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Grid reference TQ5804

near to Polegate, East Sussex, England


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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from TQ5804 [4] taken pre 2000 [3]
A sample of 12 photos from 115 for TQ5804 - View this square in the Browser >>>
TQ5804 : The Dinkum by N Chadwick The Dinkum
TQ5804 : Polegate Windmill, Polegate by G Laird Polegate Windmill, Polegate
Built in 1817, the red brick Polegate Windmill is the oldest working tower mill in the South East of England. Following restoration, Polegate Windmill was officially opened on 1st July 1967 by the Duke of Devonshire. It is a Grade II*... (more)
TQ5804 : Train leaving Polegate station by Malc McDonald Train leaving Polegate station
A train leaving Polegate station, heading west towards Brighton. The front of the train is on the level crossing. The crossing gates are down, with traffic queueing. To the left of the picture is a semaphore signal. This is an older... (more)
TQ5804 : Polgate Station view of Combe Hill on Horizon by James Emmans Polgate Station view of Combe Hill on Horizon
TQ5804 : Polegate Windmill by Julian P Guffogg Polegate Windmill
TQ5804 : Christmas light and lamp, Polegate by nick macneill Christmas light and lamp, Polegate
TQ5804 : Polegate Windmill by PAUL FARMER Polegate Windmill
Polegate Windmill has been called Mockett's Mill and Ovenden Mill after past owners and Willingdon Mill before being moved from Willingdon. It is a tower mill built in 1817.
TQ5804 : Old Polegate Station by Simon Carey Old Polegate Station
Now a pub of the same name. This was actually the second Polegate station built. The original was erected on the current site but was moved when the line to Hailsham was constructed in the 1860s. It remained here until that line was lost to... (more)
TQ5804 : The Dinkum Pub, High Street, Polegate by Kevin Gordon The Dinkum Pub, High Street, Polegate
This pub was unimaginatively named the "Polegate Inn" but was always known by locals as the Dinkum. In the First World War injured Australian troops were stationed at nearby Willingdon a mile away. Part of their recuperation... (more)
TQ5804 : Postbox and Telephone Kiosk, Brightling Road, Polegate by PAUL FARMER Postbox and Telephone Kiosk, Brightling Road, Polegate
TQ5804 : Polegate 2nd railway station  (site), Sussex by Nigel Thompson Polegate 2nd railway station (site), Sussex
Opened in 1881 by the London Brighton & South Coast Railway on the line from Lewes to Hastings, the station was a replacement for an earlier 1846 station, slightly further west. It was sited just beyond the end of the car park on the... (more)
TQ5804 : Polegate Windmill by Andrew Huggett Polegate Windmill
Polegate Windmill was built in 1817 and was originally known as �Willingdon Mill� until the boundaries were changed on 1 April 1939 and it became �Polegate Windmill�.

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