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Hannah Harrington Hannah Harrington > Quotes


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“He took his pain and turned it into something beautiful. Into something that people connect to. And that's what good music does. It speaks to you. It changes you.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“Hate is... It's too easy. Love. Love takes courage.”
Hannah Harrington, Speechless
“It's just nice, I guess. Knowing that someone else can put into words what I feel. That there are people who have been through things worse than I have, and they come out on the other side okay. Not only that, but they made some kind of twisted, fucked-up sense of the completely senseless. They made it mean something. These songs tell me I'm not alone. If you look at it at that way, music... music can see you through anything.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“It's so stupid because all I wanted was space and now that I have it, there's this part of me that's achingly lonely I could die.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“Whatever you decide, don't let it be because you don't think you have a choice.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“Sometimes people think they want to know things, but then they hear the answer and realize they'd prefer to be in the dark.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“It always struck me in years after how bizarre it was, how two people could look at one another with such tenderness and complete love, and how quickly that could dissolve into nothing but bitterness.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“You can be surrounded by people and still be lonely. You can be the most popular person in school, envied by every girl and wanted by every boy, and still feel completely worthless. The world can be laid at your feet and you can still not know what you want from it.”
Hannah Harrington, Speechless
“I still go to bed sad, and wake up sad, and it still hurts like hell, but there are moments during the day when it hurts less. Sometimes I can think of June and not want to burst into tears or put my fist through a wall. Sometimes I'm close to happy and it doesn't even hurt. Much. I'll never be the way I was before, but maybe that's okay. Life goes on, I'm going on, even without her. Not every day hurts. Not every breath hurts.

Maybe that's all we can really ask for.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“I want to stop running away from everything.
I want to find something to run toward.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“It's harder than you think, to find someone who truly believes in your unequivocal, unconditional awesomeness”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“If you really want things to change, you can make them change no matter where you are.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“There is so much beauty in just existing. In being alive.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“You're nothing like your sister," he tells me. "She meant a lot to me, okay? It's true. But the things I like about you have nothing to do with her. You - you are so strong and stubborn it drives me crazy. You're the one going through all this and you still put Laney first every time, instead of throwing yourself the pity party we both know you deserve. You call me out on my shit, and I like that, because sometimes I need someone to call me out on my shit. And you get Johnny Cash, and you take these incredible photos, and everything about you makes me hurt, in a good way, and it blows my mind that someone can be so amazing and not even see it.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“It must be comforting, to have a faith like that. To believe so concretely that there’s someone—something— out there watching guard, keeping us safe, testing us only with what we can handle.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“I gaze out at the glittering sea, the breathtaking sky above it, and think of birds and the moment before the fall, and how my sister as a child had been strong enough for the both of us, and I wonder when exactly that changed. I don't know when, but it did. Jake was right - I'm strong in a way June never was. Because I know that I want to be here. Even with the pain. Even with the ugliness. I've seen the other side - marching side by side down city streets with people who all believe they can change the world and the view of the sunset from Fridgehenge and Tom Waits lyrics and doing the waltz and kisses so hot they melt into each other and best friends who hold your hand and stretching out underneath a sky draped with stars and everything else.

There is so much beauty in just existing. In being alive. I don't want to miss a second.”
hannah harrington, Saving June
“I've never been good at emotional stuff. Except anger. Anger, I'm good at.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“Look, it’s not ever going go stop hurting. That’s the reality. But after a while, it’ll get…easier. You’ll get used to living with it.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“Some people are just sad, all of the time. Too sad to deal with - everything. Life, I guess. I don't know. There doesn't always have to be a reason.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“Some people think that a place can save them... Like if they could just be somewhere else, their lives would be totally different. They could finally be the people they always wanted to be. But to me, a place is just a place. If you really want things to change, you can make them change no matter where you are.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
tags: life
“I walk to my car without looking back, and as I drive away, I'm hit with a sudden wave of sadness. But it's a distant kind of sad - like when you look at your Barbies and realize you don't want to play with them anymore, because you're growing up and you've moved on, and in your heart you know it's time to make room for other things.”
Hannah Harrington, Speechless
“But even though I know my flaws are many (many many many), and there are always ways I could be better, and I should never stop working for that—I also need to give myself a break. I can cut myself some slack sometimes. Because I’m a work in progress. Because nobody is perfect. At least I acknowledge the mistakes I’ve made, and am making. At least I’m trying. That means something, doesn’t it?
And just because I have room for improvement doesn’t mean I’m worthless, or that I have nothing to offer to, like, the world.”
Hannah Harrington, Speechless
“I hate organized religion. I hate that people use it to justify their crappy, bigoted beliefs.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“Jake was right - I'm strong in a way June never was. Because I know that I want to be here. Even with the pain. Even with the ugliness.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“You cannot be in love with someone you've really only known for barely a week and on top of that someone who drives you crazy most of the time. No matter how goodlooking and charming and interesting and understanding he may be. Not even if he's the one person who makes you feel like yourself.
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
tags: love
“The truth is, the person I’ve been hating more than anyone is myself. It is so easy. So easy to look in the mirror at all my imperfections and think of all the ways I fall short of someone...”
Hannah Harrington, Speechless
“We left behind this small town
But we couldn't leave behind the ghosts
As we headed for the coast, yeah, and you know
There was something in the way she told me
How my hair looked stupid, and
How she couldn't hold her tequila, and
How she was broken and beautiful and
Still standing, and how was I supposed to know
All along we were saving June
Saving June, yeah
She had flowers in her hair and one powerful glare
My modern day Rubik's Cube, she made me feel
Like maybe we could have it all
But you can never have it all
And now I've gone and lost
All these things that they always sang about
All the things that I still dream about
Now I'm counting up the days, counting all the ways
I never said what it means, but it's too late 'cause
June is over and so are we
And I'm the one left, with nothing to save”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“I love the way he says my name, like it’s something he wants to keep safe.”
Hannah Harrington, Speechless
“I don’t want to be so scared all the time. So alone. I want to believe something can be worth it. Worth the pain. Worth the risk.”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June
“Sketchy black van? Weird stalking of my house? What are you going to do next, offer me some candy?”
Hannah Harrington, Saving June

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Hannah Harrington
Speechless Speechless
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Saving June Saving June
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Speechless: senza parole (Italian Edition) Speechless
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