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Showing 1-14 of 14
“If I’m a monster, mademoiselle, it’s because man’s cruelty has made me so.”
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
“Love is joy, love is suffering, love is tenderness, love is beautiful. Love is you.”
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
“Let me have you in the most intimate of
ways, let me give you a part of myself that no other man may touch.
Make me yours forever.”
― The Frost of Springtime
ways, let me give you a part of myself that no other man may touch.
Make me yours forever.”
― The Frost of Springtime
“I’m here with you, for you. And I won’t let you go.”
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
“Hope is a beautiful and magical thing. Grasp it tight, monsieur, and never let go.”
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
“Now, tomorrow, and always.”
― Finding Gabriel
― Finding Gabriel
“Amour de ma vie ... ton image hante mes nuits, me poursuit le jour, elle remplit ma vie .. " Love of my life, your image haunts my nights, follows me all the day, fulfills my life.”
― The Frost of Springtime
― The Frost of Springtime
“Let this moment whisper through eternity. Let it fill my every dream and visit me each night.”
― Finding Gabriel
― Finding Gabriel
“I won’t pretend that I deserve you. I am faithless. I have done unforgivable things. And I am broken.” He gestured to his face and body with trembling hands. “I know you see past these things when you look at me . . . but I hope I can be enough for you.”
“What? Enough for me? Gabriel, you are everything.”
― Finding Gabriel
“What? Enough for me? Gabriel, you are everything.”
― Finding Gabriel
“Sleep well, my little prince . Sleep true, my sweet prince . Roses love sunshine, violets love dew . All the angels in heaven wrap their wings over you . Sleep well, my little prince . Sleep true, my sweet prince . The world lays at your feet . Now let my love make you complete .”
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
“Does that make you sad, ma chérie ? Does that melt your fragile little heart? Shall you weep for me ?”
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
“You are a soldier. A fighter. And now you must fight. Not for the emperor, not for France . . . but for yourself.”
― Finding Gabriel
― Finding Gabriel
“Things aren’t always as they appear to be, I suppose.”
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling
― Beauty of the Beast: A Dark Beauty and the Beast Retelling