let the emotional connection slip through the cracks to the reader.
Profile Image for Jessica Robbins.
2,596 reviews48 followers
February 2, 2020
*I received a free copy of this book which I voluntarily chose to write an honest review for.

First off this book does contain triggers so if that bothers you I would skip it. While dark is does fit with the story once you know what is going on. Alissa has been raised in the Order of the Blessed which so has issues under the leadership of Father Joshua who I am not a fan of to say the least. He is totally evil and once his secret is out it makes sense in a way. Alissa is in for so many surprises as she ends up having to run away to save herself only to put herself, and her family, in even more danger as she tries to navigate a world she knows nothing about. I cannot wait to see what happens next. I really liked is so I give it 4/5 stars.
Profile Image for Netta.
905 reviews15 followers
January 2, 2021
This is the weirdest book I've ever read. It's like a religious cult fantasy (sex and paranormal) which makes it creepy but exciting. The beginning was a bit dull and the way the four vampires talk about her last past life makes it a bit awkward. Oh and the cliffhanger.....I don't think Lidiya Foxglove knows how to either finish the story or how to make a cliffhanger because that is a weird place to leave the story hanging. I'm not sure if I like it but I have to continue or I might explode in not knowing what will happen.
82 reviews2 followers
March 13, 2020
Absolute gold

I really enjoyed that the vampires acted like vampires the entire time. There was no strange humanity peeking through unless there was a real reason for that to happen. In the next book I truly hope to see the female main character become more aggressive towards one of all of them. Every romance book has alpha males dominating the female but so if you have the female dominating the males.
Profile Image for Natasha Maltman.
665 reviews8 followers
April 2, 2020

1 Star = DNF.
2 Star = Finished. Didn’t really enjoy.
3 Star = Finished. Story was neither good nor bad.
3.5 Star = Finished. Story was good. Will probably pick up next in series if there is one.
4 Star = Finished. Enjoyed story & will definitely pick up next in the series!
5 Star = Bloody LOVED it! ❤️

Walking a fine line between consent & non-consent. Will read the next book and update my review to include my thoughts when I’m finished.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews

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