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Your search for images, matching 'Ogmore Castle' , returns 114 images:
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SS8876 : Ogmore Castle by Philip Halling Ogmore Castle by Philip Halling
geograph for square SS8876
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Rivers, Streams, Drainage] [Afon Ogwr] [subject:castle] [Castle] [type:Geograph] [river:Ogmore] [Ogmore Castle] [River] [Stepping Stones]
Ogmore Castle and stepping stones crossing Ogmore River.
SS8777 : Woodland by Ogmore Castle by eswales Woodland by Ogmore Castle by eswales
for square SS8777
Category: Woodland Tags: [top:Lowlands] [top:Woodland, Forest] [Ogmore Castle] [trees] [season:winter] [subject:woodland]
A view from Merthyr Mawr Warren of woodland both to the west and the east of Ogmore Castle. A part of a large area of mixed woodland lying between the Ogmore River and... (more)
SS8876 : Ogmore Castle with river in flood by Alan Hughes Ogmore Castle with river in flood by Alan Hughes
geograph for square SS8876
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Lowlands] [top:Rivers, Streams, Drainage] [subject:flood] [Ogmore Castle] [Ogmore River] [River in Flood]
Ogmore Castle with river in flood. View from driveway to Southerndown Golf Club.
SS8876 : Ogmore Castle by Philip Halling Ogmore Castle by Philip Halling
geograph for square SS8876
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [CADW site] [subject:castle] [Castle] [castle (ruin)] [type:Geograph] [castle:Ogmore]
Ogmore Castle dates from the early 12th century along with the nearby castles at Coity and Newcastle. Today the castle is in the care of CADW.
SS8876 : Ogmore Castle by Pebble Ogmore Castle by Pebble
geograph for square SS8876
Tags: [top:Derelict, Disused] [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [subject:castle] [type:Geograph]
Ogmore Castle/Castell Ogwr, a Norman castle that sits on the Ogmore River/Afon Ogwr.
SS8876 : A view of Ogmore Castle and countryside by Merthyr Mawr by eswales A view of Ogmore Castle and countryside by Merthyr Mawr by eswales
geograph for square SS8876
Category: Countryside Tags: [top:Lowlands] [top:Woodland, Forest] [subject:countryside] [area:Merthyr Mawr] [Ogmore Castle] [trees]
A view from the northern slopes of Ogmore Down. The village of Merthyr Mawr (OS grid square SS8877) lies a little over half a kilometre beyond the castle ruins. Much of... (more)
SS8876 : Ogmore Castle by Alan Hughes Ogmore Castle by Alan Hughes
geograph for square SS8876
Tags: [top:Coastal] [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Rivers, Streams, Drainage] [subject:castle] [type:Geograph]
The ruins of Ogmore Castle, mostly dating to the 12th and 13th centuries. It stands on the banks of the Ogmore River (Afon Ogwr) and is a Grade I listed building.
SS8876 : Ogmore Castle and the lower Ewenny Valley by eswales Ogmore Castle and the lower Ewenny Valley by eswales
for square SS8876
Category: Countryside Tags: [top:Lowlands] [top:Woodland, Forest] [subject:countryside] [Ogmore Castle] [trees]
A view from Merthyr Mawr Warren of the castle ruins and, beyond, countryside which lies close to the Ewenny River a little to the east of its confluence with the Ogmore.... (more)
SS8876 : Ogmore Castle by Philip Halling Ogmore Castle by Philip Halling
geograph for square SS8876
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [CADW site] [subject:castle] [Castle] [type:Geograph] [ruin]
Ogmore Castle dates from the early 12th century along with the nearby castles at Coity and Newcastle. Today the castle is in the care of CADW.
SS8876 : Ewenny River and Ogmore Castle by Stephen McKay Ewenny River and Ogmore Castle by Stephen McKay
geograph for square SS8876
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Rivers, Streams, Drainage] [Cadw Heritage Site] [subject:castle] [Castle] [type:Geograph] [Stepping Stones]
The 12th century ruins of Ogmore Castle overlook the river where stepping stones offer a way across for walkers.
SS8876 : Ogmore Castle by Stephen McKay Ogmore Castle by Stephen McKay
geograph for square SS8876
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [Cadw Heritage Site] [subject:castle] [castle ruins] [type:Geograph]
Ogmore Castle was built in the early 12th century by William de Londres, a Norman knight, and is one of several in this area dating from that period. It occupies a... (more)
SS8876 : Ogmore Castle by Alan Hughes Ogmore Castle by Alan Hughes
geograph for square SS8876
Tags: [top:Boundary, Barrier] [top:Defence, Military] [top:Paths] [top:Rivers, Streams, Drainage] [subject:castle] [type:Geograph]
To reach Ogmore Castle across the stepping stones you currently have to breach Covid lockdown regulations.
SS8876 : Ogmore Castle by Eirian Evans Ogmore Castle by Eirian Evans
geograph for square SS8876
Category: Castle walls
Ogmore Castle guards a major fording place into southern Wales, and sits on flat land rather than on top of a ridge. Built by the Normans in the 12th C.
SS8876 : Marquee and Tipi's near Ogmore Castle by Jeremy Bolwell Marquee and Tipi's near Ogmore Castle by Jeremy Bolwell
geograph for square SS8876
Tags: [top:Business, Retail, Services] [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Lowlands] [top:People, Events] [top:Village, Rural settlement]
Ogmore Castle ruins blend quite well into the landscape, which cannot be said for the white marquee and pair of tipi's / teepee's / wigwams that stand nearby.... (more)
SS8876 : Ogmore Castle by Eirian Evans Ogmore Castle by Eirian Evans
geograph for square SS8876
Category: Castle (ruined)
Ruins of a Norman castle, which defended the ford in the Ogmore Valley.

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