Jimmy Cauty

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Jimmy Cauty

Average rating: 4.35 · 446 ratings · 47 reviews · 5 distinct worksSimilar authors
The Manual (How to Have a N...

4.34 avg rating — 440 ratings — published 1988 — 8 editions
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The Advanced Acoustics Arma...

4.43 avg rating — 7 ratings
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The KLF - Das Handbuch

4.50 avg rating — 6 ratings
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The Lost Doctor Annual

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 2 ratings
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The Stonehenge Cookbook: St...

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating — published 2023
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Quotes by Jimmy Cauty  (?)
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“What this song needs, Bill, is Tammy Wynette”
Jimmy Cauty

“here we are wasting our time writing a book that will be
completely redundant within twelve months. An obsolete artefact. It's
only use being a bit of a social history that records the aspirations
of a certain strata in British society in the late eighties. Nothing
that any Sunday supplement advertisement could not already tell them.
It's obvious that in a very short space of time the Japanese will have
delivered the technology and then brought the price of it down so that
you can do the whole thing at home.”
Jimmy Cauty, The Manual

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