Bryan Mitchell and Shade Wilder. She was America's greatest celebrity photographer. He was one of the world's most respected photojournalists. They were working together, traveling across the country, recording two views of one American summer. They we complete opposites. And yet they each felt a passion that was destined to draw them together. It took the eye of the camera to show them how close they could become. And it took their mounting desire to lower their defenses and allow them to revel in the fulfillment of love....
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.
The concept of this was fun - the whole road trip element and the competency porn that La Nora excels at. But the characters felt really bland for some reason, which diminished my overall enjoyment
"Shade no despertaba emociones simples como la amistad. Era un hombre que o seducía o ponía de los nervios. Y ella no quería ser seducida."
No sé si éste es el primero de a bilogia "Celebrity" o es el segundo. En algunos sitios leí que éste es el primero y en otros, que éste es el segundo. Sea como sea, luego de éste leeré "en exclusiva". La cuestión es que ha sido un placer encontrarme con Norita que no la leo desde el año pasado. Una novela sencilla, rápida de leer pero muy atrapante (ése final!) No le puse 5 estrellas porque me quedé con más escenas de amor pero es un Harlequin así que, la novelita está compuesta de doce capítulos y un épilogo donde dos personas, Shade y Bryan tienen que trabajar juntas un tiempo El problema es que son opuestas en muchas cosas peeeero algo tienen en común y es el amor por la fotografia. Así poco a poco sus barreras "anti amor" se irán cayendo sin que ellos se den cuenta. Y cuando se den cuenta será el final de un recorrido que les duró tres meses. ¿Qué harán al final de la carretera? ¿Volverán juntos o cada uno tomará su camino? Leanlo. Es para pasar un agradable fin de semana.
"Se estaba mintiendo a sí misma. Ella quería mucho más."
"Bryan tenía secretos, como él. ¿Sería posible descubrir sus secretos en una fotografía?"
An older Nora book and still showing her genius! Its a lovely story about two photographers that are sent on a road trip to document summer across the country. They both see the world differently. She is an optimist, he a pessimist. I really enjoyed taking the trip with them, especially with Nora's ability to form word pictures.
Another old school romance by Nora Roberts that feels quite dated and would puzzle the new generations that never had to use films for their cameras or develop their photographs in dark rooms.
The hero and heroine are both successful photographers but in different fields, but are collaborating on a project that requires them to take an extended road trip across America. During that trip they go from strangers who rub each other the wrong way, to casual lovers who eventually fall in love.
They both have their share of trust issues and don't magically forget all of them at the same time, or embrace the unfamiliar feelings they develop without question, which makes the story quite realistic, and the happily ever after that much sweeter.
Song for summary: Pictures of You by The Last Goodnight
I found this book to be a nice, sweet, summer read! The characters are unique and talented, while the plot is a lovely blend of discovery, photography, traveling, and romance. This novel is the perfect companion for a relaxing day at the beach.
This is the first Nora Roberts book I have read and I am sure I will read more. This was a fairly simple romance, set in summer during a cross-country photo shoot of summer in America - felt like the perfect book to start on vacation. I wish there was a actually a book of the photos taken on the journey - I could see them so clearly in my mind’s eye! The romance itself was fairly predictable, the characters likeable, and it ended as I had hoped. All in all, an entertaining quick read - 3.5 stars.
Cute and fluffy. Like most romances, this one pretty much goes where you expect. Two people who seem to be at odds, fall for each other dealing with some bumps on the way.
Unlike some of her more epic books, this Nora Roberts tale is pretty intimate. Most of the book is just Shade and Bryan (odd names) and scenery. It's a road trip story and I enjoyed learning little bits about different parts of the US. Roberts' descriptions were interesting enough that I wanted to go to parts the States I've never considered visiting before.
All in all, it's fairly predictable but quick and enjoyable for all that. I rooted for them.
Thats it. Am done. Either Am too old or i have read too many of her books but am finding Nora Roberts monotonous which i never thought was possible. My last few books i read were less than liked them. They are boring, tedious and utterly repetitive. They are romance. But i read so many varieties of romance that am finding the old Nora Roberts boring. Its getting difficult to like her books and am so sorry that this happened. I could always depend upon her and now i feel as if someone died.
Solo he leído 50 páginas, pero han sido suficientes para saber que acabar el libro no me va a aportar nada. Los personajes se conocen en la página 10, en la 12 ya están pensando que tienen que separarse para no acabar enamorados y en la 40 ya se están besando apasionadamente. Además el libro esta bastante mal traducido. He leído otros libros de la autora que me han encantado, pero este no lo reomiendo.
Du garsūs fotografai, įpratę dirbti po vieną, gauna didžiulį užsakymą, kurio abu nori imtis, bet nei vienas nenori dirbti komandoje. Abu šie fotografai darbui teikia pirmenybę ir nusprendžia, kad asmeniniai nesutarimai turės palaukti tol, kol bus įvykdytas užsakymas. Šių dviejų žmonių laukia kelionė po Jungtines Amerikos Valstijas kemperiu - trys mėnesiai, 24 valandos kartu, maža erdvė. Kur nuves ši kelionė? Net tiek aprašiusi knygą jaučiu išdavusi jos pabaigą. Vis dėlto, jei norisi lengvo nuspėjamo ir neilgo romano, be įtampos - tai geras pasirinkimas. Tema Tai meilės istorija, kuri vystosi pamažu, bet labai aiškiai ir kryptingai. Iš pradžių herojai vienas kito nekenčia, o vėliau, praleidę gausybę laiko kartu jaučia, kad jausmai keičiasi. Kaip kiekvienas su tuo “kovoja” ir “gyvena” - atskleidžiama lėtai judančios knygos puslapiuose. Rašymo stilius Kadangi vos pradėjus skaityti knygą iškart skaitytojui žinoma, kokia bus pabaiga - man rašymo stilius atrodo užtęstas, su gausybe detalių vien tam, kad knyga būtų ilgesnė nei 100 psl. Veikėjų ginčai beprasmiai, meilės scenos ne per daug išraiškingos. Jausmai aprašyti taip, kad net mintyse mano balsas man skambėjo ironiškai. Trys žodžiai apie knygą Visokių knygų reikia...
Dit boek is het vervolg op Kloof tussen twee werelden. Nouja, het is gewoon deel 2. Het verhaal gaat niet over de hoofdpersonages van het eerste boek. Zoals Nora Roberts heel vaak doet in haar boeken series is een bijpersonage als hoofdpersonage dopen in haar volgende boek. Ook bij dit boek deed ze het. De vriendin van de protagonist wordt nu protagonist. De antagonist is een nieuw karakter. Heel even is er sprake van de hoofdrolspelers uit het eerste boek, ze komen ook even in beeld en spelen uiteindelijk toch ook wel een rol in de plot. Dus misschien zijn ze toch nog belangrijker dan eerst aangenomen.
Dit boek nam me iets minder mee dan het boek Kloof tussen twee werelden. Toch heb ik het heel vlot uitgelezen. De opzet van het boek is wat ik verwacht van een doorsnee roman over twee mensen. Het boek leest vlot en maakt het je makkelijk om mee te leven met de personages. Dit omdat ze voldoende afwisselt vanuit welke persoon ze verteld. Zo zie je beide kanten en kan je bij beide de gevoelens ontdekken en mee leven. Ik vind een dergelijke schrijfvorm heel fijn. Het neemt af en toe de spanning weg omdat je voorspellingen kan maken maar dat vind ik niet erg. Ik hou van boeken waarbij ik zeker kan zijn hoe ze aflopen. Begrijp me niet verkeerd, ik hou ook ontzettend van heel onverwachte plottwist, zolang ze positief zijn. Ik wil een goed gevoel overhouden aan een boek en met dit boek was dat zeker het geval.
One Summer is the second installment of the Celebrity Magazine series. This one follows the prickly romance that develops between Celebrity photographer Bryan Mitchell and photojournalist Shade Wilder. The two are sent off on a cross country mission to capture summer. It doesn't take long for sparks to fly as they try to get along in close quarters, each believing the other to be a royal pain in the ass.Of course the inevitable happens,even though both had decided that it shouldn't and wouldn't. I enjoyed this romance more than the previous one. the relationship and friction came off as more authentic to me.Nora Roberts builds a nice series.
One Summer, Book 2 of the Celebrity Magazine series by Nora Roberts.
Bryan is a photographer & goes on assignment with Shade, another photographer. They are curiousnabout what it would be like to kiss each other. They kiss & neither appreciates that it was a great kiss & it does not satisfy their curiosity. 😂 They head out on their trip, taking 3 months to drive from LA to Cape Cod on the east coast. Shade decides to stop fighting his attraction to Bryan & let whatever happens, happen. They are camping one night when a cougar or bobcat scares Bryan & she screams. Shade comes running & they kiss. They witness a car crash & afterward, Shade has a nightmare, he tells Bryan he needs her & they make love. Both are falling in love but aren't ready to admit it. While at a carnival, Bryan is attacked (she isn't hurt) & Shade realizes he is in love with her when he finds out. While in NY, Bryan looks at a picture she is developing of Shade & realizes she is in love with him. But thinks to herself… they said no complications. On the last night in Cape Cod they admit to each other that they love each other. They get married & live happily ever after.
Aww! This was another nice throwback pure romance. 😍 Loved it!
Uma história curta, fofa e muito romântica, e tudo isso escrito pela Nora Roberts em 1986. Dois fotógrafos talentosos e excelentes em suas áreas de trabalho, com estilos diferentes, são contratados por uma revista para fazer um grande ensaio sobre o verão pelos EUA em uma road trip. Ela, Brian, é fotógrafa de celebridades. Ele, Shade, é fotojornalista em áreas de conflito. Bem, o resto é a história deles se descobrindo, se conhecendo e desenvolvendo um trabalho individual em parceria. Muito do que aprendi a amar nos livros dela está nessa história escrita há quase 40 anos. Mulheres intensas e independentes e homens sensíveis. A descrição das paisagens e de seus sujeitos nas paradas deles pela viagem. As conversas e alfinetadas entre eles. E mesmo em poucas páginas (200 mais ou menos) o desenvolvimento desses personagens é bem interessante.
Este é o segundo de uma duologia, vou ler o primeiro logo mais. E os personagens do primeiro livro aparecem e são importantes nesse aqui.
Eu ouvi no scribd em inglês mas achei uma publicação de 2006 num sebo e comprei, nela tem os dois livros com o nome Amor de Verão, pela Harlequin da Editora Record.
Recomendo obviamente 😜. Com 4⭐️ pouco🔥 (mas tem) e MUITO ♥️
Primeiramente, este foi o meu primeiro contato com uma obra da Nora Roberts e devo dizer que comecei com o pé direito. Na primeira história, Segunda Natureza, temos os protagonistas Lee Radcliffe e Hunter Brown. A primeira jornalista de uma revista de celebridades, aspirante a escritora, e o segundo um escritor famoso de livros de terror. Lee tem a tarefa de escrever um artigo sobre o misterioso escritor e para isso terá que acampar com ele. Nesses dias sozinha com ele, uma paixão começa a surgir. Amei essa história! Achei que os personagens foram bem construídos, o ritmo é bom e me arrisco a dizer que estes personagens são um dos que já li que mais têm química.
Na segunda história, Retratos de um Verão, temos os protagonistas Bryan e Shade. Ambos fotógrafos, a primeira fotografa pessoas famosas e o segundo cenas do cotidiano mais dramáticas. Em comparação com a história anterior, achei essa mais fraca. O ritmo é mais lento, não achei os protagonistas com muita química e para mim, a Bryan tomou algumas atitudes sem motivo, por pura teimosia.
Este livro, que me foi oferecido no mês de Outubro do ano passado, é o segundo e último volume da série "Celebrity Magazine", pelo que tratei logo de lê-lo assim que pude para saciar a minha curiosidade - e ainda bem que o fiz, pois dei de caras com mais um fantástico livro!
Este é um livro recheado de atracção, mistério, amizade, tensão, romance, desejo e amor do início ao fim, com um enredo simples mas cativante e com personagens muito carismáticas e bem construídas. Como de costume, a escrita da autora apresenta-se directa e fluida e propicia uma leitura descomplicada e muito agradável.
Tal como já tinha acontecido com o volume anterior, devo dizer que gostei mesmo muito deste pequeno livro - a sua história é muito interessante e cativa o leitor .
Este é um bonito romance que promete cativar o leitor sem qualquer esforço - recomendo vivamente que o leiam!
This story was a passionate tale of two creative artists who travel together across country and find not only that they can work together being complete opposites but also that they can get along and grow together in friendship and love.
Nora Roberts creates stories with such passion in each chapter that it takes one’s breath away. She doesn’t need to write illicit details in her love scenes to make them more passionate than they really are. They are sweet, endearing and sensitive taking the reader deep into the minds and souls of her characters.
The characters are richly detailed in their feelings and emotions with real-life problems and faults. The reader travels along with them on their journey to find themselves and each other as they grow in friendship and soon love.
It had been a long time since I had read any of Nora Roberts’ books. After I read this one I felt a feeling of coming home to her style of prose and will pick up another one soon to enjoy.
s. 13 Proč musí Vánoce skončit. Ale oni skončí s. 20 Nebylo snadné ignorovat její úsměv, ale bylo téměř nemožné, ignorovat ty nohy s. 42 rodiče byly
s. 53 ovce začaly mečet, ovce mečela Vždycky jsem si myslela, že ovce bečí. podařilo přehodit ovci za plot Chudák ovce.
s. 54 Shade začala Tedy začal s. 57 Slyšely [on a ona] s. 61 udělaly (...) vyměnily [on a ona] s. 64 obě pracovali Bydleli jsem s. 76 trik. “ s. 95 její city k Shadeovy s. 98 na malém zaprášeném ranči v Bar T. dusty little ranch called the Bar T s. 182 Přišla jsem, aby tu udělala s. 189 Ano odkládám to, přiznala
There is something about this story that speaks to me. Something that is makes the reader become so moved. The romance is sweet, the characters delightful. Yet there were moments of bittersweet feelings. Moments of silent passion so beautifully poised to paper, I was left shell shocked. I love her work. Some more than others. But this one....this one stands above the rest. Because it pulls a quiet peace out of me while at the same time, it fills me with a wonder at human nature. The way the characters see the people around them makes the reader take stock in their surroundings. Suddenly, I want to take a massive road trip. If only to see the world through the eyes of these photographers.
Bringing the world of the photographer into the view finder, Nora Roberts is so good at immersing the reader in the terminology and techniques of her characters. Though I find the romance stuff always a little disturbing when the guy forces himself onto the girl,(Sort of a strong theme with Robert's books, I have noticed), My biggest concern is that if some guy only read Nora Roberts books and thought that was the way to show affection, the poor guy would be in jail not even knowing what he did wrong. But that is just my own point of view. The characters are well done and the story was good. This was a Good Read.
This was fun, a love story, Nora Robert’s that I’ve grown to understand/ expect. Two unlikely companions, artists, photographers who at first glance seem like opposites. But not really. I liked the use of the visual- lots of photography and visual imagery. I loved the look at America through summer experiences. If you’ve traveled across the country and explored it at its essence, or even if you haven’t, you get to experience the view. That is an enjoyable adventure filled with darkness and light, shadows and illusions.
A fun, enemies to lovers, cross-country romance. I love the rivalry and competition between these two characters, as well as how they are photographers, which I find unique in books. It was also really good to include a part with the characters from the first book (Lee and Hunter) so we can see where they are, which was very nice.
Lots of funny moments to make you smile and a good building romance. Overall, a good quick and easy book to enjoy
Accomplished professionals - Shade Colby, former war photographer and Bryan Mitchell, celebrity/rock star photographer are tasked to capture American summer. They travel from California through Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Kentucky and New York to Cape Cod in Massachusetts while taking pictures of people enjoying summer. Although their relationship is rough at the beginning it develops into life long love.
O livro em geral não é mau mas a autora podia ter escrito um livro maior, afinal, para um livro que se passa no decorrer de três meses e onde temos personagens tão complexas, 222 páginas sabe a pouco e faz parecer um pouco precipitado. Em geral, é um romance esperado mas bem escrito e perfeito para quando queremos ler algo leve e rápido.
Sencilla y fácil de leer.dos personas que tienen que trabajar juntas un tiempo.son opuestas en muchas cosas pero tienen en común el amor por la fotografia.poco a poco sus razones para no amar a nadie o dejar que nadie se acerque van perdiendo significado al historia no está mal.