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Your search for images, within 10km of Rhayader, returns 5,003 images:
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[3 squares within 4km have no or only one photo - can you add more?]

SN9769 : Middle Nant-serth Wood by David Purchase Middle Nant-serth Wood by David Purchase
geograph for square SN9769 Dist:0.5km
Tags: [top:Woodland, Forest]
SN9769 : Minor road north of Rhayader by Trevor Littlewood Minor road north of Rhayader by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square SN9769 Dist:0.5km
Category: Minor road
The view is to the south towards Rhayader from near the junction of the road with the farm road for Upper Nantserth.
SN9869 : Farm track entrance from B4518 by John Firth Farm track entrance from B4518 by John Firth
geograph for square SN9869 Dist:0.6km
Tags: [top:Roads, Road transport]
SN9669 : Cefnfaes Hall Farmhouse by David Purchase Cefnfaes Hall Farmhouse by David Purchase
for square SN9669 Dist:0.6km
Tags: [top:Village, Rural settlement] [Farmhouse]
SN9769 : Field near Cefnfaes Hall by Nigel Brown Field near Cefnfaes Hall by Nigel Brown
geograph for square SN9769 Dist:0.7km
Category: Field Tags: [top:Farm, Fishery, Market Gardening] [subject:field]
Immediately north east of the drive to the hall. Looks like good grazing.
SN9869 : B4518 passing the quarry by John Firth B4518 passing the quarry by John Firth
geograph for square SN9869 Dist:0.8km
Tags: [top:Roads, Road transport]
SN9770 : Looking South from Llidiart Carnau farmhouse by Derek Voller Looking South from Llidiart Carnau farmhouse by Derek Voller
geograph for square SN9770 Dist:0.8km
Tags: [top:Grassland] [top:Lowlands] [top:Village, Rural settlement] [type:Geograph] [Welsh countryside]
Heavy mist down in the valley was in the process of being burnt off, heralding a fine morning.
SN9869 : Looking down into the Nant Serth valley by Nigel Brown Looking down into the Nant Serth valley by Nigel Brown
geograph for square SN9869 Dist:0.8km
Tags: [top:Uplands]
With the farm of Middle Nantserth visible on the left. Behind the farm rises the small hill of Cefnbychan. The wooded crags of Craig Gwalch form the horizon, descending... (more)
SN9668 : Lower Cefnfaes and Marston Pottery by phil rogers Lower Cefnfaes and Marston Pottery by phil rogers
geograph for square SN9668 Dist:0.8km
Category: Pottery
Just to the north east of Rhayader about 3/4 miles from the town centre.
SN9869 : B4518 north-east of Rhayader by Trevor Littlewood B4518 north-east of Rhayader by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square SN9869 Dist:0.8km
Category: B road (Classified B)
The B4518 north-east of Rhayader heading further north-east towards St. Harmon.
SN9768 : The B4518 entering Rhayader by Nigel Brown The B4518 entering Rhayader by Nigel Brown
geograph for square SN9768 Dist:0.8km
Tags: [top:Roads, Road transport]
A long, undulating, straight descends into the market town.
SN9770 : Long shadows at Llidiart Carnau  farmhouse, near Rhayader by Derek Voller Long shadows at Llidiart Carnau farmhouse, near Rhayader by Derek Voller
geograph for square SN9770 Dist:0.8km
Tags: [top:Farm, Fishery, Market Gardening] [top:Grassland] [top:Lowlands] [type:Geograph] [hill scenery] [scenery] [Welsh countryside]
SN9768 : B4518 entering Rhayader by John Firth B4518 entering Rhayader by John Firth
geograph for square SN9768 Dist:0.9km
Tags: [top:Roads, Road transport] [top:Suburb, Urban fringe]
SN9869 : Farmland at the head of the Nant Serth valley by Nigel Brown Farmland at the head of the Nant Serth valley by Nigel Brown
geograph for square SN9869 Dist:0.9km
Tags: [top:Farm, Fishery, Market Gardening]
SN9869 : Field and country views north of Rhayader by Andrew Hill Field and country views north of Rhayader by Andrew Hill
geograph for square SN9869 Dist:0.9km
Tags: [top:Uplands] [farmland] [hills] [near:rhayader] [valley]
The hills rise on the far side of the Wye valley.

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