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576 pages, Hardcover
First published February 5, 2019
Afro-Cubans, the Black Legend, Citizenship, DACA and DREAM, Education, Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) and Fair Housing Act (1968,) the Gold Rush and Elian Gonzalez, Hispanic Identity, I Love Lucy, Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson, the Know-Nothing Party, Latinx, the Mambo, New Orleans and Nuyoricans, Operation Wetback, Puerto Rico Revolt, the legend of Queen Calafia (California,) the Revolutionary War (and Spain’s support,) Slavery, Spanish Settlements, the Spanish American War and Spanish Harlem, Tennessee, Texas, Tallahassee, Tampa, and Tucson, Urban Renewal, Pancho Villa, Whiteness, Colonel Felipe Santiago Xicoténcatl, Ybor City, and the Zoot Suit Riots.
"...the historian George J. Sanchez has described ethnicity as being 'not a fixed set of customs surviving from life in Mexico, but rather a collective identity that emerged from daily experience in the United States.'"
"Are you still 'Hispanic' if you speak only English, are Protestant, and don't care for tacos?"
"...'alien citizens'... persons who are American citizens by virtue of their birth in the United States but who are presumed to be foreign by the mainstream of American culture, and at times by the state."