The climate is changing in New Orleans as the public rally behind Dr. West, who has added a new antagonist to his rhetoric—the enhanced. Meanwhile, Quin is starting to build a small reputation for himself and is even turning the heads of some local superheroes. But with power comes responsibility, and his rising star lands his parents in the hands of some very dangerous people. If Quin wants to step up to the plate, he's going to have to use his smarts to outwit the trouble and protect those closest to him.
Getting into the debate of what makes a hero, it's awesome to see a young Black man navigate the world of having powers. Quin wants to protect his community and is trying to figure out what that means.
It took me to this issue to understand certain dialogue and what-not elements or style. I obviously don’t read graphic novels that much.
I was hit in the feels with this one.
Not only do we have Quin who is still trying to find himself, but the ending just really got into my feels for whatever reason.
The whole superheroes are cops but better is a debate that I’m having with people as I am doing this review. It’s a topic that has brought up in this issue and it’s interesting to discuss.