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445 pages, Paperback
First published July 7, 2005
A child wants to see. It always begins like this, and it began like this then. A child wanted to see. He was able to walk, and could reach up to a door handle. He did this with nothing that could be called a purpose, merely the instinctive tourism of infancy.Striking use of the word, right? The official definition of the word: the commercial organization and operation of holidays and visits to places of interest. How would anyone want to close a book beginning like that.
At home he learned extra commandments on top of the ten he knew from church. “Fearless to the strong; humble to the weak,” was one, and “Chivalry towards women, of high and low degree.” He felt them to be more important, since they came directly from the Mam; they also demanded practical implementation...His background and education would later lead to four personas in one intellectually gifted person:
...The Christian virtues could be practiced by everyone, from the humble to the high-born. But chivalry was the prerogative of the powerful. The knight protected his lady; the strong aided the weak; honour was a living thing for which you should be prepared to die.
...I mistrust faith, which is the biggest metaphor of all. I have done with faith. I can only work with the clear white light of knowledge...Arthur & George brings the persona alive. Not all of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Only the part that is necessary to built the background to the internationally reported criminal case in which the famous and beloved creator of Sherlock Holmes took on the Victorian establishment after an innocent man, George Ernest Thompson Edalji, a Parsi English solicitor and son of a vicar in Great Wyrley, a South Staffordshire village, served three years' hard labour after being convicted on a charge of mutilating a pony. George(1876 - 1953) was of mix race with his mom a Scottish woman, Charlotte Edalji(née Stoneham), and his father,Reverend Shapurji Edalji, from India.
..."The whole point of psychical research,” he explains, “is to eliminate and expose fraud and deceit. To leave only what can be scientifically confirmed. If you eliminate the impossible, what is left, however improbable, must be the truth. Spiritism is not asking you to take a leap in the dark, or cross a bridge you have not yet come to.”
... "God and the Jesus who are claimed by a Church which for centuries has been corrupt both spiritually and intellectually. And which demands of its followers the suspension of rational faculties."
... "If you look at what it actually says in the Bible, if you ignore the way in which the text has been altered and misinterpreted to suit the will of the established churches, it’s quite clear that Jesus was a highly trained psychic or medium. The inner circle of the Apostles, especially Peter, James and John, were clearly chosen for their spiritist capabilities. The ‘miracles’ of the Bible are merely—well, not merely, wholly—examples of Jesus’s psychic powers.”
...(Clergy) ...But it is what, historically, they have been. Middlemen, intermediaries. Conveyors of the truth at first, but increasingly controllers of the truth, obfuscators, politicians. The Cathars were on the right line, that of direct access to God untrammelled by layers of hierarchy. Naturally they were wiped out by Rome.”
He is quite clear about the writer’s responsibilities: they are firstly, to be intelligible, secondly, to be interesting, and thirdly, to be clever. He knows his own abilities, and he also knows that in the end the reader is king. That is why Mr. Sherlock Holmes was brought back to life, allowed to have escaped the Reichenbach Falls thanks to a knowledge of esoteric Japanese wrestling holds and an ability to scramble up sheer rock faces.Julian Barnes disciplined himself by selecting only the biographical information needed for this novel, and skillfully, but cautiously, brought the two main characters alive. One can sense his deliberate effort to skim off the essentials, often losing colorful aspects of both persons's lives story in the process, resulting in a somewhat sterile, bleached, fact-based documentary novel.
He read and reread, sorted and re-sorted, analysed, compared, annotated. Gradually, hints turned to suspicions and then to hypotheses.More than 115 years later his theories were confirmed. Like his visual of a underwater tunnel connecting France to Britain for which he had to endure ridicule, this case got him publicly lynched and slaughtered at the time, yet history proved him correct. In many ways the world was not ready for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle(1859-1930). However, he was ready for the world and he took 'them' on full throttle.
The first sight which I ever had of Mr George Edalji was enough in itself to both convince me of the extreme improbability of his being guilty of the crime for which he was condemned, and to suggest some at least of the reasons which had led to his being suspected.
The mystery of the victim: something was now changed in his way of thinking. He continued to shoot ducks from the snowy sky, and felt pride in his marksmanship; yet beyond this lay a feeling he could grasp at yet not contain. Every bird you downed bore pebbles in its gizzard from a land the maps ignored.
Miss Louisa Hawkins had not realised that courtship – if this was what it was – could be so strenuous, or so resemble tourism.