Leah Stecher
The Things We Miss
3 editions
A Field Guide to Broken Promises
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“I always wanted magic to be real, and now I know that this world is much stranger and more miraculous than it appears. But I believe, more than I believe anything else, that the true miracle and beauty in life comes from living it. I hope you will come to agree with me. I know you're struggling this year, and I wish I could help you more. I wish I could be with you to help figure it all out. But I'll tell you the secret: no one has it figured out. The joy comes from figuring it out. One day at a time. Live your life, all of it, full of magic and miracles and beauty and pain and sorrow. You'll be glad you did. I am.”
― The Things We Miss
― The Things We Miss
“You could be anywhere, and you're choosing to be here. All relationships are a choice. You have to choose to be someone's friend. Not once, but over and over and over again. And you're doing it, right now.”
“I was a really bad friend. I didn't understand before. I thought I was just, you know, making choices for *me*. I didn't realize that I was making choices for you.”
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