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336 pages, Hardcover
First published January 1, 2012
Now what? Was I to be reborn over and over, forever? Could a dog have more than one purpose? How was that possible?”In his last few years as Buddy, he meets Baby Clarity - the granddaughter of Ethan. Buddy saves Clarity - once from drowning and once from an anxious horse - and both times, Clarity was "under supervision" of her mother (Gloria)
It cannot be a dog's purpose to understand what people want because it is impossible.But no matter what, Molly will do his best to love his human. After his lifetime as Molly, he comes back again as Max (a Yorkie-Chihuahua mix) and again as Toby (a beagle mix). Each time, he is reunited with CJ when she needs him most.
She taught me that it was a good thing to love more than just my boy, Ethan, opening my eyes to the fact that I’d actually loved many people in my lives, that loving humans was my ultimate purpose.This was an ah-mazing sequel. It really is an absolute delight when the sequel turns out to be better than the first.
You can usually tell that a man is good if he has a dog who loves him.
You can usually tell that a man is good if he has a dog who loves him.
“I go by ‘CJ.’ Gloria calls me Clarity because that’s the one thing she’ll never have.”
I so wanted her to feel the happiness that I felt whenever we touched each other, but people are more complicated creatures than dogs. We always love them joyfully, but sometimes they’re mad at us, like when I chewed the sad shoes.