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Christian Grey exercises control in all things; his world is neat, disciplined, and utterly empty—until the day that Anastasia Steele falls into his office, in a tangle of shapely limbs and tumbling brown hair. He tries to forget her, but instead is swept up in a storm of emotion he cannot comprehend and cannot resist. Unlike any woman he has known before, shy, unworldly Ana seems to see right through him—past the business prodigy and the penthouse lifestyle to Christian’s cold, wounded heart.  

Will being with Ana dispel the horrors of his childhood that haunt Christian every night? Or will his dark sexual desires, his compulsion to control, and the self-loathing that fills his soul drive this girl away and destroy the fragile hope she offers him?

See the world of Fifty Shades of Grey anew through the eyes of Christian Grey.

In Christian's own words, and through his thoughts, reflections, and dreams, E L James offers a fresh perspective on the love story that has enthralled millions of readers around the world.

This book is intended for mature audiences.

576 pages, Paperback

First published June 18, 2015

About the author

E.L. James

56 books57.9k followers
All you need to know should be on here:

Please come talk to me on twitter: @E_L_James

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 12,705 reviews
Profile Image for karen.
4,010 reviews172k followers
Shelved as 'oh-dear'
June 14, 2018
my inner goddess is screaming out the safe word, but e.l. james is acting like we never set ground rules.


it's like she doesn't understand how BDSM works!!!
oh, wait.

come to my blog!
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,128 reviews316k followers
Shelved as 'lost-interest'
June 1, 2015
Oh, fantastic! A Fifty Shades of Grey told from Christian's perspective is just what the book world needed.

Profile Image for Darth J .
417 reviews1,295 followers
Shelved as 'not-my-cup-of-tea'
June 10, 2015
Profile Image for Dear Faye.
493 reviews2,121 followers
Shelved as 'will-not-read'
June 20, 2015



See more from buzzfeed here.

Edited to add again: Just like Midnight Sun, the manuscript for this one was stolen a week before release and is feared to have been sold to the highest bidder in the black market. If it was really stolen, that was unfortunate. As much as I loathe the series, that's a douchebag move. However, I'll rip the book a new one if I find out this was only noise/marketing to hype the book even more.

Edited to add: Apparently, so many pre-ordered this it's already a bestseller, before it's even published. Humanity, why?


Who the fuck needs that?! Weren't the three books enough, for god's sake?! And seriously, doesn't the author have any other ideas to write than the same story?!?!

Just imagine:



I really could've gone on with my life peacefully without knowing we'll be "graced" by this same story again. At this point, I see it nothing more as a cash cow.
Profile Image for Claudia Lomelí.
Author 10 books83.8k followers
December 14, 2017
Yo no suelo ser cruel con la cantidad de estrellitas que doy, pero ahhhh... ESTE LIBRO. DIS BOOK.

No sé ni por dónde empezar, es que hay tantas cosas que podría discutir. Primero que nada, el libro desde la perspectiva de Christian definitivamente NO era necesario, menos después de tanto tiempo. Una parte de mí pensó que tal vez la autora innovaría, PERO NADA, es la misma novela, con alguna que otra escena nueva... y eso hizo que en partes se tornara aburrida la lectura.

Segundo... ME ARREPIENTO DE HABER CONOCIDO CÓMO PIENSA CHRISTIAN. OMG. Hubiera preferido quedarme con la imagen que Anastasia tiene de él (hombre maduro, sexy, serio), porque pff, Christian Grey es un chiste. Sus pensamientos son peores que la diosa interna de Ana. Y es que un minuto puede pensar cosas dignas de un puberto pervertido y en un segundo pasa a modo adolescente enamorada: ¡Ana me mandó un beso! ¡Ana me miró! ¿Será que le gusto?
Y no sólo es eso... su forma de pensar era a veces ridícula... y tenía demasiadas conversaciones consigo mismo (que esto no tiene nada de malo, yo a cada rato hablo sola, PERO no es algo que hubiera esperado de Christian Grey. Tenía otra imagen de él, vaya).

Tercero... la novela se me hizo ETERNA, me tardé horrores en leerla y al final ya sólo estaba leyendo por acabar, no porque realmente me interesara. Lo que sí es que las escenas de sexo las leí muy rápido y sólo "por encimita", porque qué flojera, eran casi IGUALES a las del primer libro, sentía como si ya las hubiera leído.

OMG ESO SÍ, me reí muchísimo con todo el libro, ES QUE PARECE UN CHISTE.
¿Me pregunto por qué la trilogía entera no la percibí así? Será que era una lectora menos experimentada en el 2012 (?)... o tal vez mis gustos han ido madurando... o tal vez no sé... pero yo a la trilogía le guardo un poco de cariño, y este libro llegó a hacerme dudar de dicho cariño, hahaha. Ya qué.
Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,977 followers
Shelved as 'hell-you-can-t-pay-me-to-read-it'
July 28, 2015
ETA: I need this book as much as I need dog shit on my shoes. Meaning, not at all. Beware of Christian's inner goddess god.
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Yeah, milk that cow. Pathetic. $__$

Christian and Ana should buy a dog or a cat, so James could publish Fifty Shades of Animal Dungeon. Sorry cats and dogs.

I don't even remember anymore but…are their parents still alive? Imagine, she could publish their POV's too.

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Fuck to the no!


ETA: June 20, 2015. The excerpts I added can be found here:


Scott Bryan was so kind and tweeted about his terrible nightmare.

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Before we go anywhere, you should know that many chapters of the book open like this.
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Baba: Frankly, if I had a cock it would have shriveled to pea size, that's for sure.

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Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews687 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
June 18, 2015
DNF @ 5% aka Chap 3

My perception of Christian Grey is officially ruined and it seems that I've been living a lie.

I tried, I really did. But Grey's inner monologue was written terribly which butchered his character and had me eye-rolling at the absurdity of the way he talks in his head (the repetitive "baby" term nearly had me belting out a Bieber song). He sounded like a juvenile kid guy with these strange italic monologues and the inappropriate usage of exclamation marks. Just an example from the a few pages itself:

And another:

And another:

And it just continues in a never ending loop of alternating between 'italics' monologues and 'normal' monologues (what even???!). I'm sorry EL James but this trilogy was much better off without this book. By 2 chapters alone, it has obliterated all the supposingly controlling, confident and dominant appeal for the Christian Grey that I've come to known. Now he sounds like an annoying pompous piece of a man with the most irritating inner monologue that sounds like a clingy woman or equivalent to a 5-year old kid.

It's completely unappealing and honestly, I can't even take his POV/this read seriously at all. It feels like a really bad horrible joke of a read. I don't want to sound insensitive but frankly, the writing was so poorly done that it has been reduced to at an amateur level. So I'm calling it quits to preserve my sanity.

P/S: Flipped to the last page and found out that this book only covers the first book in the trilogy.

P/P/S: This book is almost 500+ pages long.
Profile Image for Manny.
Author 39 books15.5k followers
Shelved as 'not-to-read'
August 11, 2015
Evidently this is intended as an homage to Midnight Sun, which given the roots of the Fifty Shades series is entirely appropriate and thematic. What I don't understand is why E.L. James didn't arrange for a crazed fan to hack into her computer, steal the draft and leak it over the web, causing her to abandon the project in disgust when it was still in an incomplete form. What's wrong with her? Doesn't she care?

If you can't beat them, join them. No more carping and criticizing: clearly there is nothing much to it, and I have decided to become a world-famous erotic novelist as well. Here, rescued from its obscure position as message #43 in the comment thread, is the first page of my new bestseller, which I have provisionally entitled My Grey Life. Amazon will soon be accepting pre-orders.
After a tempestuous night with an A-list movie star I probably should not identify, I rise early; my companion, exhausted by our naughty games, is still asleep, and I decide to let her get some well-earned rest. I do my usual workout at my fully-equipped private gym - those six-pack abs don't maintain themselves, my trainer always reminds me! - and then retire to the study where I plan to spend half an hour improving my mind. But I have only read a couple of pages from my signed first edition of Weyl's Quantenmechanik und Gruppentheorie when the door opens, and the housekeeper, a former Miss Honduras, arrives carrying a breakfast tray. As she smiles and leans over to put it on my Louis XIV escritoire, I ask my cock what he thinks of the bountiful assets she is so generously displaying. Imagine my consternation when I receive no answer. The little bastard has escaped again! He evidently made off while I was trying to decipher Weyl's rather terse explanation of spherical harmonics. It is the second time this week.

My housekeeper notices my expression and asks me what's wrong; I shamefacedly confess my predicament, and together we search the room. We eventually run the miscreant to ground, hiding behind a massive armoire. Conchita, who seems to know what she is doing, goes down on her hands and knees and manages to coax him out, using a saucer of milk and an old copy of Hustler. I tuck him back into my underpants and resolve to double her salary with immediate effect.

As you see, it's not as simple as you might think being a hunky billionaire with a sentient penis. But I relish the challenge and wouldn't have it any other way.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,333 reviews35.4k followers
June 29, 2015
4 stars!

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Fifty Shades of Grey is a series I will always hold near and dear to my heart. I’ve been an avid reader most of my life, but Fifty was the book that jump started my reading. It got me to start reading more romance, and with that, I joined groups on goodreads and found so many indie books I may have never discovered and made many friends I’m sure I would have never crossed paths with otherwise. I’ll keep this review fairly short, most people have read Fifty Shades so there is no need to rehash that story. It’s a book you either love or hate- there doesn’t seem to be much in-between. I happen to love it.

Grey is a retelling of the first Fifty book from Christian’s perspective. If you’re looking for an epic new story or all kinds of new material, you’ll be disappointed. Besides some extra looks into Christian’s past, there isn’t much new. I knew this going in and I was okay with it. I still enjoyed this one. I think the fact that I listened to it over a week or two opposed to reading it helped tremendously. The narration was FANTASTIC. Zachary Webber voiced Christian perfectly. If she brings the rest of the books out from Christian’s pov I will most definitely be listening to them on audio!

I would recommend this book to:
~Fans of the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy
~People who don’t mind retelling of the same story from a different perspective.

If you are neither of the above, this probably won’t be the book for you. But if you ARE both of the above I recommend you give this a go and highly recommend picking up the audio!
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.1k followers
Want to read
June 5, 2015
Just announced: FIFTY SHADES from Christian's POV!

OMG!!!! How exciting!!! Releasing June 2015!

EL James announced that: "For the readers who wanted to read Fifty Shades of Grey from Christian Grey's POV -- on June 18 (Christian Grey's birthday) the book GREY: Fifty Shades of Grey told by Christian Grey will be released!"

In Christian's own words, and through his thoughts, and reflections, and dreams. E.L. James offers a fresh perspective on the love story that has enthralled millions of readers around the world.

Christian great exercise control of all things: his world is neat, disciplined, and utterly empty — until one day that Anastasia Steele falls into his office, in a tangle of sharply limbs, and tumbling brown hair. He tries to forget her, instead is swept up in a storm of emotion he cannot resist. Unlike any woman he has known before. Shy, unworldly Ana seems to see right through him — past the business prodigy and penthouse lifestyle to Christian's cold wounded heart.

Oh being with Anna dispel the horrors of his childhood that taught Christian every night? Or will his dark sexual desires, his compulsion to control, the self-loathing that fills his soul drive away this girl away and destroy the fragile hope she offers him? (less)
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,734 reviews9,253 followers
February 7, 2017
I actually downloaded this from the library as a potential back-up plan to get me out of jury duty. Turns out it wasn't necessary because Friday I received word the case had settled and my super qualified and totally not-judgey services wouldn't be necessary after all. Buuuuuuuuuuuut I figure you can't make bad decisions all year unless you start on January 1 so I decided to read this today.

My reaction upon the announcement of yet another Stephanie Meyer rip-off and a "Grey" story rather than a "Rising Sun" release left me with a pretty strong reaction . . . . .

Houston commercial photography

Surely this can't be serious . . .

Houston commercial photography

But now that I'm finished I have to say this was way better than the original. Having the book written from Christian's perspective definitely made him seem less creepy - even though his conversations with his . . . .

Rather than some sort of "inner goddess" were just as insufferable.

Obviously by my rating I still found it to be "just okay," but hell 2 Stars is better than the zero I'd like to give the first three in the series so I'm calling it a win. No need to troll me, I'm more than happy to admit Christian Grey is just not my cuppa (but as I said I appreciated the ownership of his fuck-up-edry way more this go 'round). I also just don't get off on the sexytimes contained in this series. They are soooooooo not sexy. I thought it was because I was a prude delving in to "Mommy Porn" when all the other horny geezers were reading this years ago, but now that I fly my freak flag prominently it's just the scenes themselves. For as "edgy" as they are supposed to be after reading the 17,469th copulation it pretty much became . . . .

Oh and dare I forget that I wasn't aware of Christian being from England. E.L. James - your beta readers and/or editor failed a bit with the "have a lie in" and other very British phrasings that weren't switched around for us 'Muricans. Since you still sold eleventy trillion copies it seems I may have been the only one to catch that faux pas.

If you're a fan of Grey, stay a fan and don't apologize to anyone. Reading is fundamental - whether you're reading young adult, prize winners, comic books or smut. As Martha would say . . . .

Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15.2k followers
Want to read
September 4, 2017

Of course I’m looking forward to reading.

Naturally I’m able act cool about it.

But on the inside I’m beside myself… all giddy…

After all Christian Grey has an honorary place…

…in my book history. He brought be from HR to CR and from there I found GR.
Profile Image for Roxane.
Author 126 books166k followers
July 5, 2015
From a business perspective, I applaud the decision to release a version of a book that has already been published that is largely the same as the book that has already been published.

From any other perspective, this book is a travesty.

The writing is terrible, just fundamentally terrible. Christian Grey is boring and he cannot even be bothered to be tortured in an interesting way.

Mad at myself for PAYING for this and then reading it even though I knew what it was going to be, having read the original trilogy a time or three. I am part of the problem.
June 4, 2017
5 Deeper Grey Stars

First read September 2015
reread June 2017

Who love the fuck outta this book?

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I loved the first book in this series, Fifty Shades of Grey , but I loved this one more. OMG I really didn't think I would like this book more . I mean I knew going into this, that I would most likely like it. I liked the first book and this is just the first book in Christian pov. I knew I would get a little more info about what was going on in Mr. Grey's fucked up mind, but the same story. I loved seeing things from Christian's pov. It made me love him more. I know not everyone will agree with me and that is cool. We are all free thinking people and I love that, but when I wrote my review on Fifty Shades of Grey, I had some people message me or leave comments on my review that said all kinds of mean things. "I was weak minded." " I set the feminist movement back" " I was promoting domestic violence" ect ect. So please if you don't like this book or my review that is okay. Just don't send me hateful comments please. This review is just my silly little opinion and means nothing in the grand scheme of things!

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That being said, I loved seeing Christian fall in love. Seeing his thought's on Ana. It made me hate Elena more, which quite frankly is amazing because I hated that bitch so much already. My favorite part was the ending when their relationship is falling apart. This book gave me what I wanted that the first one didn't, which was to see what was going though Christian's mind when he realized he had taken it to far with Ana and what he did after she left him. I think getting to see Ana the way Christian seen her was also great because it not only made Ana more Personable, but it made Christian seem more real. I really enjoyed this book and I am sure most Fifty shades fans will. Grey made me miss the series so much I am going to reread book 2&3. I really hope E.L. James makes books 2&3 in Christian's pov . Hey a girl can dream!

Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,239 followers
June 24, 2015
2,5 Underwhelmed Stars.


50 Shades of Grey, despite not being my favorite book series, caused a sensation, caught my attention and a few years ago, the curiosity to see if other people thought like me was what brought me to Goodreads. By that alone these books will always have a place in my heart. But this one… just left me underwhelmed. And mad, considering I’ve paid 4£ for it and could have bought a few books with that money.


I’m not speaking about the story itself because being a male POV I knew exactly what was coming (and to be honest I did skim a bit). But let me tell you that when I read the books, even with the crazy amount of his issues, I always thought of Christian as sexy, confident and powerful. If you think of him the same way, don’t read this. He questions himself so much that you will start to think that he’s a pussy. E. L. James managed to turn the powerful mogul into a confused kitten.


I’m not even going to talk about the atrocious writing because, again, I was counting on it. But if you’re going to write a book with more than 500 pages of a Male POV I expect you to cover at least the most important moments of the trilogy and add a new and nice epilogue. But, guess what? NOOO! Just the first f*cking book and the exact same story. Not even a 50 word new epilogue. If you’re going to milk the cow the most you can, at least learn to sell good milk!!


Super-hiper-mega fans of the series, will probably love this book and eat it alive. But if for you was just “meh”, I don’t advise you to buy it (at least while it doesn’t have a sale) because you will end up really mad with you and with the fact that your credit card actually let you buy this. For me it, despite not being awful, it was a big block of “meh”.


(Ps. But I did pay for this book and I did help the cow-milking business... so maybe I'm the dumb in all this. Damn.)
Profile Image for Natalie Monroe.
621 reviews3,788 followers
Shelved as 'never-ever-ever-reading-this'
July 2, 2015
EDIT 2/7/2015: So this is why Grey has such a fugly cover.

Note from Stephenie Meyer:

EDIT 19/6/2015: I read some excerpts and all I can say is E.L. James takes the saying, "Men think with their dicks," way too literally.

Hey, look, it's Midnight Sun! I will pay all of you a million bucks to leak a draft and stop this from happening.

Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,290 reviews8,934 followers
November 18, 2015
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

SO. Right off the bat, I think we need to get this out of the way: YES. I read the FIFTY SHADES trilogy, and, YES, I liked it.

Guess what?

I liked TWILIGHT, too.

And THE HUNGER GAMES, and I bloodydamn love HARRY POTTER.

If you think that means I have crap taste in books, then good riddance.

If you think that means I love ALL the hyped-up books, you don't know me, so who cares what you think?

I read what I want and heaven help anyone who tries to make me feel bad about it.

*steps down from soapbox*

Honestly, I'm not terribly worried about that in Rabid Reads space, b/c lovers of speculative fiction tend to be a less judgmental crowd.

But when the top dozen Goodreads reviews are all, "Hell NO, we won't read this crap, and we'll be (not so) silently judging anyone who does," well . . . it makes me a little bit defensive.

That being said, I didn't love GREY, which is basically FIFTY SHADES OF GREY verbatim, but from Christian's perspective. I liked it well enough, and it definitely had me jonesing to reread the trilogy, but Christian direct from the source is a bit too much for me.

I need filtered Christian.

You know why?

B/c just like all the accusations that James knows not-one-thing about the BDSM community, guess what?


There's a reason these books appeal to the WASP community at large: we are the opposite of hardcore.

We enjoy a FICTIONALIZED account of BDSM that ultimately concludes with a hot bazillionaire not being nearly as hard a case as he thought he was. #sorrynotsorry

A real, deep-in-the-lifestyle Dominant would scare the hell out of me. Not b/c there's anything wrong with it, but b/c it's so radically outside my own personal purview.

Clearly, I am not alone in this.

E.L. James capitalized on that, and I say good for her.

So ultimately, I don't regret reading GREY, and if you also loved the FIFTY SHADES trilogy and think you're made of sterner stuff than I am, then I say go for it. BUT. If Christian-filtered-through-Ana was about as much as you could take, then I'd skip it. It's one thing to ogle him from a distance, but quite another to be inside his fifty-shades-of-fucked-up head. Recommended with qualifications.

Jessica Signature
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
June 29, 2015
*****4.5 "I WANT MORE" STARS*****
{BR with Mel, Sharon, Tiff, Kelli, Jen, and Tera}

I've come alive since I've known her. These last few weeks have been the most exciting, the most unpredictable, the most fascinating in my life. I've been enticed from my monochrome world into one rich with color - and yet she can't be what I need.

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I really loved this book!!
It started off a little iffy for me but in the end, I freaking LOVED THIS!!!

Yes, there was plenty that seemed to be a regurgitation from the first book in the series, but we all should have expected this. It didn't bother me because I have such a deep love for the characters and this story. I mean, I've read the books FOUR TIMES!!! AND, I was one of those nutty fans who emailed E.L. James and BEGGED her to write the books over in Christian's POV. So this book was like an early Christmas gift to me. I loved that E.L. James dedicated it to all of us fans out there who loved the story so much and just couldn't get enough of it.

We do get a more in depth look into Christian's brutal early childhood with his birth mother and her pimp. Then his early years with the Greys' and there were times that I nearly cried for little Christian. He was so lost during his youth that he even contemplated suicide, but didn't because he knew just how much that would have devastated Grace.

The only issue I really had and it was mostly in the beginning of the book, was that Christian seemed to be the woman in the relationship. Always waiting for Ana to call, text, or email him. He couldn't even function during his every day life until he heard from her, and I don't remember him being this needy in the original books. However, once the sexy times starts, HOLY HELL, I remembered why I loved this man so much. The sex in Christian's POV is just as hot, if not HOTTER!!!

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Also Christian's early history with Elena is revealed and what I did like was that after he starts seeing Ana, he doesn't seem to be all that affected or influenced by Elena. He spends a lot of time ignoring her texts and calls or brushing her off quickly when they do speak.

I found myself falling in love all over again with CG. Every time he would acknowledge that weird feeling in his chest whenever Ana would do or say something affectionate, I was swooning. I always thought of him as the alpha, who was in control, but really, it was Ana that had all the control. She was the one to break through his defenses and to make him question whether he may just be worthy of being loved.

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For those of you who loved the "Fifty Shades" series, I highly recommend reading this book. BUT, go into it knowing that this is the same story just with some added insights into Christian's past and what his thoughts were during his month with Ana. The book doesn't end how "Fifty Shades of Grey" did. We get to experience Christian's dark days of depression while being apart from Ana, up until just before they meet to attend Jose's art gallery showing together.

I also heard that E.L. James will be writing "Fifty Shade Darker" in CG's POV too!!! I can't wait, and hopefully this means the third book will also be written in his POV!!

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Profile Image for Alex .
236 reviews30 followers
Shelved as 'bitch-don-t-even'
June 1, 2015
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Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,660 followers
September 13, 2015

This was entertaining...

welcome to the grey




hotel room

bath room



six pack abs






My thoughts:

I was hoping for something new and enlightening. There was nothing new to the story except for two conversations between Grey and Elena. I was hoping for more insight into Grey's head, but most of his thoughts were just about sex. There were no new conversations with Anna to enjoy. All the emails they sent back and forth, which were fun to read the first time around, were boring to read again.

I enjoyed knowing Grey's thoughts about his family, mother, brother, and sis. But the flashback nightmares of him as a child were very difficult to make it through. I understand that the thoughts were those of a child, but the writing was in broken sentences and made him sound "Special". Special as in "Slow". All of his flashbacks are painful due to the horrid grammar.

So the real question is was this worth my time and honestly, I can not encourage anyone to read this book. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. Fortunatley, my library had the CDs of this book so I was able to listen to it while driving to and from work, and while folding laundry, so I didn't feel like I wasted time.

3 stars means I liked it, and 2 stars is an "OK" which is exactly where this book falls. A Solid 2.5!!
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,211 followers
June 5, 2017
Now, is E.L. James a clever writer or not!!!! Did we actually need this book??? Of course not!! GREY is exactly the same book as Fifty Shades of Grey and the earliest section of Fifty Shades Darker ..there's only one difference.........let me tell you more...
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It's time for us to get Christian Grey's very own POV............oh....we gonna find out what makes this guy tick!!!!
Never mind that it's the exact same dialogue.... that we get to read the legal contract ....again.........we get to check out all the emails that we have read before...........so why do we go out and pay for something we have read before????

Because we are totally besotted with Christian Grey.......well, I am............. If it wasn't for him......would I have continued turning the pages!!!! Not sure....because right now....Anastasia Steele is not on my favourite heroines list!!! I was reminded again of how much she irritated me in FSOG.....
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.........Listen up Christian...give her up...I am so much more interesting.......in fact, I am fully committed to being his girlfriend...
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Grey is not the worst book I’ve ever read - I wanted to read it when I heard about it....and I am happy I did..............will I read it again???? Probably not!!! Or maybe I will in twenty years time!!!!!!!
But honestly........Christian Grey may be egotistical, OCD.....and all those other things....but hey.....
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So, I'm off to go on a "flip" with my CG...........
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PS.......Not wanting to be "beaten" up by some of the FSOG 'Non-Fans".........can I admit that I liked the FSOG movie...and ...let me say it softly....have watched it a couple of time!!! Okay, time to go!!!
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews889 followers
March 4, 2017
Fifty Shades of Grey was my introduction to romance. This was the first book I read in late 2012 in this particular genre. It is what convinced me to buy a kindle. It was what opened the door to a whole new world of stories. In a way this book changed my life. It brought a long list of friends that I hold near and dear to my heart and it has given me an outlet that I did not have before. Say what you will about this series, but there is no denying the impact it has had in the book world.

Some hate this series. Okay. But I can’t think of another book that has changed things quite like this. We have authors we love because this book gave them the courage to try. Nearly three years ago this series set me on a new path. This gave me a push to expand my boundaries and now I am getting a chance at doing something with my life that I love to do.

When I finished Fifty Shades Freed, the POV chapters at the end made me want to devour the books all over again. And I did. I read them ten times in a row (remember, I hadn’t yet purchased a Kindle). So getting Grey... yeah that was like a dream come true.

Grey covers the span of time from just before Ana walks into his office until he get gets her back at the start of FSD. The dialogue and email exchanges are the same – of course they are, they had to be. But what was different was getting in Christian’s head. It was watching him struggle with his desire for her, his need of punishment and ultimately his undoing.

I loved this book. I wanted the rest of the trilogy from his POV immediately. I had to open up Darker just to get the resolution I needed to feel OK. And well that, that turned into me re-reading all of that book. So yeah, it might be a few years since this story graced my kindle, but reading Grey reminded me of all I loved about it to begin with.

So if you were not a fan of FSOG, this is not your book. Reading it would be a waste and really only will accomplish giving you a platform to pronounce your hate of the story. Why waste the money, time and effort for just a bit of attention? This book is one written or fans of the series. And this fan would gladly read the rest of this series through Christian Grey’s eyes if Ms. James was so inclined to write it.
Profile Image for Coco.
1,105 reviews553 followers
July 19, 2015
Grey llegó, y la cagó.

Podíamos resumir las 656 páginas en esa única frase.

Todo ha sido tan innecesario, ridículo y aburrido.
He vuelto a leer la misma historia desde el punto de vista de un adolescente hormonal con complejo de dios.

Ya me habían dicho que Grey se pasaba el libro entero más salido que el pico de una mesa, y aún más caliente que el cenicero de un bingo, y lo confirmo, pero había momentos que un mandril en celo era más maduro que Grey.

"Me viene a la cabeza una imagen de ella encadenada a mi banco, con una raíz de jengibre pelada introducida en el ano de modo que no pueda apretar las nalgas, y a continuación un uso bien merecido de un cinturón o de una correa"

Buscar en google una raíz de jengibre y poneros a temblar.

Grey iba perdiendo puntos, pero al menos me reía hasta que ha soltado grandes frases lapidarias como estas:

"Al menos no debo preocuparme por las pollas que se la hayan follado."

"No, no me olvidará. Las mujeres siempre recuerdan al primer hombre con quien han follado, ¿verdad?"

Machismo everywhere.

Prefiero mil veces la trilogía original con la inaguantable diosa interior de Ana, que un sólo capítulo con este mendrugo.
Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,847 followers
June 22, 2015
Every Bit As Good As The First Time!

I loved every minute of this book! Usually, I get bored with alternate POV "retellings" because there isn't enough new material to keep me interested. This is one of the few stories that, even without too much new information, holds my attention every time. What can I say, it's a fantastic story! It was nice to finally get inside Christian's head.
June 2, 2015
"See the world of Fifty Shades of Grey anew through the eyes of Christian Grey. In Christian's own words, and through his thoughts, reflections, and dreams . . .

There. I just saved you 576 pages of tedious, severely disturbing, barely literate drivel.

You're welcome.

"E L James offers a fresh perspective on the love story that has enthralled millions of readers around the world."

In other words, she can't "write" shit without stealing from real authors so why not milk this inexplicable cash cow until Lucifer's teat runs dry. (And why not copy Stephenie Meyers in every conceivable way since she continues to steal from her?)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 12,705 reviews

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