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Bowls: 100+ Recipes for Healthy, Vibrant Bowls

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Unleash a world of flavors in one dish with 100+ unbowlievable recipes.

After a long day, all you want is a comforting meal that comes together effortlessly. Bowls is a collection of more than 100 healthy-yet-heartening recipes that are easy to prepare and help you recharge in a hurry. Plucking beloved preparations from cuisines across the globe, these dishes soothe every craving--whether it be a light and nourishing bowl built around local vegetables, a bowl of noodles in a revitalizing broth, or a bright, boldly flavored bowl that transports you to the tropics.

Inside You’ll Find:

Vegetarian and vegan bowls
Easy-to-make ramen bowls
Rice bowls that cut down on waste and make the most of your leftovers
Protein-packed meals that will provide energy throughout the day
Recipes that are easy to adjust based on the size of the crowd

256 pages, Hardcover

Published December 24, 2024

About the author

Ayesha Singh

3 books14 followers

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